I just thought I'd go ahead and introduce myself and Yuichen for those of you who don't know us yet or are new to the forum.
- Born October 13, 1991
- Has been playing Sims since 2002
- Has one child, a cat named Little (Born March 10, 2009)
- Also plays: The Sims 3, Dragon Age, Left 4 Dead 2, Bioshock, Tera, Dead Island, Skyrim
- Born May 25, 1983
- Has been playing Sims since 2001
- Married with four children: Two dogs named Whiskey (Born November 6, 2012) and Kato (Born May 5, 2008), two cats named Dione (Born April 2001) and Lestat (Born July 2003)
- Also plays: The Sims 3, God of War series, Tomb Raider series, Skyrim.
We're plenty friendly so don't be scared of us. :) Just ask the other members who know us!