I wish my cat only cried when he wanted to go to bed, lol. Only time he's quiet is when he sleeps. And if we go to bed without him he wails outside the door until we let him in. He's gotten clingy in his old age.
Hopefully nothing else comes up and throws a wrench in any other plans! Don't blame you for being annoyed though! My husband is incapable of planning anything and he always seems to forgot when I make some and tell him, 'cause the next thing I know he's got to do something and I'm standing here like, wow, really? >.> He's got to do everything at the last minute and it bugs the crap out of me. He gets it from his mom unfortunately; she's one of those I want it done yesterday types... which makes everything oh so fun!
You know, I wanted to get married and have a couple kids, and a big golden retriever out in the yard. Then I got married and realized it didn't really seem necessary, and I no longer want kids. I had the retriever though. He died a year after our first anniversary and we filled the void with chaos known as huskies. Guess you could say they're our babies?