Hi I am London aka Ms Simmer
I am a die hard Sims 2 simmer ---- Due to real life and school at the present I do not have to much time to play or go on the sites. but when I can I will --- this site is a simmers Disney Land
I am happy to get on your site ---it is a wonderful site-- you guys are very very talent.
I look forward coming on from time to time --- and have fun with you guys
I have so already made/posted pics I can post if that is ok
Lol hey, glad you finally got in! Welcome to UYS, and thank you for your kind words! :D
Of course its alright to post pics, we'd love to see them!!
Hi London!
I agree with Yui, I'd love to see your pictures.
Thank I will post soon --lol I am in class now, so my time is limit and I will have to crop down some of my pictures to fit your boards requirements......But I will. I am only a Sims 2 person (old School )
You might be able to force the size using the tags with:
[img width=#]imagelink[/img]
Lol, and tut tut for checking from class :P
Don't worry about being old school.
I didn't own sims 3 until after Sims 4 was getting announced.
Given that I am a game junkie I just bought everything I could on that game. :D
Thankfully they're all pretty cheap now!
That's what I had planned on doing but usually they create a true "bundle" that's what I am waiting on, hopefully it will not be on origin.
I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they did.
I sure hope so but with them creating some of the stuff download only for Origin we will have to see.
I was able to get all the sims 3 for free on my origin account--- I played it for 1 month and put it down and 4 I have not even seen so for now I will stick to 2 that's my thing :)
How did you manage to get all Sims3 for free? o.O
Now I am curious about that free sims 3 too.
I know that I got all the SIMs 2 stuff free (after spending $200+ buying and re-buying the game, stuff, and expansions.) much to my annoyance.
Sims 4 is pretty fun to watch - I switch between about five families and will randomly see the kids from my self-sims family storming around the hood pissed off at something.
I miss memories now - they at least could clue me in to why my kids are always so mad.
I miss the memories in Sims4 too :/
Ok this was right when sims 3 was in the swing of things --and origin had bust out with making you use them more.
So I was trying to get my sims 2 working but keep getting that dreaded message, so I call origin IT dept.
After awhile of them try but not able to help, because they said they phased out sims 2 they could not help me.
I went off and asked them was that there gimmick to have people pay for sims2 and then force them to buy the new
games, and what about the sims 2 disc I paid for I also told them ( gave them the link ) I had a sims2 site so I
needed to get in the game and that what about all the money spent on the discs --was I to just count that up as a
loss ?
I also sent a email to corp/EA saying basic I thought this whole thing sucked for Sims 2 and that they were ripping
die hard fans that will not pay for other game if this was the way we were to be treated. ( remember at that time
sims2 and sims3 were completely different unlike 3 and 4 ) and there should be something done.
So they apologised and linked me every one of the sims 3 games to my origin account, and said they will look
further into the matter. Months later they give us all the sims 2 free on the origin account.
And that is how I have all the Sims 3 for free. The say the squeeky wheel gets oiled LOL
However, the irony is I don't like sims 3 lol and after a month I gave up on playing it
and I found a link on you tube showing you how to still get into your discs/game- the sims 2 game by bypassing that
dreaded message ----so on my old computer I can still play my discs games.
and I have the ultimate on my new big screen 23" all in on which is great ---it's like looking at the sims on TV lol
but sadly I don't get to play or create or enjoy the sims on the large screen due to school and RL (SMH)
ok at times I tend to get long winded sorry :)
Ohhh, I see! That makes sense! For a second there I wondered if there was some sort of free for all like they did with the ultimate collection and I had missed it, lol.
And no worries about getting long winded, I tend to do it myself! ;)
I know this is for introductions and I did that --but I wanted to stop by to hello :)