Aikea’s bootcut jeans with boots, Gelydh’s bootcuts with platform boots, tennis shoes and sexy feet with added preg morphs! There are no recolors included as there are already tons of great stuff out there. These are only mesh replacements!
Updated 04.14.13
The mesh file names were improved to be more easily identified by creator. Please locate and delete the following files:
- MESH_aikea_guinea-AFLustification_Conversion-pregmorph.package
- MESH_Gelydh_AF-Bottom_AikeaBootcutJeansWithSexyFeet_pregmorph.package
- MESH_Gelydh_AF-Bottom_JeansWithTennisShoes_pregmorph.package
- MESH_Gelydh_AF-Bottoms_BootcutPlatformBoots_pregmorph.package
If this is your first time downloading my mesh replacements you will need to remove Aikea and Gelydh’s original meshes:
- MESH_Gelydh_AF-Bottom_AikeaBootcutJeansWithSexyFeet_030309
- MESH_Gelydh_AF-Bottom_JeansWithTennisShoes_022609
- MESH_Gelydh_AF-Bottoms_BootcutPlatformBoots_081408
- MESH_aikea_guinea-AFLustification_Conversion-111806

File size: 350 KB
Credits & Thanks
– Aikea & Gelydh at Club Crimsyn for the original meshes & open TOS.
All the sweaters are here on UYS but the hoodie is unreleased.
love these! may i ask where the tops came from?
Ohhh…awesome! Thanks! And thanks for providing the file names! :)