Post pics of your homes and communities here.
This is a new house I built for my NLC3 family to escape the bugs in the original. My apologies if you've seen it on my DW.
That is such a pretty house! I should try to build in different styles, because I love love the Southwestern look to yours!
I think I kinda failed for the most part on the inside, but meh :P
Wow Yuichen, I love the house. I don't know about the inside, but the outdoors are really very pretty :D :-*
I have a shit ton of pics here ( if you wanted to see them. It's not bad looking really, just not sure how much of it fits the style.
I am in love with that house! The landscaping is gorgeous. :D
Wow, Yuichen, it's so pretty!
My hilltop/forested/west coast inspired home. :)
Ohh, I love that! Not so sure I'd like climbing all those stairs with bags in my hands, but it's quite beautiful :)
Not sure why i didn't comment on this earlier, but... wow, yuichen, this lot is amazing! Awesome use of that building set, i don't think i could ever make it work myself, which is why i never downloaded it. The landscaping, those stairs on the side, the beach, the's all just perfect.
Kayleigh83, gorgeous looking house. Not very game friendly (imo), but soooo very pretty!
Cover to Cover, a little bookstore beside a flower shop. All pics are clickable for larger previews.
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Yuichen, that bookstore is awesome. I love the arched bookcases. :)
Another building from the same 'hood I'm working on. It's a complete makeover of the BV General Store. (pics are clickable)
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Only exterior things so far. I don't really know what I'm doing inside yet.
Yuichen, wow! I love the outdoor eating spot with the's very pretty.
Your lots are always amazing, yuichen. That bookstore is adorable and the big! So realistic and the details are unbelievable.
Thanks :) I've been really struggling with the interiors of the shopping center though. The clothing store seems too open and the restaurant isn't big enough. Thank goodness for the outdoor eatery, I guess :P
Wonderful lots. I'm always envious of great lot builders and decorators. My houses look like squares. I am getting a little better. I'm always late to the party. :)
Right? Man some people are crazy good at it and I find myself thinking, how the heck did they do that?? I've messed around more with OMSPs to flop things in other directions and it makes things interesting sometimes, but I don't dare to do it too often (or boolprop cheats in general) because my game randomly crashes.
I don't start playing with boolprob until TS4 I don't even how to use OMPS, lol.
Ohh, did they put boolprop back in for Sims4?? Oh man, so happy to hear that!
Sims2 OMSPs are annoying, although the newer shiftable ones are a lot easier to work with. I just wish they all automatically changed invisible when you go to live mode like the Sims3 ones do. I haven't used any of the Sims4 OMSPs. Kind of feel like they aren't as necessary now that we have the moveobjects cheat and can shift things up or down with certain keys. I just wish the increments were a little smaller, but perhaps that's why people made the OMSPs in the first place.
As far as I know it's in the game. You can use it and touch the mailbox make the object turn into their head. I think it is at least. Hum, that's how I keep them all full of energy. I guess I was wrong.
I am so silly.
Ohh okay, well that's still pretty handy :)
You have a nice decorating style I Like the house
I went back to look at what I posted in this thread 'cause I couldn't remember, and then I got sad when I saw my bookstore. It corrupted and I hadn't made a backup of it :(
Oh that really bites. Maybe you can just make a new one in your spare time.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to cause it was made for my story :/
This can be when they move to a better location with more customers. :)
It's supposed to be the little bookstore by the university.
Even better. I can't wait to see it, no pressure of course lol.
I'm not entirely sure which neighborhood I want to use. There's an update of what I used before, but I also liked another one by the same person. I tried that one first just to see how it was in-game. I got overwhelmed by the idea of having to place all the lots where they actually seem legit.
Then my game crashed -.- Haven't played since.
Well games crashing is such a downer. I just tend to randomly place lots unless I actually try to think about it then it hurts my brain and I give up, lol. #quitter
I mostly try to figure out what other lots and neighborhood deco will be in the background of the shots and hope they'll look kind of realistic. As far as the game allows, of course. In the beginning I didn't care that much cause I didn't expect to do it for very long.
I am not a good poser, picture taker, nor stager. I have been working on it but it's still pretty primitive. I am always in awe of great creators and try to copy them just a little bit.
I've gotten pretty rusty at it myself. Kind of worry how badly it'll go when I finally need to get my story pics. It wont be for quite a while though.
I really wish Sims2 had a pose player like Sims3 does. It would be so much easier than 45978643 boxes clogging up the catalog and trying to figure out what the hell box has what in it, especially when the options aren't at all descriptive.
That's so true. I have a million and one pose boxes but I don't even know how to use them. I think I might play ts2 tonight and take some crazy pictures lol.
Good way to get used to using them! :P
I played ts4 lol. I didn't want to load all of the stuff back into my game. #lazy
Lol, can't blame you there.
I think I might play it tonight...I really want to start a story and make a store but I need to download more stuff to put in the store, lol.
Lol, and the cycle continues! :P
Such lovely lots. Here are photos of my Alsatian farm house which I made last summer.
I made some object recolours as you can see. The Alsatian Bienvenue "statue", a medievalsmithy armoire, a SDA bed set, decals, a bedding, dining table and chair... It was a big Alsatian themed project I made for fun and to relax.
Oh wow, it's really beautiful :) Must've taken a while with all the more complicated roofing, and I really love that painted mural above the bed. The indoor garden is pretty cool too!
Yes for the roofing I had to count tiles because of the beamed walls I made for outside in pink and the windows...
Here is a short view of a makeover I made of a Helgasims house and I shrinked it on a smaller lot and improved, rearranged, keeping Helga's windows and balcony object. The interior design is rather very classy with furniture from the French site Simsantiquite, still up today.
And my two favourite pics of a beach cavehouse I made. I recoloured some marvine rocks and others from MTS to match for exterior wall murals I made. I wanted to sink the house lower but on a beach lot it's "risky" and I'm not a big expert for the constrainfloorelevation cheat. So I built big hills around covered with rocks, plants, trees also on the flat roof.
Very creative! It's too bad there wasn't a way to keep the water out if you went lower. That's something that's always kind of annoyed me, but what can you do? Still came out really cool! :)
I'm not familiar with a lot of Helga stuff that wasn't hair so I won't know how much it's changed, but I'm sure it's an improvement all the same! :)
such beautiful homes I like a lot --thank you for sharing
Thank you London :)
Yuichen, Helgasims closed around 2010 or 2011 very suddenly. Helga had clothes that Rhondalatte had posted in a special section at BPS. Now BPS is gone... But I got most of Helga's clothes for AF and always kept her original 5th avenue residential lot which inspired me for the makeover, on a smaller lot with Mootilda's lotadjuster.
I would have liked to improve a bit the cave house on a normal lot, using another tool by Mootilda, to curve the foundation, as from her Shell house at MTS. But I played around with that tool to figure out new values to enter and I didn't manage it until now. So I found some easier small tricks from Mikeinside's building tutorial for houses sticked to a mountain.
Here are random pics of a Spanish house I made. And for this, the roofing was a little bit hard. The house is huge and I didn't furnish all the room under the roofs.
Oh my god, that's so beautiful, Lizzy! You're so thorough with all the little details, especially the landscaping. That's definitely not my strongsuit so I'm always in awe of places that look real because of it.
Landscaping and adding a lot of plants and trees outside, to make a place look almost like a small forest, it's what I like best. I love to creat small inside gardens as well behind a glass window, just like for my Garden of Delight house here (a bit picture heavy) :
I made this house when thinking of a lovely friend who adores plants, tropical flowers. He owns a little farm in his old days now and has over 10 cats (lol).
Garden of Delight is then more a single "old" man's house but with a big garden to relax and still party near the swimming pool.
It's really the kind of house that I find very attractive (like the old man... hehe).
Ha, sounds like my kind of friend! ;)
Ugh, I love this though! Does your game bog down a bit with all those trees in addition to the stuff in the house? My game sure doesn't like it.
For the moment, I put those houses on a testing lot, as I'm cleaning my objects.
Generally my game doesn't like high poly objects. Then for some houses, I'd remove them all and replace with Maxis objects even if it doesn't look as fabulous. I also need to be cautious with Sims having high poly hair, also on both residential and community lots. But I can clone them in Bodyshop with other hair. However it's less important now because I don't play families much today. I hate the constant visits of NPC...
I do too. I'm not sure if there's a mod for that, but if not, there should be >.>
The only trick I know is locking the house door for visitors. Because it's so damn annoying when I pose Sims for preview pics on a lot I use for this, and the postman stops by, walks around, while I want to take a pic for outfits to preview. Then there's that other NPC bringing a computer as a welcome gift, trying to find somebody to chat with... So for clothing preview pics I still prefer to use Bodyshop, in one click the picture is taken.
Oh my god, that computer guy -.- And the damn welcome wagon if it's a new lot you're using! I haven't had a lot of trouble with them in that regard, but I've been using the same lots and sims to take pics for a couple years now. I'm lazy, lol.
I'm also lazy, for preview pics. But as long as those pics are for me to know what is what... Too many people still never add preview pics in their folders to download. It annoys me more than other things.
I don't add photos to my zips, but I also assume people will be installing them right away so they won't need it. I'm also operating on the fact that I always delete people's images when they get dumped in my downloads folders. I realize some people don't, but I've just gotten used to my own system. Plus my downloads always have the same filename as the set, so they're easily found on the site.
But when a site is closed and their CC is no longer anywhere, I prefer to have preview pics or I do my own for them and I compress if necessary because I might have duplicates of those pics anyway.
That is completely understandable, I agree with you there. Also quite helpful if a place like sims2graveyard is archiving their files.
For WCIFs, pics are of course also useful.
Yuichen, I posted a topic with a question about possible Aspiration themes as they were done at WNF a while ago... It could be some fun to have something similar here, but not monthly.
I just saw it. Sounds really good to me :) Hopefully the other active members here will see it and tell us what they think too.
This would be great. Why not create a sort of poll ?