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Started by Avelina, Jan 26, 2011, 04:02PM


No offense to any teachers out there...but sometimes teachers make me want to strangle them.

I work as a para-educator at a high school and the teachers pretty much consider us the low man on the totem pole. To be honest I think that us lowly para-educators do much more hard work then many of the teachers combined. of my students was asking me a question in English class. (I was sitting behind him and he turned around to talk to me) The English teachers yells at him and asks him what he is doing turned around. He plainly told her that he was asking his "teacher" a question. and you know what she said out loud to everyone in the classroom? She says that I'm not a teacher and that he doesn't need help with the work.

EXCUSE ME? I AM a teacher in many rights AND he does need help, why else would I be in the class with him? just quirked my jaw today.


I'm sorry she made such a big deal out of it :/ I hope she was just having a bad day and will apologize, though somehow I don't think she would say it in front of the entire class if she did :/


Yea. I e-mailed my boss and we are meeting tomorrow. If you could think of me then as I really don't know how to word this without getting myself or others in trouble :/


Very, very late reply, I know.
I hope something good came out of this mess.


Did you ever see the principal yet??


thanks Sizza :)
I didn't have to see the principal. Because my boss didn't do squat about it, I took it into my own hands and confronted the teacher. I felt so much better of handling it myself and the teacher was happy that I did. I guess it was one of those moments where she didn't know what she said but just said it in agitation. She gave me a big huge and apologized.


Wow, nice job boss >.> Glad it was sorted, by you, in the end.


yea. sometimes you just have to take it into your own hands :/