land mine
fission & land mine
I found this particular hair by the butterfly sims folks really cute! And free too! Four full families, two greys for elders (can keep the colours too, as usual), binned, compressed, mesh included. The mesh has an odd gap I was going to fix (you can see it in the second picture on the fission model), but the issue wasn't what I thought it'd be, so didn't. Yes, I suck.
Download @ Mediafire. (http://www.mediafire.com/?ambe3bbkrchhmda)
I am so behind on hair meshes because I haven't seen this before. So cute!
It did turn out nicely, dear. I am glad you found the mesh, very adorable with a retexture.
Gah! That's adorable! I haven't seen it before!
And your model is gorgeous...like always!
Very cute :) I didn't like this mesh when i saw it at the b-fly site, but i am grabbing it now.
Never seen this mesh before, but it's adorable. Thanks so much, bb. ♥