Cypress is based on a house plan of the same name from Tumbleweed that consists of a combined living and dining room, small kitchen and bathroom, and one loft bedroom on the second floor accessed by a ladder. There is no CC of any kind.
This house comes fully furnished with all necessities and a few decorative pieces. While the loft is pretty sparse there is room for light decorating, but it is recommended to download LilyOfTheValley’s Under The Stairs sets as well as Madaya’s Carvan Bedroom (both at TSR) to get maximum use of the small space with plenty of storage and the ability to use a bed against a wall. Doing so may allow you to lower the roof slightly if you feel it is too tall.
General Information
Fully furnished $15,607
Unfurnished $11,912
Lot size: 20×20 (may appear as 19×19)
Game update 1.63.
EPs: Up to Island Paradise.
SPs: Diesel Stuff, Master Suite, Outdoor Life, Town Life Stuff, and 70’s 80’s & 90’s Stuff.

File size: 1.46 MB