Simmers, we need your help!

Our very own Kayleigh recently received some devastating news. Her beloved cat, Little, has a cancerous tumor on her eye and is need of really expensive treatment. Little (also affectionately known as Buns) has been with Kayleigh for 12.5 years, and gotten her through some very tough times. Let’s help her return the favor <3
Kayleigh has set up a GoFundMe where you can donate and learn more about the situation. In these times things are tough and extra cash is hard to come by; you can still help by sharing Simbic’s post on tumblr :)
UYS has been around a long time, and although hosting costs aren’t what they used to be, you can contribute to our expenses if you feel so inclined. Or buy us a cup of coffee just because we’re rad!
Donate as little or as much (or even none, it’s cool!) as you’d like below.
Thank you for your consideration! Or even just for stumbling onto the wrong page. Hey, it happens!