Pullover style hoodie in three colors with lightweight shorts and Kayleigh/Trapping’s chucks. Has fat and preg morph, is categorized for both everyday and athletic, and has been compressorized. Teens are NOT slaved to adults.
Updated 04.14.13
Meshes have been renamed to be more easily identified. Please locate and delete the following files:
- MESH_uys-yuichen_affb_hoodieshortschucks.package
- MESH_uys-yuichen_tffb_hoodieshortschucks.package

[ Get teen mesh | Get adult mesh ]
File size: 6.35 MB
Credits & Thanks
– Original hoodie mesh and base textures by Aikea_Guinea.
– Shorts mesh by Gelydh.
– Shorts textures by Maxis.
– Shoe mesh and textures by Kayleigh and Trapping.
These are fantastic! ♥♥♥♥ Happy birthday UYS!
I am sure to find use for these. Very good idea.
Happy birthday, UYS, and thanks for the birthday gifts!
WOO HOO!! Happy Birthday UYS!! /
And these are awesome!!
I love it! Thanks :D