Author Topic: Moving Soon  (Read 22319 times)

Offline ranabluu

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Moving Soon
« on: Apr 03, 2015, 08:38AM »
Hi everyone!  I will be moving next week!  I am in the military so it's really routine for me but this will be my last move than I move back here to Texas.  I usually do a lot of planning but this time I haven't did a thing.  I am moving myself as opposed to the military packing me up so yup no boxes purchased, no living arrangements made for my little kitty or myself.  I haven't reach panic level but....I know everything will work out great!

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #1 on: Apr 03, 2015, 10:51AM »
Is there a reason you decided to do it differently this time or were you just really busy? I'd be freaking out for sure, but I tend to anyway, lol. I'm sure everything will fall into place though. Hope you like it where you're going :)

Ugh, moving stresses me out. I haven't moved since late 2005 but my husband and I end up moving everyone else. Last summer we moved his dad and he is basically an organized hoarder. This summer we're moving his mom *cries*

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #2 on: Apr 04, 2015, 11:10AM »
I am a hoarder, organized not so much.

I am doing it differently because I bought a house in 2012 and I didn't want to go through the hassle of selling the house having the movers come and move all of this stuff.  I plan to retire in 2015 so I wanted to keep my house "my house" my long time friend was supposed to come and stay here, he is now my boyfriend whom I want to strangle because he has caused all of the things I planned to be screwed up.  I now have to find a place that takes cats and I have to travel with my cat plus I have to find a hotel that is pet friendly.  He has screwed up the plans and if I knew this was going to happen he would still just be my friend and I would have sold the house and did other things.  Men....  I do get stressed about moves that's why I was like this time I will not stress I will go with the plan but he didn't do that.  He drives as his occupation which means he's hardly ever home.  It's a disaster but because he only wants to see things his way thinks everything will be okay.  He will soon see that he need to find a local job.  Men..... :(

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #3 on: Apr 04, 2015, 11:54AM »
Oh dear, he really did complicate things. That sucks! :( I hope things get sorted out so you can relax a little before you have to go, and not have to commit murder, lol. How goes the search for a kitty friendly hotel? The husband and I struggled to find a place that would allow our dogs on a vacation summer before last. Granted it wasn't a hotel but I can understand why places might not want dogs, but cats? They're not too bad unless they're prone to scratching things and accidents.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #4 on: Apr 05, 2015, 09:44AM »
I wrote a foster place in Jackson to see if they could help.  Nicholas cries a lot when we are in the car, I don't look forward to listening to that for ten hours. Someone places failed to contact me I suppose it's because of Easter I will attempt it again tomorrow.  I think the problem is a lot of places worry about their furniture and things being sprayed or torn up.  Nicholas is a scratcher for attention mostly, He has scratching posts and scratch boards but he will scratch the chair and look at me like what I didn't do anything.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #5 on: Apr 05, 2015, 11:15AM »
Suppose I can't blame them for that. I wonder how much those little clip thingies are that slip over claws, and if they're easy to find. I'm not sure if they're sold in stores or mostly online. but if your cat wouldn't mind wearing them and they're not stupidly expensive, it might make things a little easier.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #6 on: Apr 07, 2015, 11:32AM »
I usually just clip the little psycho's nails once a month.  I don't mind that he has claws because that's his only defense.  I saw a documentary on Netflix about declawing animals and I would most likely never do it.  I don't care how much he claws stuff because if he escapes his indoor housing he will need to fight (lol or run).  I have to find a place that takes pets.  Everything will work out, it's just a pain in the behind doing all of this.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #7 on: Apr 07, 2015, 11:45AM »
I'm sure it is :/

My cats aren't declawed either. One of them has an excessive amount of claws so we figured it would be too expensive, and if he's not we didn't see the point of doing the other. The one with the normal feet is the one who scratches things, but it's just a door frame, thankfully. It was already a little screwed up because of the dogs jumping on it anyway.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #8 on: Apr 08, 2015, 09:20AM »
That's my little guy. He's really a good kitty considering that he's psycho.  When it's time for bed or if it's past an appropriate bedtime he starts to meow, "like come on, I need more sleep".  He's very fussy about sleep.

I called a few places and none of them have two bedrooms so I need to downsize to one which was my original plan.  I was going to try for an efficiency until I had to take him with me.  I know everything will work itself out I just hate when people screw up the plan because they can't communicate probably.  That's one reason I am like 95% sure I will not get married.  Oh when I was younger I wanted a house, 3 boys, 2 dogs, and a husband.  I got the house and a cat.  Meh I'm okay.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #9 on: Apr 08, 2015, 08:41PM »
I wish my cat only cried when he wanted to go to bed, lol. Only time he's quiet is when he sleeps. And if we go to bed without him he wails outside the door until we let him in. He's gotten clingy in his old age.

Hopefully nothing else comes up and throws a wrench in any other plans! Don't blame you for being annoyed though! My husband is incapable of planning anything and he always seems to forgot when I make some and tell him, 'cause the next thing I know he's got to do something and I'm standing here like, wow, really? >.> He's got to do everything at the last minute and it bugs the crap out of me. He gets it from his mom unfortunately; she's one of those I want it done yesterday types... which makes everything oh so fun!

You know, I wanted to get married and have a couple kids, and a big golden retriever out in the yard. Then I got married and realized it didn't really seem necessary, and I no longer want kids. I had the retriever though. He died a year after our first anniversary and we filled the void with chaos known as huskies. Guess you could say they're our babies?

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #10 on: Apr 09, 2015, 08:40PM »
Yes.  I totally understand the last minute stuff.  My bf is a girl he takes longer to get ready.  I always end up leaving the house and waiting on him in the car.  I have changed in my old age, I would get unready and be like I am not going.  So he's lucky.  I think I could do with everything except the husband.  I just think men have issues when it comes to the "little" things. 

I am going to take each day and beat the crap out of it instead of it beating me like it has been in the past couple of days.  Thanks for your happy thoughts and well wishes.

I never had huskies but we did have really hairy dogs chows.  Very cute.  I really want a dog but I am going to have to wait until I retire.  Life is great but sometimes we have small road bumps just in case you get to comfortable with your current situation.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #11 on: Apr 09, 2015, 09:38PM »
Isn't that the truth? :/ On all counts, really. But good, knock 'em dead! You've got this! ;)

My husband is pretty good about getting ready. He can get up a half hour before he needs to leave and he's good. Me? I need at least an hour and a half. Not because I have to pile on makeup and fuss with my hair, but because I need to wake up and have time for my stomach to relax. I'm naturally an anxious person and I stress about things when there's really no reason to. Going to work? Oh, gotta make sure there's ample bathroom time! It's ridiculous. I tend to make us a tiny bit late because my body decides moments before we're to leave that it needs to evacuate. So annoying! >.< It's gotten better more recently as I've been trying to calm the hell down in general, lol.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #12 on: Apr 12, 2015, 11:13PM »
That is really good to know that you are calming down.  I have anxiety "issues" but I try really hard to always tell myself it's going to be okay.  I really believe that I can blow things up and after it's done I am like was it that serious, lol.  Even though I have anxious issues I tend to be very laid back but can blow up at times too quick.  If you don't hear from me for a while it's because I can't get internet connection under the bridge.....:)

Offline yuichen

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #13 on: Apr 12, 2015, 11:31PM »
I hear you there! I definitely have a problem with overthinking so anticipation really gets me. Once I'm where I need to be I feel better and realize how stupid I was. I get kind of pissy though. I feel bad for my husband.

Lol, suddenly I have an image of a troll under a bridge...

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Moving Soon
« Reply #14 on: Apr 30, 2015, 07:30PM »

I am still adjusting to this new place.  It's a struggle.