Author Topic: Mississippi has Comic Con  (Read 69692 times)

Offline ranabluu

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Mississippi has Comic Con
« on: Jun 21, 2015, 10:26AM »
Guest what?  There is a comic con next weekend and guess who thinks she's going?  That's right this person writing the message.  I have no clue of the people going but I just want to walk around and look.

Cool huh?  We were just talking about this.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #1 on: Jun 21, 2015, 11:37AM »
Ohh, that's cool! Glad you found something! :D

I don't know most of the guests or artists, but I know the inclusion of the Impala from Supernatural US episodes would interest a friend of mine. Hell, would me as well, it's a beautiful car.

Have fun!!

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #2 on: Jun 21, 2015, 03:14PM »
I am so lost, lol.  I have only seen a few episodes of Supernatural even though I think I have the first 2 or 3 seasons lol.  I did see something that peeked my interest.

If you select vendors and scroll down to RUSSELL SMITH they have collectible toys.  I like Sesame Street's Grover.  He's hard to find.  I try to get him whenever I see him. 

Offline yuichen

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #3 on: Jun 21, 2015, 06:55PM »
Wow there's a lot of interesting stuff in there!

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #4 on: Jun 27, 2015, 05:44PM »
Soooooo I went.  My back started hurting after about an hour of walking around.  I left around 12ish.  I am going back tomorrow.  I bought a few things.  None of what I really went there for.  I wanted some Grover items and the lady didn't bring them :( oh well.  It was not what I thought but it was what I expected.  I didn't think that many people would be there a lot of people dressed up.  Maybe next year I will.  I doubt it, but we will see.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #5 on: Jun 27, 2015, 07:49PM »
Aww man, that sucks about the Grover stuff :( I can't imagine any convention having a small attendee number, and I don't doubt for a second there were a lot of people dressed up. Seems to be the fun thing with them, and I'll give them credit cause some people really pay attention to detail and go all out with it!

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #6 on: Jun 27, 2015, 07:53PM »
Yes.  I was really glad I prepaid and had head of the line privileges vices waiting in a long line.  Some of them looked really good. I am not into that sort of thing only for Halloween or costume parties.  If I do dress up next time maybe a silly character or as Garnet's_Gauntlets.PNG or Storm but I am going to have to do some serious working out.

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #7 on: Jun 27, 2015, 07:58PM »
Oh nice, that was quite helpful! :)

I'm not much for costumes myself, but I am pretty awkward in my own skin to begin with, so... lol. Some people are crazy creative though. It's really neat to see! If you do decide to do something next time, I want to see pics! :)

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #8 on: Jun 27, 2015, 08:01PM »
Of course I will share.  It a little strange going by myself but fun nevertheless.  I got some cool looking posters (not full size) I am going to frame them.  I always got an Olaf and tomorrow I plan on getting a Storm toy.  I like buying stuff that's my major problem.  There is a man there with some soap.  I really want to buy some but I have super sensitive skin which makes me leary of buying the soap it does smell great though.... ;D  Plus it's all natural.  I could buy it and give it away as presents.  We will have to see.  After tomorrow I will try to take pictures and plug them into this post.  Oh I got a Betty Boop waitress for my good friend for 5 bucks thinking I might resale it, lol not sure.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #9 on: Jun 27, 2015, 08:13PM »
Ooh, natural homemade soap is fabulous. They'd definitely make great gifts :) I hope you'll be able to find something that doesn't upset your skin.

I think I would feel weird going by myself too, but I think there's so much to see and do that you just kind of get passed it and start having fun anyway.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #10 on: Jun 27, 2015, 08:22PM »
Yes two different booths had handmade soaps.  The one where I am buying it from tomorrow is called "monkey farts" but the guy changed the name since it was a comic convention.  Another called  theirs "unicorn farts" but it had no scent.  Why even name it?  I was disappointed I couldn't smell the scent of unicorn farts (has recently started likely them, not sure why).

Offline yuichen

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #11 on: Jun 27, 2015, 08:31PM »
Lol, interesting names. But yes, booo for unscented unicorn farts! :(

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #12 on: Jun 28, 2015, 08:10PM »
I got monkey farts.......yeah...Picture heavy hope that's okay.

Two t-shirts/and some soap stuff

A series of comic books

4 posters

this is my favorite

Some strange toys

Pop Items

Do you see Howard the Duck?

Betty Boop and more strange little toys

This was 99 bucks but my BF said no

Offline yuichen

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #13 on: Jun 29, 2015, 12:20AM »
Wow, quite the haul! Is Betty Boop on the bigger side or are those little toys near her especially small? Actually they must be pretty tiny considering the size of her tag. Damn, that's insane, lol.

Looks like it was a pretty successful second day :P

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Mississippi has Comic Con
« Reply #14 on: Jun 29, 2015, 08:35AM »
This toys are super small, I think they are charms.  Betty is small. That's a two day collection.  Now I need to find some frames for a decent price.  I will probably go to Michaels.  What kind of craft stores are in your area?