So post yours!
Here's what I'm working on currently, but you guys probably knew about it already. Here's (hopefully) the last addition to the Amelia match set: I made the single bed mesh work like inge's shelf bed and a separate plank-thingy mesh that you can use in conjuction with cheats so you can have a lot of possibilities... click on the thumbnails for bigger versions:
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I'm still considering other possibilities for the plank though, I'm not entirely convinced yet.
Also, shelves:
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Just when you think a set couldn't possibly get any more awesome! Love it :D
omg those are adorable! I love how each one is different :)
They're available for download now :)
I'll have to make sure I download them when I get settled back home. :)
This looks awesome, Ja!
Thank you guys, I hope they work good in your games if you download them. And this thread needs more pictures, post your wips, kids!
I'm trying to make decent recolours of this (
So far, I've got those:
( (
The net I can alpha-edit of but sadly, not the peacock feathers.
Any comments, opinions or criticism?
I forgot all about that hat.
The colors are so much more vibrant than the originals; I like them :) I'm not crazy about the netting but I think maybe it's just because it sits so high off the head, but of course that would depend on the hair you use. I also wonder what it would look like with the netting pattern slightly smaller.
I actually never modified the net, but I¨ll look into it. Thanks :D
Sizza, I really like the hat! I think it looks better without the net :) Can't wait to download it!
Just wondering, do these dreads look alright? They're Nouk textures with Pooklet colours. Just a little bit worried about the highlights.
It looks alright to me as it is :)
Yay, thank you! :D I'll post it here and on my DW when it's done :D
Awesome :)
Sathairn, how about making the root of the dread match the scalp colour? I think it might look better like that.
Otherwise, it looks good. :)
I've been avoiding working on my cij gift for gos because it is at a stage that's very tedious work and I'll really have to concentrate on it - not helped by the fact I've redone this part of it for three times already. So as a result, I've been making quick and easy bottoms! Besides the amaryll conversion for teens I posted here yesterday, today I finish(-ish)ed another one: Sentate's boho skirt with docs (original af mesh edit by Aelia) and Azaya's texture edits for teens. A mouthful. I still need to solve why a waist seam appears even when the normals should be correct and make a fat morph and finish the textures but I think the worst is over. Have a look:
Another thing I've been working on are these pants. I took Kayleigh's jeans edit, slimmed them down to look like straight (but not skinny) trousers and added Amaryll's flats. Again, some trouble with the mesh (fat morph seems to have a gap at the waist with some tops though the vertices are exactly where they should O_o) These are just testing textures, but show my idea pretty well:
Finally, a project I put on hold until Christmas in July is over with, outerwear for men. A peacoat from H&M stuff pack slimmed down and with Kayleigh's jeans with chucks. Linked picture because big ( What do you think?
I love them all! :) I'm really excited for the slimmer pants with flats, but the male outfit will be so great to have. I don't have a lot of good outerwear that is still casual.
I have a hard time getting rid of waist gaps myself =/
iooooooioiiooio <3 :)
I already said I love the outerwear, but the other stuff is looking cute too :3
Thanks you two :) I suspect I'll be pulling your sleeve a lot about the mesh issues later, Kayleigh. When I won't be as exhausted as I'm now.
I also love the outerwear. It's so adorable!
I love the black boots on the skirt and the pants are really cute.
Outrwear for men? Hell, yes!
I really love that skirt, iosaur ;D The pants and outerwear are looking good too :)
Some hair re-textures I started awhile back and half forgot about
Peggy braids (the scalp, although re-textured is rather blurry due to the mapping; the 'holders' have been re-textured and the bottom of the braid has been re-alpha'd/textured)
The ends on this one are a bit light but it's due to trying to get the back section to blend colours properly with the shorter part (stupid peggy mapping)
I wanted to use the original fringe/bangs alpha but I haven't quite managed to get it to line up right :(
Weird light piece on the right side of the fringe/bangs that I can't seem to fix
They all look really good! I think my favorite it the last one :)
My suggestion for the bangs is the liquify tool, ophe3lia. :) They look nice, though, really.
Thanks yuichen, kayleigh :)
Erm I don't know where to find the liquify tool in photoshop :-[
that's at least where it's in my version of PS :)
Good work salvaging those older hair meshes, especially the back of the braids is the type I always get frustrated with. I'd have to say the second Peggy hair is my favourite. Thanks for the comments, too!
Oph3lia, i am really loving the long Peggy hair. I've always liked that mesh, but i haven't found a good retexture of it yet. The first XM one is looking really pretty, too.
Io, are you by any chance retexturing the Rose mesh :-[ ? Found it!
Iosaur, ahh thank you, I shall play around with that :D Yeah I like that peggy hair too XD The scalp of the braids took ages to do.
DirtyLiberal, thanks, it looks a lot like my hair did before I grew my fringe out. I found a nouked version once but I've not seen it pookleted. Hopefully I can fix up the alignment issue on the first XM one :)
(Sorry about forgetting this thread! I'll try to fix the dreads as soon as I can, I'll put them on the side for the moment...) Oph3lia, I love your hair retextures! I think it's really cool that someone's fixing up old Peggy meshes with their crappy mapping :D Love the XM hairs too, I used to use the last one of yours all the time back in the day :P I hope you can fix up the alignment on the first one ^^
I was doing some Rose hairs for somebody today @_@ Is this okay? I was worrying about the light bits at the side. Rose's mapping makes me want to pull all my hair out, it's that bad :P I tried to match the textures to the highlights in the hair...
I've retextured a Rose hair before. The mapping is difficult but it IS possible to line up the highlights correctly. I say just keep trying until they all line up. I personally can't stand to download a hair unless the highlights are perfect.
Hi it's me again! ;D Now that I'm done with christmas business, I got back to my other projects. I finished the AM outfit, though I think I'll edit the back to be a bit slimmer still. In game picture:
I think I'll upload it on the main site here? It comes in six different recolours :)
Then, skinblend!
There's what, Enayla, Ephemera, Jirka, Mouseyblue blend bits, Pooklet blend bits and whatnot. Quite a lot of work to be done still, though. I was thinking of making a set of it from S1-S4 (that being S1, I hardly use paler skins in my game), two alien versions (one plain, one decorated) and a couple of tattooed edits. What do you think?
I'm really loving the male outfit! I guess maybe it could be thinned some more but not too much, wouldn't want him looking too skinny. Have the legs been thinned as well or does it just look that way because the jacket is wider? Anyway, it looks really good :)
The skintone looks like it's coming along really nicely so far. I like the shine on the nose, it seems to have a little more definition. And the lips... so pretty! I'm all for s1-s4, tattooed, and different vampire versions. Are there plans to do aliens as well?
Alien skins are what I am doing but now I want a vampire skintone too! :D I'm mostly going to make the jacket a bit slimmer from the back, now it's a bit unbalanced in a small hunchback sort of way. The legs are all Kayleigh, didn't do anything but attach them to the torso :) Thanks for the comments!
Oh whoops sorry, misread :P
Ooh, I like the outfit and the skin, Iosaur.
The only comment that I have, it that, to my tastes, the lips are too shiny, especially the part on the upper lip.
The outfit is so yummy! And i love the skin. The shine on the nose is really cute.
Here is a dress I've been working on recently, finally with pics in game to better see detail. It's on three of Trapping's Amaryll edits (flats, wedges and barefoot). 10 colors: 5 darks and 5 pastels. Unfortunately I found I have to go back and fix them all because of a stupid mistake >.>
Those are pretty, Yui! I think I'd prefer if the bodice was a different color though...but I dunno.
I'll be mucking about with them again anyway so it couldn't hurt to try.
Welcome back, btw :)
Looooove them! I don't do barefoot much, but i will be definitely waiting for the flats and wedges :)
I was decorating the nursery of my very first alien and sort of wanted to do something different because all of them are beginning to look the same. Mostly I wanted to make the changing table more custom but I couldn't find anything decorative in my game to simulate the changing pad. Frustrated, I decided to try this little project.
It really doesn't look like much in these pictures because my laptop doesn't have fuck all for clutter, but hey it loads hella fast compared to my desktop. It's the maxis basegame changing table without the framing or rubbish bin and other accessories, and is at the perfect height to place "on" counters or islands with the moveobject cheat, thus giving you something like a built in changing station. The best parts? Miraculously I managed to retain the animations and slaved it to the original mesh so it'll pick up all changing pad recolors you have in your game (the bright pink one is an-na's (
It would be nice to have the pad also at table height (I have a feeling it would look great on some of Blake_boy's meshes) for a little variation but I realize the animations would be off and I am still quite the meshing noob. Unless it was mostly for looks only but I think I'd hate to release it knowing there's issues :/
So, yes.... *flails* So excited! ^_^
That's an awesome idea! Since it wouldn't actually be "on" the counters though, but it would be placed with moveobjects on, would the sims still attempt to use the counters as counters. Like, come from all the way across the house, so they can cook in the nursery :D ?
Lol I suppose they would xD
The changing pad is now up for download if you don't mind the thought of that too much :P
Oh, i will be snagging them for sure. I'll just have to make sure there are plenty of counters in the kitchen ;)
Hi again! I started making more outerwear a few days ago! This one's for AF again, and on Aikea's mesh. I was thinking though that besides adding morphs I'd also switch the boots for some other legs (Kayleigh's jeans edits at least, any other suggestions?) And while in it's current stage there isn't much there besides the seams on the coat, it already shows the design and cut I'm going for:
I also thought I'd add fur to the collar on some recolours. Thoughts?
I'm not sure what other legs you could use yet, but it's already looking pretty good and quite promising :) I like the thought of fur too. I do have one question though. Is the turtleneck meshed on?
No it's a normal neck, but I got really frustrated trying to make a clean alpha in which the coat texture didn't bleed onto the skin, but didn't manage that, so a turtleneck it is ;D The UV-map I have of it is just a little off to the left, which I noticed only after making the alpha and being the lazy-lazy i am...
Anyway, I got an idea what to do with the legs! I was thinking Amaryll's Tuula skirts (again, but they are so lovely!) and the heeled boots from an Apartment Life outfit. The one with corset and a heart-belt and such. How does that sound?
EDIT; the mesh idea above turned out to look like this. Linked because big. ( Is it terribly librarian winter gear-esque?
You know what? I love it with the skirt and boots. Love it! :D Hell, even the original mesh with those boots would be nice, giving it a slightly more formal feel (though I can't remember what the boot textures look like at the moment).
I only asked about the turtleneck because the first image looked sort of 3D. The skirted mesh doesn't so it must've just been the angle or something.
Yay, glad to hear! I'm making Amaryll's skirt with those boots and Trapping's as bottom only as well :) I'm in a total autumn mood, I want to use woollen tights and earthy colours and big sad floral patterns at the skirt hem, both on the bottoms and the outfit!
Sounds great! ^_^
Just something I've been working on the last couple days. Well, it'll be a couple days when I redo the middle one because it got too pixelated (and simpe didn't change it).
Click for larger (
The pink dress comes with both black and white shoes as I couldn't decide, while the other dresses come both with and without tights.
Just for the hell of it I decided to show some pics of the TS2 prizes for a challenge I hope to do later. I'm still struggling with TS3.
I love this set because you only have to recolor one thing and it is grabbed for everything else. Some things do end up looking a little weird, but for the most part it's not bad :)
that is a gorgeous set!
I want :D !
So apparently I suck at converting from teen to adult o.O
I wonder if I clicked the wrong thing before I scaled...
It looks like the mesh is the right size, but you probably still have the adult skeleton. Make sure you import a teen mesh first and then the mesh you want to convert, and say No to include additional bone blahblah.
But it's the adult skeleton I want. Actually now that I think about it, I don't think I ever imported my teen mesh into the adult one... I just scaled it on it's own and replaced the gmdc. SOAB, lol :P
I have no idea what you two are saying, LOL! If it was all in Chinese, i would've understood just as much. The picture made me giggle though :D
Lol sorry. The important thing is I figured it out :P
That's good news :)
And no need to be sorry, that's what this thread is for. I just feel bad that cause it seems like the i am the last person on earth that doesn't create CC :-[
That's not true ;)
And you could always trying learning something. It's fun and usually not as difficult as it seems :)
Quote from: yuichen on Aug 29, 2010, 03:44PM
Here is a dress I've been working on recently, finally with pics in game to better see detail. It's on three of Trapping's Amaryll edits (flats, wedges and barefoot). 10 colors: 5 darks and 5 pastels. Unfortunately I found I have to go back and fix them all because of a stupid mistake >.>
Pardon the obnoxiousness of the picture quote, but I thought I needed it to clarify my post. As a custom content fiend I know my way around the interwebz pretty well, although I don't recall you posting these, Yuichen. Did you abandon your project? From the previews your dresses look rather lovely and it would be regrettable if you discontinued your work because you considered it inferior. I hope I don't sound like I'm taking you on a guilt trip; it's perfectly fine you simply got bored.
She's still working on it, don't worry. :)
Quote from: Truculent Beastie on Mar 06, 2011, 09:59PM
Pardon the obnoxiousness of the picture quote, but I thought I needed it to clarify my post. As a custom content fiend I know my way around the interwebz pretty well, although I don't recall you posting these, Yuichen. Did you abandon your project? From the previews your dresses look rather lovely and it would be regrettable if you discontinued your work because you considered it inferior. I hope I don't sound like I'm taking you on a guilt trip; it's perfectly fine you simply got bored.
I had to fix a couple things before I could share them, but they will be up shortly as part of the birthday celebration :)
I know it's a crappy preview but I've only just built the mesh, and even then I haven't done the morphs yet.
I'm a hoodie addict. I'm sure this is known? The rat bastard mesh always bothered me just for the fact it's skintight, but it's what I had to work with at the time. Now that I'm getting a little more comfortable with meshing I decided to slap together Aikea's baggy sweater and the rat bastard mesh.
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(click for slightly larger)
Yuichen I think it looks very comfortable. :) It actually looks good without the pockets.
The hoodie looks great! So much better than the skin-tight mesh.
It looks quite comfy. Someday I need to sort out the issues with the male mesh.