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2013 Maintenance

Started by yuichen, May 29, 2013, 10:38PM


For those who may be worried the site will not be returning, rest assured that we're still working on things and hope to go live again shortly. This thread will serve as your go-to for news on the maintenance.

Currently, May 29th 2013, we are reshooting images for the mesh pages and finishing up migration of offsite downloads.

June 29th, 2013 - Kayleigh is redoing some fat morphs for consistency.

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Since someone asked on GOS and Yuichen had to reply that I was doing stuff, I figured I should reply myself saying what it is that I'm doing and why it's taking so damn long.

Basically I redid some old meshes to improve them and fix issues that we didn't necessarily know were issues before. After I did that, I realized that a lot of the way we did things over the years was really inconsistent and I figured while the site was down and we were redoing the entire post formats anyway, I might as well fix those inconsistencies.

The problem with doing that is there are so many, and obviously I've run into problems and setbacks over the course as well as just being pretty disinterested. I don't make much stuff anymore. I'm sure that's been obvious. And the reason is that I don't enjoy it like I used to. So it feels more like a job than anything currently and I've been pretty busy trying to get back into "life" things recently.

I have been working on the stuff. I almost finished and then found out that along the way I ticked some wrong boxes and it made everything I did useless because nothing would export correctly. It was all unusable. So I had to redo it again. Pretty discouraging, so it's going slower than ever, and I'm being extra careful not to make the same accidental mistakes as last time.

The site WILL be back up. We are NOT closing down forever. We ARE still around and active (although Yuichen just left for vacation yesterday and I'll be starting a new job next week). We have multiple ways to be contacted and, as it says on the maintenance page, you can let us know if you need anything.

Our files still exist and we can send them to you if you need them. If you have questions about anything, you can ask us. If you have problems, you can bring them up with us. We are not gone forever nor are we impossible to reach! We're also relatively friendly and we don't bite unless you steal our food. Okay? Okay. Good.


Last update I mentioned Yuichen had left for vacation.

Just after she returned from vacation she had to leave again due to a death in the family. At this point we're not sure when she'll be back home.

I'm still around but I'm pretty sick right now and I just started a new job so I'm not really used to my schedule yet. There's still no problem at all if you need to contact me for anything, I've had a few people do so already!

For the time being you may want to contact me instead of Yuichen because she doesn't have access to everything at the moment so she wouldn't be able to respond to anything until she's back home.

So that's where we're at right now.


Just letting you guys know that I'm back home so feel free to shoot me messages as well.


First off, many apologies for the continued maintenance! Things continue to progress. Mesh edits have come to a conclusion and the growing number of mesh pages are being updated as we speak nearly finished. As long as nothing else pops up we should be ready soon!

Thank you for your patience!


Haven't posted an update in awhile, sorry guys!

I realized our tooltips weren't very good (mostly mine) so I'm editing those to make them more easily identifiable with their actual filenames. Also during the process found a lot of untucked files that were townified...fixing those too because nobody wants to see townie buttcracks.

Things are going pretty well otherwise, though. As always, let us know if you need anything and we'll get it to you.

In other news, Yuichen has a new tumblr account for Sims-related things. You can find the URL on her other tumblr!


Following the 11th birthday event we were set a little bit behind with all the new content as well as regular every day to day issues that happen in our personal lives. We apologize for the continued delays. That said, see below an estimation of our progress in various areas.

Renaming/tooltips: 50%
Website pages: 80%
Creating/uploading fixed zips: 5% (these have been shared on both tumblr accounts as requested)
Mesh screencaps and new previews: 90%

Again, we are very sorry it is taking so long! Please remember that we're willing to share any files you may be looking for! Simply email us at either or, or send an ask/fanmail at Yuichen or Kayleigh's tumblrs. All we ask if that you check the appropriate tags to see if they have already been shared.

Lastly, a reminder that we have made a small change to our TOU. If you would like to age or gender convert a mesh please send us a message first to be sure it isn't already in the works or finished. It'll save everyone wasted time! :)


We have reorganized our download menu by game and are making way for Sims4, as well as adding a creator resources area with meshes and PSDs.

A nice chunk of our files have been renamed as well as their respective pages edited. We're getting there! :)


All mesh pages have been updated with new images and links. Tooltip and filename edits continue.


At this point female tops are finished, as are all accessories, makeup, objects, Sims3 downloads, female outerwear, all but 3 sims, lots, and all male clothing except bottoms. When I say finished I mean renamed/retooltipped and download pages edited.

I think the bottoms will take the longest as a lot of them have 80+ files (which Kayleigh has made a huge dent in!), but we are making great progress lately and hope to have everything up and running within the next few months, including new content.

All that remains of existing content are bottoms and genetic items!


All eyes and skin are finished, and all but 2 hair recolors. The streaked recolors have been renamed to be easily identified (Under The Lights vs Peggy4022), and one has been dropped entirely because it's horrible. I'd guess about half the bottoms are left.

So with that little bit and finishing up new projects for the relaunch, we should be live fairly soon! :D


Old Content
This past week we changed the way we are sharing (TS2) sims. We're abandoning sims2packs and are instead sharing the .package format with all included custom content.

Failure by Design and slaved version needs to be renamed/tooltipped, as does the slaved version of A Lotta Nerve. If the names do not sound familiar they are Kayleigh's bootcut jeans with chucks for different gender/ages.

Lastly, the invisible changing table needs to be edited.

New Content
A bunch of new downloads have been dumped on the site but at least half still need their preview images.

  • Finished

    • TS4 floors (Natural Wooden Planks, Parquet Flooring)
    • TS4 Fishnets accessories
    • TS4 Vintage Dictionary Art Prints
    • TS4 Hestia house
    • TS4 Marisol Zamora sim
    • TS2 Kayleigh's glasses
    • TS2 Parquet Flooring
    • TS2 The Warmth (tied tees)
    • TS2 Arsonist Choir (running shorts)
    • TS2 Alpha Skirts
    • TS4 Halter swimwear
  • Images Required

    • TS2 Sloane's old streaked hairs
    • TS2 Buggybooz shelving recolors to match h&m shop set


All that's left is to finish the last set of bootcuts and chucks bottoms.