I think this one is pretty self explanatory. One person offers a choice between two things and the next chooses. They then ask their own, not necessarily having anything to do with the previous.
Automatic or manual transmission?
Fruit or vegetable?
Dog or cat?
Purple or green?
Winter or summer?
Male or female?
Cheese or Pluto?
Vampire or Werewolf
Agh hard choice. Uh... hybrid? lolol >_>
Morning or night?
Night, definitely.
American Food or Chinese Food
Chinese I guess.
Rain or snow?
Pepsi or Coke
Pepsi. Even if I can't drink soda anymore.
Umm... DVD or Bluray?
DVD, never watched Bluray (I have my doubts that it's as amazing as it is supposed to be)
Using a public toilet or a public shower?
ick neither? If I had to choose prolly the shower.
Ice Cream or Sherbet
Quote from: CranberrySizza on Jul 31, 2010, 12:29AM
DVD, never watched Bluray (I have my doubts that it's as amazing as it is supposed to be)
It seems a bit clearer to me but at the time we were also newly watching an HDtv.
Ice cream.
Laptop or desktop computer?
Weekday or Weekend
Beach house or mountian cabin?
Beach house
Hugh Grant or Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman.
Real book or e-reader?
Real book.
Tea or coffee?
Spring or Fall
Kolache or donut?
Kolache even though I have yet to have one!
Summer or Winter
Wisconsin or Vermont?
Pure Maple Syrup or Fake Syrup
Fake syrup :D
Fried chicken or grilled chicken?
Grilled chicken.
Console gaming or PC gaming?
Pc gaming.
Orange or apple juice?
Red or blue?
Purple or Pink
Purple. I'm quite over pink.
Soda or iced tea?
Hmm, this one is hard...
Sims 2 or Sims 3 ?
Swimming in a lake or ocean?
Lake swim!
Golden retriever or German shepherd?
Retriever <3
Day or night?
Dill or Rosemary?
Cadoc, between swimming in a lake and swimming in the ocean, you chose console gaming? LOL :D
Real flowers or plastic flowers?
Lol she must've been a page behind :P
Real flowers.
Call or text?
I know not of what you speak. ::)
Blackjack or Liar's Dice?
Liar's Dice I guess.
Sunlight or Moonlight?
Plane or Car
I'm going to say car because I've never been in a plane.
Beach vacation or Mountain retreat?
Mountain retreat, plzkthx.
CDs or Vinyl?
Cd. I no haz vinyl.
Salty our sour candy?
Sour! I love sour things.
Almonds or Walnuts?
Hmmm... RPG. :]
Sneakers or flip flops?
How about sneakers or boots? :P
Sneakers, I have no comfy boots.
Bees or birds?
Death. ;~;
Smoothie or ice cream?
Ice cream. Especially if it's black cherry <3
Comedies or Dramas
Rocky Horror Picture Show or Little Shop of Horrors? >>
Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Original horror movies or their remakes?
Original Horror Movies
80's movies or 80's music?
80's movies.
Tall or short?
Short :P
Bike or walk?
Intelligent or beautiful?
Aww can't it both? :P I guess intelligent. It's nice to be pretty but who wants a moron?? I don't know, lol.
train or car?
Car, and I have to be driving. Otherwise: Anxiety issues.
Ummm....elephant or cantaloupe?
I hate cantaloupe >.>
upload or download? Lol... I don't know.
You do? I love it. o: But I like watermelon more.
Download. Because you get things when you download. xD
Morning or evening?
Evening. I'm useless in the morning. (I'm not that big on watermelon either, but I like honey dew melon.)
Buy CDs or MP3s?
MP3s... do people still use CDs?
Sims 2 or Sims 3?
I only use CDs when I'm gonna be cleaning the house a while, and then it's just one double album. Led Zeppelin <3
Sims2. I like Sims3 a lot more since LN came out, but there's still things about it that bug me. And I don't think I could give up my Sims2 sims :P
Flavored water or juice?
I just bought LN today so, I'm going to see if I like it any better. I'm crossing my fingers because I want to get into it, I just can't. I'm not sure if it's my graphics card or what but the textures just look so bad! I agree about not giving up my TS2 sims... I love them and I love the creators who keep my game fun! :)
Juice for sure!
Red or blue?
Aww well I hope it helps you like it more :)
Red! <3
bronze or copper?
fingers or toes?
iris or orchid?
Orcids, because my grandma and mom always plant them.
Candy or chips?
candy, i'm not that big on chips.
iced tea or lemonade?
Iced tea. Yummy.
Crabs or lobsters?
They're both creepy as hell. But if we're talking to eat, I guess crab because I've never tried lobster.
Tattoos or piercings?
Skull or bones?
skulls are pretty interesting.
read the book or watch the movie?
Read the book. xD
Legos or Lincoln Logs?
Legos! <3
blue or green?
Gandalf or Dumbledore?
silver or gold?
Gecko or Geico?
rofl. gecko.
tall or short?
Do I have to? :P FIFA I guess. I'm sick to death of seeing hockey.
Birds or reptiles?
Cherrywood floors or oakwood floors?
Automatic or manual?
Automatic...b/c I'm lazy
Ottoman (footrest) or Ottomans (the Turks)
The footrest, because i'm lazy :P
ink jet or laser?
Shaken or Stirred?
stirred i guess.
Family Guy or Simpsons?
Family Guy!!!
This or That Special Round x3 Bonus!!!! xD
Chili or Chile or Chilly?
Chilly. 'Cause it certainly is right now, Canaderp >.>
Sweet or spicy?
Turkey (the poultry) or Turkey (the country)?
The poultry because I am waiting for my noms to arrive. Sooo hungry! :(
Nintendo or Sony? :P
American Dad or Family Guy?
Family guy.
Bacon or Baking?
Book or E-reader?
I myself am an avid fan of novels, but I've never even tried to read an entire novel via technology. Short stories and poetry most surely, but not a novel. Somehow I don't think I'd be able to mange, so give me tangible books, por favor.
... Romanticism or transcendentalism?
hotdog or hamburger
Quote from: Gleetus the Great on Feb 24, 2011, 09:56PM
I myself am an avid fan of novels, but I've never even tried to read an entire novel via technology. Short stories and poetry most surely, but not a novel. Somehow I don't think I'd be able to mange, so give me tangible books, por favor.
I tried reading a book on my tablet. Wasn't really a fan. But I also kind of like to hoard books too, so...
Quote from: MsSimmer on Jul 07, 2015, 05:16AM
hotdog or hamburger
Hamburger I suppose.
White wine or red?
sorry I did not see I was out of turn
Winter or Summer
It's ok, no harm done :)
Summer for sure!
kilometers or miles?
Well I am used to miles
R&B or Rock
Rock <3
iphone or android?
Android user....
plush or terry cloth
terry cloth I suppose.
candles or incense?
that's a tough one cause well nevermind...
PSP or DS?
psp cause i have the newer one, the vita.
drama or horror?
um drama
I have the old psp but I have the old ds and 3ds.
strawberries or oranges
birds or fish?
fish to eat lol and watch not at the same time though lol.
Roller skates or roller blades
Roller blades. I wonder if i still have mine, though the roads and sidewalks are so shitty here i wouldn't bother with them.
skinnies or bootcut?
I have both but fell and hurt myself on the blades....
laptop or tablet
Ouch :s
fly or drive?
Drive as long as it's not too long of a distance. I hate flying, but I will if I have too. :(
cable or satellite.
I have yet to fly. I think I could probably handle it alright if I went with someone who had already done so. I'm not as nervous about the idea of a crash or being so high as I am of missing a connecting flight, or just not realizing how something works.
swiss or cheddar?
Flying is great for time I just hate the entire thing. I do believe everyone should experience it once.
landlines or pay phones
blue or gray?
aww man can't pick both
Blue....whisper hi to gray I still love you, lol
sneakers or snickers lol
Sneakers I suppose cause I'm trying not to enjoy the sweets so much :P
swimming or sunning?
Sweat tea or freshly made lemonade
sweet tea.
waffles or pancakes?
snow or heavy rain
Snow I guess.
lotion or body butter?
Lotion.... ???
flip-flops or sandals?
Guess it depends on the type of flip-flops. My feet can't handle the thong type :(
green or yellow?
Green :)
fleece or flannel?
ankle or calf boots?
Ankle boots...I have kinda big calves lol
Britney Spears or Adele?
Me too :( Plus I'm short so they tend to sit a little bit higher up too.
Adele. Though I do have a bunch of old Britney stuff. And the boy bands. Ugh, I even remember lyrics. Don't judge :P
Umm... JRR Tolkien or George RR Martin?
JRR Tolkien has never watched GOT or any of his work.
sidenote does not own any Britney stuff but boy band stuff yes
cotton candy or popcorn
I'm so want both right now lol.
Oh, hmm... cotton candy I suppose as I haven't any in a long time.
almonds or peanuts?
peaches or plums?
I've never had plums so peaches.
powder or liquid (makeup)?
I don't wear makeup....:(
Powder seems like a solid answer.
eye liner or lip liner?
Pancakes or Waffles
amazon or best buy?
Well that's a tough one.
Best Buy for electronics ???
Bose or Beats by Dre
Hmm. The speakers I got with my dad's stereo are Bose, and the only experience I have with Beats is that my phone has it built in. But... Bose I guess?
Hardcover or paperback?
Paperback. You can abuse them and not feel as guilty lol.
books a million or your local discounted book store (in Texas it's Half Price Books)
Cheaper too :P I wish we had english bookstores here. I don't know what books a million is, but... discounts are always nice so let's go with that, lol.
sheer or opaque tights?
Public transportation or walking
inkjet or laser?
Reality show or Movie
read the book or see the movie?
Read the book
since we are on books and movies
favorite elf
Dobby or Thranduil
Thranduil because i've never read/watched Harry Potter. At this point I'm like the only one, lol.
studs or hoops?
Jaw dropped to the floor. You have never done what?
mustard or ketchup?
Well, not enough to know anything really. I remember seeing a short piece of one of the earlier movies... maybe even the first. A chubby kid was being bullied outdoors (perhaps by the swings?) and some crazy shit went down. That's all I remember of it. I've been meaning to read the books but I haven't gotten to it yet.
dvd or bluray? (Hopefully I haven't asked that already)
I really wish you would read the books don't do the movies I was disappointed after the second or third movie and stopped watching. She the author also upset me with some of the characters she decided to get rid of....:(
DVD I suppose I don't own any blurays
scrapbooking or jewelry making
Fair enough, I feel the same about some other series.
Jewelry making. I haven't scrapbooked in ages.
Live music or recorded?
This might sound strange but recorded. I don't like the live remixes but I love concerts.
brick and mortar or online shopping?
Guess it depends on my mood, lol. Lets go with brick and mortar for now.
Lemonade or iced tea?
Iced tea but not too sweet
kittens or adult cats (lol sneaky I know)
Ohhh... hmm. That is hard! How about young adult? Lol.
Preorder or wait? That goes for anything... music, books, movies, games.
Wait although I preordered Harry Potter and a sims 2 game I should have waited cause I had to wait anyone and ended up going the day it came out to purchase....sigh
manicure or pedicure?
Funny you say that, I've kind of done the same the last couple preorders. I didn't think I'd be able to get to the store so I preordered it, just for it to come later anyway.
I don't bother with either to be honest, but I'll go with mani just because my feet are super ticklish and I can't imagine dealing well with people touching them.
board games or card games?
I really like both. I am going to go with card games though, I like skipbo a lot I have it on my ipad.
pork bacon or turkey bacon?
I have a set of skipbo cards around here somewhere. I can't remember how to play it, lol.
I've never had turkey bacon but i'd really like to try it. So, pork.
Documentaries or foreign films?
Documentaries netflix feeds my addiction
capsule pills or gummies
capsule. the only gummies i've had were vitamins.
sweet or sour?
spray or mist?
In what context?
um water to refresh you
oh ok, gotcha. Mist.
umm... bungee jumping or sky diving?
neither is that an option if not sky diving I suppose
burlap or canvas for crafting?
lol, neither would work fine i suppose.
hmm, maybe burlap.
multi-subject notebooks or binders w/ loose leaf?
binders with looseleaf
sour candy or jaw breakers?
Sour candy I think. I remember when I was in 6th grade there was a big deal about jaw breakers for a while.
Zombies or vampires?
If I had to choose it would be Vampires is not a fan of supernaturals (not in my game at least and zombies I dislike because of the walking dead).
Ann Rice or Bram Stoker?
Awww, I love The Walking Dead!
Anne Rice I suppose because I have a bunch of her books... though the last ones I read weren't as good :(
Leather or fabric furniture?
That's a hard one. I would say leather although I own no leather furniture besides desk chairs.
PC or MAC?
I have to have leather with all the dog hair :(
PC because I've never owned a mac. I wouldn't mind messing around with one though.
chalkboard or dry erase?
Dry erase it's less mess.
Solo cup or styrofoam cup?
beach glass or sea shells?
Beach Glass
creating for the sims or downloading stuff for the sims?
Lol, downloading!
Um... September or April?
April it's my birthday month
zipper hoodie or pullover hoodie
Big or small dogs?
I would have to say small. I like medium though....
Windows Explorer or Bing search engines?
I don't use either. I prefer google.
blow dry or air dry?
I use google as well lol.
Air dry
Super Grover 2.0 or Regular Grover
I had to look that up cause I had no idea what you were talking about, lol. But super grover because yay super heroes.
pumpkin or carrot?
Hey Hey Hey
No Yuichen, you are not the only one who never did Harry Potter, I not a watcher of the movie or a reader of the books :)
both lol it depends on what I am eating
Day or Night
Lol good, glad I'm not alone then. I intend to at some point but just haven't gotten to it.
candles or incense?
Omgrohl. Incense.
AC or windows open?
(Assume it's a decent evening...)
windows open <3
Ummm.... perfume or body spray?
Eh, body spray.
Aquarium or terrarium?
(Assume critters live in them and you get to do clean up. :p )
Aquarium I suppose.
action figures or comic books?
Ooo. Comic books.
hmm... how about comics as tv shows or movies?
Oh that's evil.
Comics as movies, I suppose. By the narrowest of margins. (Making me choose between my Thor and Batman and Iron Man vs. Flash and Daredevil and Green Arrow...the horror!)
Tintinnabulation or Petrichor?
purebreds or mixed?
Can I say both? Owned only purebreds but I love the mixed pups too. :D
Rhinestone encrusted heels or aquamarine crocs?
oh that's not fair, they're both awful! Damn... I don't even know which is the lesser evil. But I guess either could both sit in the back of the closet for all time so... crocs? I guess.
demon children or screaming witches?
Hahahahahahahhaa witches every time.
Scraping frost off your windshield in -10 or having to refill your wind-wiper fluid in the rain?
Right? Lol :P
Scraping the frost. Apparently the only time I like being in the rain is during outdoor concerts...
Binge watching a series or binge reading a trilogy?
Oooo binge reading. There really arent enough truly great shows to be worth binging.
Cuddle monster cat or cuddle monster dog?
cat I suppose, 'cause my dogs are heavy.
hiking vacation or beach vacation?
Oo. Hiking vk. Yesssssss.
George R R Martin or J R R Tolkien?
Oh damn. That's kind of hard :/ Maybe Tolkien.
Birdsong or the sound of running water?
Well, my aquarium is in the living room so I get to listen to running water all day. Surprisingly doesn't make me have to pee all the time. Huh. But yea, running water. So bubbly.
Kvothe or Arya?
Funny how some things have that effect while others don't.
Hmm. While Arya has been through a lot and is a totally badass girl, I'll still go with Kvothe because, well... Rothfuss.
turquoise or amber?
Oh man.
You knew my weakness, didn't you? My rock weakness? How dare you.
Amber. Yesh. Also there can be trapped creatures inside. <3
Trilobite or Ammonite?
Ammonite. Far less creepy.
Pacman or original Donkey Kong?
Paisley or Herringbone?
Herringbone I suppose.
Healing potions or magic? (in the world of gaming, of course)
So there's...no...magic...in real life...?
*mind blown*
Potions. I never seem to play a magic caster. Rather pummel something to death instead.
Tabby cats or orange cats?
In Skyrim I used potions until I ran out, then I ran away to cast restoration. Two handed was nice and fast! :)
How about orange tabbys? :P
Diplodocus or Stegosaurus?
Orange tabby? Like the DEE? xD
Also, Diplodocus! Yay Sauropods and Sauropodomorphs.
Chopsticks or a fork?
Fork because I can't seem to use chopsticks.
desktop keyboard or laptop keyboard?
Laptop keyboard, so long as it has a 10 key and the ability to turn off the damn touchpad.
Geckos or salamanders?
I love the sound of laptop keyboards. I ended up buying a small logitech for my desktop that has similar keys.
Salamander I suppose.
Arcade style mobile games or word mobile games?
Arcade style.
Red Velvet or Devil's Food?
Red velvet of course! I just had one of those brownies I told you about it. Aside from the cream cheese drizzle they didn't really taste much different from regular brownies :/
bow and arrows or warhammer?
Dude archery ftw. Sorry your brownies weren't more fabulous. Red velvet can be hard to make taste unique I've noticed--either too much like straight sugar or like nothing at all. :/
Bacon or ham?
raking leaves or shoveling snow? >.>
Ughhhhh. Raking leaves.
Having to kill a gigantic wolf spiders n your home or one of those nasty wasps that's made a nest on your door frame?
Oh how fun! D: I think Jay would say kill spiders cause he can't deal with bees for some reason. I'd be ready to burn the house down either way, lol.
sweet and sour or sweet and spicy?
Lol I've had to do both and don't treasure either option.
Oo. Sweet and sour. Gah now I want Chinese. You little turd. The husband won't like to hear what I'm about to want for dinner...
Braids or curls?
My bad :P
Hmm...rain on a tin roof or the sound of crunching snow as you walk on it?
Ooo. Gah I love them both so much. I think I would like something i could write to, so, rain on the tin roof.
Ladybugs on the screen doors in the fall, or crickets in the basement in the winter?
I've never actually seen crickets in the winter so I'll go with ladybugs on all the things, even though I hate it. Smelly little jerks!
I don't really know what to say, lol, so... flavored water or tea?
Oh lucky you. We got both, all the time. Plus the democrats. (Not sure why we called them that, they were the nasty little boxelder bugs. They loved to hang out on the siding in the fading autumn sun. And they stunk if you crushed one.)
Flavored water cause I haven't found a tea I really like.
Acoustic covers or live sets? (And no, you're not at the concert--just a live recording.)
That sounds delightful :/ We didn't really have many lady bugs (or the ones that look like them) this year. Usually the entryway is loaded with them but there were maybe 10 in all? Not that I'm complaining.
Hmm, still live I think. Granted you may be lucky enough to find acoustic live sets. Like Foo's Skin and Bones ;)
futons or murphy beds?
For a while hubby and I slept on a futon when lack of bed was our problem. While not fond of it, I can't say I've ever been in a murphy bed. So, futon.
Rv or a tiny home (you know, the kind they build on a trailer but has all the amenities of a full size house, and designed to travel?)
I'm kind of intrigued by those tiny houses.
Magic: The Gathering or Gwent?
Oh that's just evil. I've played both. Ughhhhhh.
I guess Magic. If I'm not playing it, I'm collecting them for the art.
Crepes or pancakes?
Never had crepes, so pancakes I guess.
oil based salad dressings or creamy dressings?
WHAT. Oh,Nik Yui. No. We must fix this. You will have crepes!
Hmm, I'm unhealthy all around and don't really care as long as they're tasty. But oil based is probably my favorite.
The smell of woodsmoke off a campfire or the smell of freshly baked pumpkin pie?
Oh dear :/ I do like the smell of campfires but I'm not crazy about the smell clinging to my clothes after. I'm also not keen on what pie does to the waistline, lol. Let's go with the woodsmoke.
watching on demand or owning?
While I love on-demand (it appeases my lazy nature after all), I still buy all my must-have movies and tv shows on disc. So, both but mostly buy.
Warm bread and butter or homemade chicken soup in a bread bowl?
Homemade chicken soup in a bread bowl
In app purchases or buy the game outright?
Buy the game outright!
Britain or Ireland?
Hmm. If I was going for the first time, maybe I'd go to Britain first.
A mouthy cat who gets into everything or a cute, quiet sleeping cat? >.> Bet you know which I would pick.
I would go with a mouth cat who gets into everything (that's my Nicholas).
Hairspray or Hair gel?
I suppose spray if it wasn't the gross stuff that makes your hair hard as a rock.
Supernatural sims or pets?
That's tough considering I stay away from both mostly but PETS for the win. I have a little dog in my game that I refuse to let die, lol.
Since it's the holidays:
Tinsel or Garland?
Garland. My cats tend to try to eat the tinsel >.>
store bought decorations or home made? That can go for the stuff on the tree as well.
Nicholas tore up all the Christmas decorations when we put them up in 2012, the following years no tree. Now that I have a baby when I retire we will put up a tree.
I would have to say store bought (except the special ones)
cocoa or tea with peppermint?
Aww Nicholas, you butthead :( My cats like to sleep under the tree and the older one sticks his head up inside, and aside from getting caught in the garland a week ago and pulling it out as he ran away (thankfully it was at the bottom near the beginning anyway), I haven't really had trouble.
Tea with peppermint.
green or white christmas?
I'm a sucker for a white Christmas, so long as the ice buggers off. >.> (Of course we have ice under 8 inches of snow at the moment...)
Traditional carols or modern-twist carols?
(Think Jingle Bells played on piano and vocals versus Jingle Bells in the style of Pentatonix or Manheim Steamroller).
And yet we, Canada have zero. So weird.
no christmas carols at all, to be honest.
pacman or mario?