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The Sims 2 => Sims 2 Discussion => Sims 2 Screenshots => Topic started by: ravencries on May 12, 2015, 02:47AM

Title: Sprogs Go Squee!!
Post by: ravencries on May 12, 2015, 02:47AM
So we have boys threading and girls threading and lots with rooms and even the Maxis made over. But nothing for the families.
So I made this one mostly because I found pictures from families that are long gone and faded away because computers died.

Oh my the holy Simblar in the sky known as the Watcher thar be families made by Jesse and Van!
Jesse Larson and his family in my game (Sloane was married happily to David Clark)

Van Lewis and his family; the children are Juno, Van Jr, and Sophie. The wife/mother is my self sim. (this was before he came out to be gay)
In another game from another computer Van was dating and fathering children with a lovely lady named Bespin.
Van fathered a lot of children.
He liked the woohoo a lot, and was actually a very good father figure.

BTW I do not own Van or Jesse, they belong to the amazing Yuichen
Title: Re: Sprogs Go Squee!!
Post by: yuichen on May 14, 2015, 01:10PM
Oh wow, I'm surprised we didn't have this thread already. Whoops!

But aww, I remember these pics! I think I still have Van's on my computer somewhere! And technically Van is bi so these still work ;) He dabbles a little with women (including the stint with V/Dina) but he prefers men. I'm glad he's getting some action in your game because the poor guy doesn't get any in mine. That's supposed to change though!

And yay, Dave got to have his way xD
Title: Re: Sprogs Go Squee!!
Post by: ravencries on May 14, 2015, 02:09PM
Well the bisexuality explains why he impregnated all of Pleastantview. (Than you preg mods)
If I stumble over any more old pictures of his sprogs I will definitely upload them.

If I find Vanya anywhere I will upload her images as well.
Title: Re: Sprogs Go Squee!!
Post by: yuichen on May 16, 2015, 12:17AM
Sounds good to me! :P
Title: Re: Sprogs Go Squee!!
Post by: ranabluu on May 17, 2015, 09:39AM
Very cute family.  I tend to never have bi sims but then again I haven't played my ts2 that much this year.  I only have pictures of my ts4 family (using my laptop).  When I get my baby back (desktop) I will post some of the ones I like here.
Title: Re: Sprogs Go Squee!!
Post by: MsSimmer on Jul 18, 2015, 04:00AM

Here are one of my fav couples
so genteel

Sudan and Sierra Leon

(http://i1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb454/Simmergirl1/cutting%20room%20and%20free%20for%20all/SPBHNSUDANASIERRALEONE.jpg) (http://s1206.photobucket.com/user/Simmergirl1/media/cutting%20room%20and%20free%20for%20all/SPBHNSUDANASIERRALEONE.jpg.html)
Title: Re: Sprogs Go Squee!!
Post by: yuichen on Jul 18, 2015, 06:44PM
Snazzy portrait! ;) Any kids on their horizon? Bet they'd have a beautiful family!
Title: Re: Sprogs Go Squee!!
Post by: MsSimmer on Jul 19, 2015, 05:08PM

LOL you know I have never played them as a couple (smh) I do not know why. I used them as models, at that time I was trying to work on my pose and picture taking skills. Yuichen when I have a chance to play ( smh ) not sure when but when I do --- I will start a family with them just for you :)
Title: Re: Sprogs Go Squee!!
Post by: yuichen on Jul 19, 2015, 05:29PM
You definitely should! :D