Author Topic: Moving Soon  (Read 22320 times)

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #15 on: Apr 30, 2015, 11:17PM »
I'm sure :/ How is your kitty managing?

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2015, 09:36AM »
My cat has turned into a scarier cat than normal but I think he's getting adjusted to being here.  I know it's taking me some time to get adjusted.  I just barely made a month here and I was away for business last week.  I can't wait to get my desktop so I can get back to playing on my regular computer.  Thanks for asking.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2015, 11:57PM »
I'm sure it was pretty stressful for him :/ When I moved to Canada I took my 2 cats with me and only one of them did well. Ended up having to take the female back to my parents.

I hope you'll feel at home soon!

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moved and adjusting to live in Mississippi
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2015, 05:31PM »
Thank you.  I think he would lose his little kitty mind if I left him with my family.  When I came/come home he fusses I think he doesn't like that I leave him all day by himself.  I need to get him a smaller jungle gym.  I refuse to pay 200 bucks for another one.  He already has one in Texas.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #19 on: May 19, 2015, 06:53PM »
Aww, maybe :( I wonder if he would feel like someone was there if the radio was left on low while you're out. My mother-in-law does that for her dogs.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #20 on: May 23, 2015, 12:28PM »
I tried that before you know leaving the radio on but I think he just likes being under me.  I have had to push him off a little because he is like ketchup on fries if you know what I mean. He enjoys destroying stuff when I am away.  I really think he sleeps most of the day.  He's a spoiled rotten little thing.  How are you doing?

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2015, 07:46PM »
Lol, sounds about right. Though I think even if we don't actively spoil them they still kind of act like it anyway.

I'm good. Had a stressful couple of weeks 'cause I built a website for a local business after not hard coding anything for years. Had to reteach myself a lot of things, but thankfully it's over and I can relax. Feel like I didn't really spend enough time with the dogs; their exercise, at least in terms of walks, kind of suffered. Made sure to take them on a nice long one this afternoon and it was beautiful out. Only wish I didn't come home with awful blisters.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #22 on: Jun 06, 2015, 07:38AM »
Sorry to hear that you got blisters.  I hope they have healed now.  I think Nicholas has started to settle but he still acts scary but that's him.  I need to get my things from Texas eventually.  Hopefully I can get them next month.  I really want my laptop and desk, clothes, and some furniture. I hope your pooches are good and exercised.  Glad you got back to coding. 
« Last Edit: Jun 07, 2015, 09:50AM by ranabluu »

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #23 on: Jun 06, 2015, 09:45AM »
They have but I pulled something in my ankle the beginning of this week that made wearing shoes rather uncomfortable. Seems to be alright today, thankfully.

I'm glad your kitty is settling in better, and I hope you get your stuff back soon! I'd go crazy without all that!

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #24 on: Jun 07, 2015, 09:52AM »
I have to go get it but I haven't had a chance to go home due to work adjustments.  Nicholas has torn up the carpeting in my bedroom.  He never did that at home.  I have been trying to find him a jungle gym but I haven't been able to find one that's not too big nor expensive.  He has one at home that cost 200 bucks.  I am hoping to find one for under 50 bucks since I don't plan on living in this place but one year. It really sucks.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #25 on: Jun 07, 2015, 11:33AM »
Have you checked craigslist-type places? Or even a buy/sell group in your area on facebook? Might be able to find something reasonable on there.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #26 on: Jun 07, 2015, 09:30PM »
I didn't even think of those.  I will check that tomorrow.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #27 on: Jun 07, 2015, 11:03PM »
We really lucked out with those sites to find big metal cages for our dogs to take on vacation with us the year before last. They're not cheap things, and we needed them as we were renting a house on the beach and might not be able to take them with us everywhere. We're heading back there in about two months actually.

I've seen people ask ridiculous amounts for old screens and computers, but for the most part things are pretty reasonable. Hope you find something :)

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moved and Trying to settle in
« Reply #28 on: Jun 08, 2015, 05:59PM »

I haven't been to a beach in a long time. I found a big cage for him at a flea market before I left Texas I will check into the jungle gym this weekend.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #29 on: Jun 08, 2015, 09:26PM »
It was a private one at that ;) The couple have 2 houses they rent out (I think they said last time they were going to open a bed and breakfast as well) way out in the country. You walk through this little wooded area to get down to the beach and the entire week we were there we only saw maybe 3 people and they were way down at the other people's properties. I love that place so much, it's really quiet and relaxing.

Flea markets are pretty handy too! Sadly we don't have much around here. Maybe that's why the facebook thing is such a hit in these parts.