Obviously The Sims aren't the only games we play. What are some of your favorites or recommendations?
As said in the admin intro thread I play Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, and Battlefield Bad Company 2. I also really liked Bioshock (currently still playing through the 2nd), Rock Band, and am a huge fan of the Tomb Raider series. Alright, excluding Angel of Darkness :P Oh, and the first Uncharted. I've played through that game so many times it's crazy. I'm hoping to get the next one soon among a bunch of others because someone keeps hounding me about them.
hahah :D
man I have a list so long it's not funny. My current love is Red Dead Redemption but I also love Uncharted 1 & 2, Call of Duty (all of them), Bad Company 1, Lego Harry Potter, Burnout Paradise, and Tomb Raider. Those are all for PS3 but I also play other computer games...mostly like hidden object games, Nancy Drew and sometimes action games. It all depends if my computer allows me to play them.
RDR is my life though. I love it. I play multiplayer all the time. XD
I play L4D1 and 2, and I have Bioshock 1, Borderlands, and Half-Life 2. But I get bored with single-player games after having played online so I don't really play anything aside from L4D2, because the first one's graphics just aren't as good.
Let's see. Currently I'm playing The Witcher, Uncharted, God of War(I and II), Heavy Rain...I like action games but first person shooters make me nausea so I have to play them in increments. Lame! >:(
Heavy Rain is on my list of games to get. Well that and a million other games. :D
I forgot to mention that I love the Assassin's Creed games. <3
I get motion sickness when I play Half-Life 2, Phoenix. ): I get a LITTLE bit on Bioshock but not bad. Half-Life 2 I can only play for about an hour before I start to feel ill.
I like Dragon age a lot and I'm currently waiting for the expansion to get lower in price.
I enjoy Diablo 2 a lot, but it´s rather old, so the graphics are kinda sucky (and playing the game for the 5th time is a bit tiring :P ), so now I´m waiting for the 3rd one in the series to come out, it´s going to be rad!
But my all time favorite games, exept sims 2, are the Monkey island games, they´re just so silly and pretty hilarious.
At the moment I'm playing Bioshock and Borderlands. With a bit of The Saboteur. I like L4D but it gives me motion sickness. I might install borderlands on the desktop and try and persuade R into some multiplayer action.
And the sekrit addction? Empire: Total War.
I usually play city builder games or FPSs. Ooh, and some RPGs as well. I've been wanting to try one of the games in the Final Fanasty series, I'd like moar games for my D XD I really want to try Persona 3 or 4, my friend loves those games... I love playing Metal Gear Soild 2, I've only completed the game on Normal, I gave up on hard XD Also I found my old Pokemon games a wee while ago, and they are as fun as I remember XD I was thinking about getting one of the newer ones... I'd like to try Dragon Age as well. Is it good? Just asking ^^
I haven't played it myself but I've heard a ton of good things about Dragon Age. For a while there it seemed like just about everyone on my lj friends list was playing it.
I recently picked up Read Dead Redemption per someone's constant prodding and it's pretty good! :)
Red Dead Redemption
Assassin's Creed 2
Uncharted 1 and 2
God of War 1, 2, 3
Dragon Age
Heavy Rain
Katamari Damacy
Lego Indiana Jones
Lego Harry Potter
Shadow of the Colossus
Metal Gear Solid 4
Rock Band 2
I think that's it for now...those are most of my favorites, for now...
You have the Uncharteds there twice ;)
Someone told me I should get Borderlands. How is it? Obviously it's a favorite of yours, lol, but...?
she wanted me to get it so we could play together XD I never looked into it because my gamestop didn't have it
>.> No I don't... <.<
Now, I do like Borderlands, but there's a catch: if you play the entire thing by yourself, you might get bored with it. I played it with RJ 2x so far and it's been a blast every moment of the way. I did grind by myself for a bit and I kinda got sick of it. But with another player, it's 1000x more fun.
I love the cel-shaded style to it, it's got an interesting storyline to it, I liked the beasties and most of the missions, fighting could get rough and messy but it made it fun with how adreniline pumping it got. I loved the humor in it, and I LOVE the CL-4P TR-4P guys!!!!!! And the Midget King Wee Wee....lol....
Not a standard Third-Person Shooter. If you're worried, rent it. If you think you'll like it, or you enjoy that style and like some rough humor, buy it.
There's nowhere to rent locally anymore. I guess I could look for somewhere online tho
Gamefly.com maybe?
That sucks you don't have like a Blockbuster's or a Hastings or something.
The little video store used to have them but when the new people bought it they sold off all the games and just do movies now. They totally make up for it by having the best ice cream and milkshakes in town :P
Unfortunately Gamefly doesn't serve Canada :/ I'm sure there's another one, I'll just have to go looking for it.
Well humph. You're attached to the USA, why not help ya'll out? Are they scared of the northern accents, perhaps?
Hopefully there's a Canadian version of Gamefly or something up there. :s
Maybe they're afraid of the polar bears :P
I found Game Access (http://gameaccess.ca/) so I'll be looking into it. There's quite a few I want to try!
I've started playing Dragon Age: Origins yesterday, I love it! It's the only single player aside from Sims that doesn't bore me. :)
I usually play Dragon Age origins.
I like special RPGs, so that is exactly my kind of game.
When I've got free time and I'm not dedicating it to sims I play Bioshock, Borderlands and other games like that.
My boyfriend is always in the haunt of new PC games, so I tend to try all the games he gets xD
I think I must be the only person around that hasn't played DA...
I got DA last night as well, and I absolutely love it. So umm, that's also probably what I'll be doing for sometime now, instead of Sims stuff :D at least for a while!
I'm all about RPGs. I tend to play a lot of them, including Dragon Age of course, but also Mass Effect if you want recent stuff (and Persona 3 and 4 on the PS2, for example). But I've been playing these games since the beginning of the 90s so I've played a lot of the old classics too (Planescape Torment, yeah!).
Other than that, I enjoy some simulation and strategy games (city builders and the like, to an extent).
I just found out that they are releasing Uncharted 3. You have no idea how excited this makes me. Hence I've started to replay the series XD
I'm late getting to the second one, but I'm almost done. I'll need to replay it though... talk about treasure fail.
I recently got into Assassin's Creed. I played the first one briefly on PC but the controls were complicated and at the time my computer sucked ass, so I decided to try it on console. SO MUCH BETTER.
teehee so glad you like it :)
but yea. You got me back into Uncharted too :P but now that I have Battlefield 2 I think I will play that for a bit :)
I haven't played Battlefield in a while. The last time I did I couldn't remember the controls and did SO bad, lol. Someday I'll finish the storyline in hard... >.> [/trophy whore]
lol indeed.
I keep dying in Battlefield and get frustrated. I literally have to step away from it and come back because I get so angry :P
Sounds like me last night trying to play Uncharted 2 in crushing. Basically I wanted to try the last chapter hoping it would give me the trophy for finishing the game in that, but it didn't. The guy at the end doesn't seem any harder in crushing than the other difficulties tbh. But, here's something I noticed about it. You have to hit the guy 20 times with the resin... there's a short cut scene at every 5th hit... so, just FYI when you go back to it ;)
I actually played Battlefield a little last night and I didn't do too bad! Well, until I had to shoot the helicopters down. I couldn't seem to hit them >.>
ahhh that's good to know! 20 times...no wonder I always failed. :P
lol. I'm actually pretty good at getting the helicopters :P I just keep dying by stray bullets that seem to get me through walls? >.>
Lol yeah... fun times right there =P
omg I hate snipers >.<;;
Does anyone play Fallout:New Vegas? How do you like it?
I haven't yet but it's on my list to rent (on console, of course).
If anyone likes the Lego games for console, I just found out today that they are coming out with a Pirates of the Caribbean one. Can't wait to see Jack Sparrow as a lego guy XD
I think I'd like to see him explode into pieces when he dies :P
only if I can put him back together again
I'd have to ditto with Yui on that one.
OMG they're remaking/updating Ico and Shadow of the Colloseus for PS3!!!!!!!! They were silent PS2 games that had/have a cult following. I want them to remake Okami in the same manner for PS3 w/ the Move controls. I would die. They're making a sequel to Okami but only for the dumb DS. Saddens me, especially since they ported Okami to the Wii and it got horrible reviews b/c the motion pieces sucked.
2 Worlds 2 was on my list and is a great game.
I will be buying Elder Scrolls 5 (OMG FINALLY), Uncharted 3, Infamous 2, Dragon Age 2, The Last Guardian, Sorcery...
It's a bad year for my wallet. >.>
Imaging the beating your wallet would take if you didn't get discounts ;)
Hmm. What am I looking forward to? Tomb Raider trilogy in March because I miss Legends and Anniv. (and I'm a dork). There's also Uncharted 3 in November and the next Batman in December. I feel like there's something else but I may be confusing books ohai bearded god
Definetely Tomb Raider Trilogy. I have pre-ordered Uncharted 3 but I'd also like to get Dragon Age 2, Sorcery, Arkham and the next two in the Lego series: PotC and Star Wars Clone Wars. Yes I'm a lego geek. :P
Ya'll gotta try Ico/SotC. Definitly a sleeper hit. Went Greatest Hits too (at least SotC., not sure about Ico.)
I played SotC on my PS2 but didn't get very far into it as I got frustrated with fighting the giants :P
It took me a while, but I beat them all. Twice. Or was it 3 times? I don't recall. I played it a lot.
I wish I knew the release date of the new Jurassic Park game. I want it. They're going back to the original movie's theme of humanity and character devlopment instead of "build a zoo with dinosaurs" or "survive the island by killing dinosaurs."
Sounds interesting. Though honestly, surviving the island by killing dinos might be kinda fun too. Then again, I didn't play Dion Crisis long on ps1.
The only games I've played involving hunting dinosaurs, and yes, feel free to laugh, are:
*Carnivores (PC)
*Carnivores 2 (PC)
*Carnivores Ice Age (PC) ((I think thats what it was called, same game with mammoths and cave bears))
*Jurassic Park, Operation Genesis (PC, PS2) ((Only when the dinosaurs escaped, and on special missions))
*Turok: Evolution (PS2)
*Turok (PS3)
*Trespasser (PC) ((This one terrified me, it's over 10 years old now, and has a Metacritic score of 3.9 I played it soley for the dinos)
Unfortunantly...none of these were great games. I am saddened, but my nerdiness still knows no bounds.
We have the first two Carnivores but I've never played them myself.
So I think aside from Dino Crisis, the only dinosaur interaction I've had is in the original Tomb Raider and it's ps2 remake :P
Lol well, you're not missing anything much. >.>
I did once have a nifty idea for a game/story, but it's pretty far behind with the current project that I'm on.
What's the most unique or strange game you've ever played? One say, out of its class--either for the better or the worse?
I Want to Be the Guy? Lol, before it started crashing on me.
Hmm. I'm not really sure.
I'm kinda interested in the Jurassic Park game too. It sounds like fun. Blur is fun too. I might have to get my own copy.
Omg. Lego Jack Sparrow is adorable.
I was determined not to be tempted by the PoTC Lego game. But...dangit...it's something I really liked originally (the movies) and lego is just too dang good at their jobs. >.>
Hehe. But why is all the rum gone??
lol have you seen the trailer yet? it's so adorable. I love Jack already XD
I finally have my copy of Castlevania! You have no idea how excited I am! And Lego Pirates is out soonnnnnnnn XD
Now that you have it, tell us how it is ;)
zomg you have no idea how much fun it is. What I like about it is that it's all 4 movies (including the newest one not out yet) and each part is much longer then previous lego games. They have Jack down to a pat especially with how he walks XD
Hehe sounds good :) i'll have to watch for it at my rental site.
indeed! *wants to go play now* >.>
so play? :P
I have recently gotten into old first-person shooters like Doom and Duke Nukem. Mostly because we have copies of them kicking around the house that were bought back when the games were considered top-of-the-line, graphics-wise. (Oh how times have changed.) There's something extremely cathartic about putting on Duke Nukem and powering through the levels after a bad day, heheh.
I don't think I really played much of either but I'm pretty sure we still have Duke Nukem... somewhere.
I've spent the last couple days running through Call of Duty Black Ops in the veteran difficulty and I have to say that much of it has included a lot of cursing and the desire to throw things. As impossible as some parts seem I've managed to get to the last two levels. Must. Have. Platinum. Trophy! [/trophy whore]
It's something to do while I wait for L.A. Noire to come in, anyway. Canada post is slow >.>
L.A. Noire is amazing! I just finished the first play through. Now to play them again and get trophy goodness! XD
Hehe, trophy goodness indeed. I was able to make the game my second platinum.
I really liked it though at times it felt a bit repetitive... but what can I say, I'm used to that. I'm a sims player after all :P
Anybody played any new games that they enjoy?
I'm looking forward for Assassin's Creed 3 to come out. The Revolutionary War is my favorite war (I know that sounds odd that I have a favorite war) and it looks freakin' amazing!
The sea battle looked particularly good. I foresee motion sickness on my part though :/
I recently got into the God of War series and I love it. It reminds me a bit of Castlevania and Prince of Persia, which I also like :P
I played the first GOW but haven't played any of the others except for Origins.
Oh. I thought you had played 3.
nope. not yet. It's on my rental list but it never is available
Seems like my place :( I've been waiting on Max Payne from the beginning. Granted, it often says it's available, as are they next 4, but it sends me something at the bottom of the list.
Are you renting the Origins collection or did you buy it?
I rented it. It was fun but too short. I finished it in like a week.
Ah k. You could buy the Saga collection. It has 1-3, plus Origins. 5 games for $40 is pretty awesome ;)
Speaking of remastered games. I really wish they'd do both Kingdom Hearts. I miss those.
huh that's not bad at all. I'll have to wait until AC3 comes out though. I'm broke atm >.>
oh I agree. I loved those games.
Okies. The game will wait ;)
I know, right? I guess I could just move my ps2 into the bedroom and use the tube tv, but... meh? Lol.
lol you could. I unfortunately don't have a PS2 anymore :/
Yeah I know. That's why I think they should do it. A lot of people probably traded their systems for newer.
yea. they've done other games to ps3 like tomb raider so I think they should do kingdom hearts too.
Yep. I was surprised they did the first 3 Silent Hill games. Not sure why the fourth wasn't included, but I won't complain too much :P Creepy games are awesome.
lol I'll pass on the creepy games :P
One time I was playing it while Wally was here. We fell down a hole in the road or ground, whatever, and came upon these two-headed babies on hand-legs (http://silenthill.wikia.com/wiki/Twin_Victims). Oh god, the way they moved...
no thank you :o
At least in the picture it's lit up :P I think it was inside that building, but I fell through a hole in the floor of the middle of the building, and it was sooo dark.
Kind of miss that game actually :/
I'm sorry? lol
I'm having problems finding good games to rent :/ All the ones you want to rent are not available.
Same here. Granted I still have their Dirt3, unopened. I got it so Jay and I could play together but neither of us have been in the mood.
yea. I hear ya. I haven't been in the mood to play anything.
I played the first GOW yesterday (I think it was anyway, lol) for a little while. The cinematics look a little cruddy, but the game itself is decent.
I think I remember that. It's been a while since I played the first one.
I thought they'd be improved a bit being remastered, but I guess I can't really compare it as I never played the original.
yea. a lot of games are like that though. I mean compare Assassin's Creed 1 with the ones they are coming out with now :)
Yeah that's true.
I've noticed in the 2nd game (of GOW) that the cutscenes are different. Sometimes they're blurry or grainy with awful blocky meshes, while other times it's really crisp and clear, and hair looks real. It's bizarre.
yea. the good thing about the cutscenes in AC3 is that you can now skip them. They never did that in previous AC.
It's fine to watch the first time, but if you die, sometimes you have to watch them again. It's like, really? >.> They should all have the option to skip.
Yea I know. It's annoying >.>
If there are any other non-sim games I am in love with, it's The Last of Us for the PS3. It's so packed with emotion and beautiful environments despite all the decay and various infected running around, and for once I have absolutely no complaints about the casting. It's just one of those games that keep you on the edge of your seat about to burst into tears either from uneasiness or witnessing a heart wrenching event, and it's impossible to put down the controller. Just one more chapter! Only, you can't stop there because oh shit everything's in a downward spiral and you have to see how it turns out!
If you have a PS3 and haven't tried this game yet, go do it. It's creepy and upsetting but believe me, you won't be sorry you picked it up.
I didn't know if I'd like LoU but I loved it. The scenery is so beautiful and I love the relationship between the characters. Even the weapon building is awesome. I hope they make some DLC for it so the story can continue. :)
I'm looking forward to the new Assassin's Creed coming soon and also Watch Dogs. I just saw an extended gameplay for Watch Dogs and it looks incredible. It'll be an open world game as well.
I'm sure there are others I can't think of right now.
I'm kind of surprised they haven't released a DLC already considering how well the game did, though I imagine if there were any they would probably only be for multiplayer.
I am surprised too. Same with TR. Wish they would have more missions.
There's a DLC coming out for TLOU soon. I think Thomas said next week. No idea about TR though.
Is it for multiplayer or single player?
No idea. I haven't looked up anything about it.
aha! Just looked it up. They have a single player story coming up on Feb. 14 but that's the only single player dlc. There is a multiplayer one rumored for July.
Ah okay. Well that's good at least. Maybe I should try to finish in crushing before then. Idk if it will mess up that gameplay or not.
I wouldn't think it would but who knows. That's exciting that it's coming up though.
Yep :)