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Non-Sims Gaming

Started by yuichen, Jul 10, 2010, 09:46PM


ahhh that's good to know! 20 wonder I always failed. :P

lol. I'm actually pretty good at getting the helicopters :P I just keep dying by stray bullets that seem to get me through walls? >.>


Lol yeah... fun times right there =P


omg I hate snipers >.<;;


Does anyone play Fallout:New Vegas? How do you like it?


I haven't yet but it's on my list to rent (on console, of course).


If anyone likes the Lego games for console, I just found out today that they are coming out with a Pirates of the Caribbean one. Can't wait to see Jack Sparrow as a lego guy XD


I think I'd like to see him explode into pieces when he dies :P


only if I can put him back together again


I'd have to ditto with Yui on that one.

OMG they're remaking/updating Ico and Shadow of the Colloseus for PS3!!!!!!!! They were silent PS2 games that had/have a cult following. I want them to remake Okami in the same manner for PS3 w/ the Move controls. I would die. They're making a sequel to Okami but only for the dumb DS. Saddens me, especially since they ported Okami to the Wii and it got horrible reviews b/c the motion pieces sucked.

2 Worlds 2 was on my list and is a great game.

I will be buying Elder Scrolls 5 (OMG FINALLY), Uncharted 3, Infamous 2, Dragon Age 2, The Last Guardian, Sorcery...

It's a bad year for my wallet. >.>


Imaging the beating your wallet would take if you didn't get discounts ;)

Hmm. What am I looking forward to? Tomb Raider trilogy in March because I miss Legends and Anniv. (and I'm a dork). There's also Uncharted 3 in November and the next Batman in December. I feel like there's something else but I may be confusing books ohai bearded god


Definetely Tomb Raider Trilogy. I have pre-ordered Uncharted 3 but I'd also like to get Dragon Age 2, Sorcery, Arkham and the next two in the Lego series: PotC and Star Wars Clone Wars. Yes I'm a lego geek. :P


Ya'll gotta try Ico/SotC. Definitly a sleeper hit. Went Greatest Hits too (at least SotC., not sure about Ico.)


I played SotC on my PS2 but didn't get very far into it as I got frustrated with fighting the giants :P


It took me a while, but I beat them all. Twice. Or was it 3 times? I don't recall. I played it a lot.

I wish I knew the release date of the new Jurassic Park game. I want it. They're going back to the original movie's theme of humanity and character devlopment instead of "build a zoo with dinosaurs" or "survive the island by killing dinosaurs."


Sounds interesting. Though honestly, surviving the island by killing dinos might be kinda fun too. Then again, I didn't play Dion Crisis long on ps1.