I just managed to register today. London aka Ms. Simmer told me about the forum.
I've known under-your-skin Sims 2 custom content for many years now and often visited to download hairs and some clothes.
I'm French, 51, married and have a daughter over 20 of age. I love to retexture clothes, esp. for Adult females, sometimes hair and jewelry. And if I'm inspired I also recolour some objects, more often for my own Sims 2 houses when they are "themed".
Other than this I love reading poems and listen to a great variety of music styles. I also love cooking and gardening.
I can't wait to see what nex creations you might have for the Sims 2.
Thank you !
Hi Lizzy, welcome to UYS :D
Do you share your creations as well? I'd love to see them and wonder if I know who you are without realizing, lol. Glad to have you though! Whenever there's new posts by names I don't recognize I tend to assume it's spam, so this was a pleasant surprise!
Hello Yuichen !
I wait for London to show me where to post at Sims Paraphernalia for one challenge.
I'd gladly show some photos of my recent work or even past.
I was a long time member at Blackpearlsims, I've also known the former reflexsims forum mods team, as well as sterlingsims forum (also closed now).
For recolouring objects, Numenor and CrazyTulip showed me patiently. For retexturing clothes I tried on my own little by little from testing alphas in "test" projects from existing clothes I downloaded.
I'm not so much active on forums, I got my own small one which is more a workshop area and not much to download, onloy tutorials I made or grabbed and some ressource lists I need for meshes, top only dresses, separate shoe swaps and so on.
I will look around sections here to get familiar.
I would like to upload an avatar but can't now edit my profile. Never mind. :)
Ohh, so you've been around quite a while then! I don't think I was a member on the original reflexsims forum but I remember when it changed over to BPS. Feels like a million years ago, doesn't it?? It's sad to think of all the players/creators who have moved on but I suppose it's only natural.
Your permissions are limited at this point because you're still an introductory member. When you've progressed to Elderberry, which is 5 posts, you'll be allowed to edit your profile. We had a problem with spammers in the past and this was an additional measure to combat the delayed "attacks" through signatures and that sort.
I understand much better about spammers. On my tiny forum I simply made registrations very hard because with daily life priorities I don't have time or don't want to be always online to moderate, ban. Only less than 20 members so it's rather quiet and no problems at all in soon 2 years.
Yes for RFS to me it seems like it was already in another life, but it was a good forum for chit chat, Greeksgal's daily jokes, etc. Since BPS is gone I really miss Jonesi today and often think of her, she had joined RFS early some months after me.
I will come back a little bit later, because I'm creating some AF clothes and improving some of my older Sims. I like to switch from objects recs to clothing retextures, in order to not lose my hands on what I know I do well, even fix accessories flashing blue. I regret that I can't mesh for clothes...
Sadly upping the security questions and capcha wasn't really enough. We ended up having to install a mod that checks the ip, email, username, etc, against a huge known spammer list. If it catches any triggers they're automatically refused registration. We've had a couple get through anyway somehow but it's way better.
Did Jonesi not go to the new forum? I know she wasn't going to be an admin, but I wasn't sure if she was still going to be there to maintain some friendships.
Hi Lizzy glad you made it over
yuichen, I truly understand for spammers. On the hosting site of my small forum, admin settings are different and if we'd put captcha from the admin panel, it'd affect all members, so we don't use it and with the small number of members it's quite unnecessary, we have low traffic.
I fear that Jonesi left for good, but would keep contacts on a social site. She removed all from MTS.
Hello London :) Nice that you greet me too here. I sent you a message at your forum, I was confused on where to post some gifts for your own forum challenge.