Man, EA sure isn't wasting any time spitting out new stuff! SimsVIP reports a new game pack is coming out in July (
So I wonder how much it's going to cost....if it's ten bucks I am getting it lol. Did you see the trailer?
It's a game pack, isn't it? If so that's $20 like Outdoor Retreat.
Although later this month there's going to be a bundle for $40 that is the patio and luxury stuff packs and spa day. Yeah, spa day is a game pack.
I am so sad you just told me that. I went ahead and got all of the junk last night for full price. I do you know about the deals.....:(
I saw them posted on both twitter and tumblr.
They have a stupid
I don't know if there's an official one, but I get info from SimsVIP and SimsCommunity.
I know what those are but I don't "know" what those are. It's too late this round, my bf gave me the 65 bucks. I figured that's how much he spends on one game and I got 4....although it's the same game with DLC. I wish they were on hard disc and all 10 bucks.
Me too. I don't really like the idea of download only, but it is what it is, I guess.
It's cheaper for download of course because lately their packing has sucked. You don't have to worry about random keycodes or people sharing the game. There are always loopholes. I wonder if only the eps will be on disk. I hope so, I probably will not download anymore games.
It looks like that's how it's going to be. It kind of makes sense though. Considering the game and stuff packs are $20 and $10 respectively, it probably wouldn't be worth it for them to do all the packaging. This way they make more money.
I went on a vacation to the outdoor retreat that I had to have. It was really boring :( I could have kept that 20 bucks. Will see how the spa is later today. My game locked on me after playing 2 hours so I know it didn't save. :( I had planted the trash tree, lol.
Aww really?? That's disappointing to hear :(
Yes. The outdoor retreat is it. You can only do woodsy stuff, which I understand outdoor and all but it's really dry and boring. There is a weirdo dressed as a bear (some random crazy girl). My sim kept getting annoyed with her. I do like how they have the spa set up. I only got my hands massaged and did yoga. My sim I am playing with is a guy so it is okay. I bought a different tub and he can take mud baths. He has a green mask on his face. Really interesting. I would have to say I like the spa better than outdoor retreat. I do think that I will hold off on new anything from TS4 unless I can buy it in a brick and mortar.
See how tense he is...
In his home with shades on lol and green goo on his face lol.
It's the same guy just with a hair cut lol.
I'm glad you like the spa one. It does sound pretty good. Might be kind of neat to build your own spa and put it in the vacation area though, so they'll have something extra to do. Especially if sleeping in a tent makes them really stressed out or sore :P
Yes that is a good idea. The tents in the game are slightly luxury. Well the one I got for my guy was the top of the line. He's rich and with motherlode at my fingertips he gets what he wants except a pool or weird random sim wants lol.
You know what would be cool? If someone made an invisible pool ladder and placing it on the edge of rivers or lakes made them swimmable like in Sims2. Imagine how fabulous the outdoor retreats would be then :D And you know, the little areas through regular worlds.
That would be great. Do you have outdoor retreat?
Not yet. Been trying to keep my money for other things the last month or so. I tried to win a giveaway on the simscommunity social forums though, and entered for spa day tonight. I don't imagine I'll win but it's fun to try.
You have to think positive and know what your name will be selected.
Lol, sometimes it does work... though I remember once in high school I had this feeling my name was going to be picked for this weird money in a box thing after a raffle we had (you're in this clear box with a bunch of money and a leaf blower going... had to catch it). Ended up being the first called -.- It was one of those, oh shit please don't call me type things, and happened immediately after.
lol been there done that.... :-[
Well, missed the first Spa Day. I entered for the second one today... *crosses fingers*
me tooo
And I missed that one too, lol. Today's is for Luxury Party I think. Don't really have any interest in that one.
Still enter you might win or did you miss it since my response is a day late...:(
I entered for both days of Outdoor Retreat and both days of Spa Day. I haven't gone yet today to see if there's a new one or if they're still on luxury party.
Oh ok. I bought sim city 4 and all the trimmings for 8 USD from
Not bad at all! :D Hey, you could make your own neighborhood for Sims2 with that.
I just entered for the first day of perfect patio stuff. There'll be another day of it tomorrow, and that will be the end of the giveaways.
That's why I got it well not for me but for another simmer but he's anti Origin so he's basically out of luck. I do like sim city. That was the first simulation game I ever played when I was in high school. I still have no idea how the pipes or electricity works.
I hope you win. I saw a bundle coming up but it seems like the bundle is the same price as individual games purchased separately.
I played Sims City 2000 a year or so before I started the Sims. I'm not even sure I was aware it existed, lol. I didn't really care for 3000 even though it looked nicer, for some reason. And hell I haven't played Sim City 4 in a really long time.
I didn't get day ten but I entered day 11 too. There are also 2 giveaways hosted by members but they require you to subscribe to their youtube channel... and I don't want to, lol.
Lol! When does this contest end?
It's done now but the two member ones are open. One is to get the new kitchen stuff pack and ends on the 11th. The other is for spa day and ends on the 7th.
I ended up doing both. You get more chances if you both subscribe to their channel and comment in the thread. Guess we'll see.
Their channels are on youtube? If you want I could subscribe to try and enter and if I win(which I never do) give you the codes. It might be better for me to stay out of it thought, lol.
It's okay, I already did it. Maybe there'll be interesting stuff on it. I didn't really pay much attention, lol.
So what's the word....Did you win anything?
Side note:
My internet connection was down the last couple of days. :(
I didn't get spa day. The other isn't over until Tuesday. There's a giveaway for the bundle too but it's local only, and I think that was Australia.
Aww crap :/ Mine was acting kind of weird the other day but whatever it was, it sorted itself out.
Aw man I was hoping you would win. Just keep entering and I am sure you will.
They fixed the line yesterday which made me very happy.
I'm hoping so. I mean, they aren't really expensive, but free is free I guess.
And I'm glad the lines got sorted out :)
Free is always better than paying as long as it's legal.
Plus it's kind of fun to try and win.
Yes I do agree. I rarely win stuff but when I do it's a major celebration lol.
Lol I hear ya. The winner of the new SP hasn't been announced yet. Was supposed to be today but there was an issue with the video or something.
Oh well that sucks. I sure hope you won!
I didn't :( There's a short 24hr one for cool kitchen now though. *crosses fingers*
The more you enter the better your chances!
Yeah I know. I'm sure I'll do more when I get back.
Okay enjoy your vacation.
So far so good, mosquitoes aside.
I am glad you enjoyed your vacay. Nothing like recharging! Did you win anything?
Lol nope. I'll keep an eye out though.
I am going to try and not hijack topics anymore lol.
In this sp the Yoga classes are extremely cool.
I hope posting this link is okay.
If not please let me know.
Aww boo, it says the video is private :(
Private? Whaaa let me see. I specifically told youtube public lol.
It should work not. I didn't publish it. Silly me. Youtube must have changed it's posting thing or maybe I changed my privacy settings. Not even sure.
It works :) That actually looks pretty neat! Lol, some of them are a lot like me with yoga, especially when I haven't done it in a long time. Especially that little hop to save yourself from falling xD Really beautiful setting for it as well.
Yes the spa day pack is worth the money well not really but it gives the game some great play. My guy practices meditation at home so he's to the level of floating in the air. It's funny when he loses his concentration and almost falls. I had him teleport from one spot to the next and it freaked a townie out, it was humorous. I am having him learn how to make drinks, so far he has broken a lot of glasses.
Ha, that sounds fabulous! xD
Also I bought him a tub at home and he takes mud baths. The only problem is that he has to pay for various baths in his own home. Good thing he's loaded (rich).
Wow, guess so! I can understand having to pay for each one in a spa, but it kinda sucks he has to pay to use it at home. I know they wouldn't make a separate one, but I wonder if maybe someone has modded it.
I didn't even think to look for a mod cause if he runs out of loot I would pay for him, lol. He has lots of side business ventures. Like he randomly gets 20-60k for business investments not even sure how I did that, he has written a song or two, and he created some computer stuff apps, plug-ins, mods. He's also a painter so we have sold some of his pieces. I was thinking of doing a store for him to sell his work but I don't build that well and I don't really want to go to the gallery the last couple of creations I got for the game weren't to great.
Oh wow, he's into a bit of everything! No wonder he's loaded xD
I'm with you on building. Lately I feel like everything is shitty. I found a video on youtube by sim supply of a house that is partly subterranean with a lower courtyard and just LOVE it. So I tried building one myself last night. For some reason I wanted to have the underground part be sort of octagonal (some walls were changed to make the rooms more interesting) just for something different to do, and it was fun to try something different, but the end result is kind of meh. I feel like I always end up with boxy designs. Although this one is on the modern side so it's not a big deal. Just... blergh.
He is into just about everything.
I bet your house looks great. You should share some pictures. I like pretending to build in ts4 it's easy to plop rooms instead of creating from scratch.
I think what's bothering me the most now is the roof. It looks good on his but weird on mine. I don't know, ugh. I've decorated it and just need to do some landscaping.
I still don't know how to do a danged roof.
I sorted the roof out. I think the original just looked too narrow to work right. I'm currently trying to think of a name to call the place -.-
I tend to have problems with naming everything so I name it after my cat, lol Holy Terror.
Lol, that's perfect xD I'm usually okay with sets for clothes, objects, etc, but houses are more difficult. The last two a friend of mine ended up picking a name.
The recolors I do I tend to name it after the picture.
Houses are like 1 lane, 2 lane, 3 lane or will wright way 1, 2 , 3 etc. In TS4 when I make mods and stuff in the game not in real life I name them Nicholas....I am so original.
Lol it's okay. His influence is all around... and I have a feeling he wouldn't want it any other way! :p
Yes cause he's a crazy little cat.