Oh hey, this is the picture thread for your female sims! Post posed pics, not-so-posed pics, whatever, we don't care! Because wear short shorts! Etc.
So here is one of my favorites, Coriander:
And another lady who, according to the file names, is called Junie!
She's frakking adorable, I which I could figure out where she is.
I love your Sims so much, Simbic. |:
Ty Kayleigh :3
Me too! They all appear so expressive! And simply gorgeous!
D'aww they're cute! I adore Coriander's freckles.
Your sims and pictures are always amazing, Simbic :)
Here's a lady of mine, Selinna. She used to run and asylum, but that's over and she is getting ready to live on her own now.
She's really pretty, DirtyLiberal! Her necklace? is really interesting, and her house looks colorful. :)
I thought that necklace was only for men, hmm.
She's really cute though she looks a little sad in the first one. Bring in a man and she's all Hey Thar ;)
oh I agree. I love the necklace!
Why are those gals so adorable? <3
This is Christine, a sooper ~alternative~ Servo/android.
Fingergun woo!
She's full of angst, yo.
Quote from: yuichen on Jul 13, 2010, 12:21PM
She's really cute though she looks a little sad in the first one. Bring in a man and she's all Hey Thar ;)
I thought the necklace was only for men, too and was quite surprised to see it in the female bin.
Tanathir, that's one good looking servo :)
I've yet to have a servo! How the heck do you make them look like regular sims??
DirtyLiberal, good to know! I'll have to go dig it up then.
Quote from: yuichen on Jul 18, 2010, 12:01PM
I've yet to have a servo! How the heck do you make them look like regular sims??
I've never had a Servo either, but i believe i've read you use SimPe to make them look like humans.
I age my servos down to teen then back up to adult and give them makeovers to get them to look human. If you want your servo to look a specific way you can use SimPE, there should be tutorials out there.
DirtyLiberal and Simbic, I always enjoy seeing pictures of your games 8D
Tanathir, the reason I never have servos in my game is that I can't be arsed to change their looks like that. Now I kind of want to. Also: fingergun woo!
Margot Thaine likes her 90s inspired look. She was actually born in-game and is half-alien. I love my own PT replacement <3 :D He makes pretty happen.
Gorgeous Sim, iosaur!
I love making my Servos look human. It might be annoying when I re-load the lot and she's back to her robot body but it's not a huge deal to fix. It's funny to see a Sim-looking robot doing the Servo actions like running crazy or recharging.
She looks kinda fierce, like she isn't someone you'd wanna mess with :P
I love everybody's Sims D: <3
Margot has awesome hair!
This is Novosibirsk, the daughter of my pixel_trade legacy couple. I love her looks.
That hair! <3 I still haven't downloaded it for some stupid reason. Anyway, she's cute! Nice to see someone unique and not face1 :)
Thanks. So far, she's the only kid of that couple not to look like a hot mess, though :P
I love that hair too.
Everyone has such lovely sims! :D
Here's a shot of my favourite sim, Annabelle. I was using her to test out some of my new works, so I don't have a close-up at the moment. I'll get one when my game stops being so bloody annoying and decides to work. xD
D'aww she looks sweet! Cutest nose ever :)
Nabila, she is gorgeous, just like all your simmies :)
Thank you guys! :D
This is my new favourite (I know, that was a fast swap!),
Laura. I'm not too sure I like the skintone I used on her, but this is her until I have time to give her a make-over. I love Rose's new ponytail!
Nabila - beautiful girls, as always <3
This here is Odette, modeling a hair. She, uh...she has a hard on for yellow 8|
Nabila - Your girls are always so pretty and unique. I love her plump lips and eyelashes... are they the meshes ones?
Simbic - Nothing wrong with yellow ;) Initially I didn't care much for that hair mesh but the more I see the the more I kind of like it.
I got bored and played around with some photoshop actions. Here is a vintage-y looking photo of a remade sim called Hadley.
While she looks sweet she tends to be whiny and is easily jealous. She falls for the men she can't have and feels entitled to, well, everything. Her attitude tends to kill any friendships she manages to make but typically mooches from her younger sister's (who she isn't terribly crazy about) musician friends.
Yuichen, haha, I would not get along with Hadley AT ALL :D But I love how you've given her a flawed personality, a really pretty face and I can't help but hope she'll grow up a bit.
Simbic, Odette is so pretty! <3
Nabila, you have such a cute and distinctive way of simming :)
You guys have such gorgeous sims! I love the quality of the pictures too. :)
Lovely Sims, everyone! Odette is so cute, and yellow suits her.
Simbic; I love her a lot, none of my sims can pull of yellow. D:
Yuichen; She's so cute! And she sounds like me. xD
This is Julie, who I made as a gift for someone but decided she wasn't good enough to be gifted, but I quite like her nonetheless. Being expressionless is kind of her thing.
Her eyes are lovely, Nabila. :) Thanks for posting here by the way >_> We're doing a bad job of keeping this forum busy
I am lazy, sorry =/ I've also apparently forgotten how to run a forum properly. Fail. Anyway, right now I'd say people are busy with gifties and such?
I love your sims Nabila ^_^ They're always so damn cute.
Thank you guys!
And I like posting here, even if it's a little quiet. I'm sure keeping a forum busy is tough work!
Julie is very pretty Nabila.
This is my legacy sim, Tasiilaq. She's not traditionally (or untraditionally pretty) but I like her a lot nontheless.
She could be a descendant of Jay Leno? I like her little nose :)
I have no ide where she got that chin from, could as well be from Jay Leno XD
This is Paige. Right now she's just a model but I have plans for her. Ballsy ballet dancer turned vampire? Hmm.
Ohh she's cute, Yui. :D
This is a fairly recent Sim I made for an alien challenge. :) I had never made an alien before or even had them in game (I never seem to take advantage of the supernatural aspect of the game! One of those to-do-list things ;)
Anyways, I love how she turned out! Her name is Neelam Azure.
Her skintone looks so good with her hair. She's a cutie :)
I haven't done a lot with supernatural things either.
Yuichen; Paige has such a cute smile! I think she'd be a surprisingly adorable blood-sucker, if you do turn her into a vampire.
Kayleigh83; I agree with Yuichen, the skin looks really good with her hair! That second picture is adorable.
Here's a quick picture of
Jane, my newest obsession.
D'aww, lovely as always! :)
Nabila: Beautiful lady, as always <3
Two long time favorites of mine :)
Coriander having tea :>
I'm not really sure why but I love people/sims named after months. They're both really cute ;)
This is Melora, the founder of my new post-apocalyptic neighborhood (the name escapes me at the moment) and build a city challenge.
Ooh, yuichen, her nose is awesome. I hope you post some pictures of your hood!
Sadly I haven't played it much :/
Allison Scottsfield. Rarely do I ever like my female sims, but
I like this one enough to go out of my way to make sure her
headband matches her outfit.
Lol. She's cute :)
Nabila and Simbic, your ladies are gorgeous as always. You guys always make amazing sims.
Yuichen, i really like Melora and her name is awesome. I like her eyes - they make her look kinda creepy, while still gorgeous.
Gleetus The Great, Allison looks so sweet. I love her nose and her eyes and that hair suits her so well. I like the fringe.
Here's Marion. A born-in-game simmie that i really love.
And her half-sister, Annie. I might have posted pictures of her as a teen, i don't remember.
DirtyLiberal, Marion and Annie are so pretty! Annie's totally in the zone with her whistling :D You should post more pictures of your game in general, I adore the way you've made it look <3
Agreed! :)
Thanks, guys :) I always take tons of pictures but then i never feel like cropping/bordering them, so that's why i so rarely post pics :-[
Lazy Rosie is lazy.
Bea, a Sim of io's, was outside painting in the wee hours of the morning.
Ohh I love the lighting.
Eek, hi Bea! (she looks oddly serene ;D )
Gorgeous simmie and amazing lighting. Love it!
Nice pictures
Here are a few of my gals
(http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb454/Simmergirl1/MS%20SIMMIE%20CAS/ARIACAS.jpg) (http://s1206.photobucket.com/user/Simmergirl1/media/MS%20SIMMIE%20CAS/ARIACAS.jpg.html)
(http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb454/Simmergirl1/Ms%20Simmer%20Simmies/SPPOSTStera2.jpg) (http://s1206.photobucket.com/user/Simmergirl1/media/Ms%20Simmer%20Simmies/SPPOSTStera2.jpg.html)
Both very pretty! :)
I notice I place nice pictures but I was talking about the above pics in the post
also I really like the glasses in dream pic