RAH! A blend of Crunk-Kitty's Bajoran skins (http://www.modthesims.info/d/240864) with Pooklet's 'Down Boy' (http://pooklet.dreamwidth.org/6975.html) and FantasyRogue's 'Tabula Rasa' (http://fantasyrogue.livejournal.com/35729.html), all on Trapping's 'Keeping Up With It' (http://trappingit.livejournal.com/23221.html) bodies, and also some of the face from said blend, 'cause I am a thief and can do nothing for myself. Previews shown are of Two and Four, respectively.
Additional Previews
Six (http://i.imgur.com/klKBl.png)
Full Spectrum (http://i.imgur.com/AlnVJ.png)
Grab it, yo. (http://www.box.net/shared/ihy5t07zm5)
I think these will make a nice addition to my new hood... once I finally start it, lol. Thank you <3
I am a freaking idiot and forgot my password to this forum. So I wanted you to know I suffered the humiliation of resetting my password all to thank you for these super awesome skins! Thank you!
Haha, that is win.
Yay! Thank you. <3
Thank you to all three of you for your kind words. Also: Neurobo, y'berk <3
You're the berk. I cannot believe you actually told me you thought I wouldn't like these and that you didn't. Not only did you pick a fantastic selection of skins to blend, but Star Trek, Sneebs, Star Trek. They're lovely, boy, lovely.
Pretty skinset is pretty. Thankies!
Sometimes, what you need is an understated alien skintone, and these look perfect - thank you!
And oh my goodness, neurobo, that GIF is just the best ever! :D
So these are awesome, much like you! :D♥♥♥
Thank you to further humans for their niceness and stuff. [Sneebs does not know when it is a sensible time to convey his gratitude.]
All except the Bajoran skintones are my favorites and maybe with these I'll stop with my lone lime green aliens. Thanks.