Under Your Skin

Real-life Discussion => Pictures and Things => Topic started by: kayleigh on Jul 09, 2010, 01:28AM

Title: Pet Pictures
Post by: kayleigh on Jul 09, 2010, 01:28AM
Obviously this would be the thread I start. >.> I love showing off Little, and since I got my camera back I'm able to take pictures of her now. :D!




Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: PhoenixFG on Jul 09, 2010, 01:34AM
LOL!! That last picture made me grin! So SHE'S the cat in your icon! She's adorable!
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: kayleigh on Jul 09, 2010, 01:35AM
No, the cat in my icon is my Blackie who died last year. His death is the reason I got Little. So some good came out of it I guess!
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: PhoenixFG on Jul 09, 2010, 01:43AM
Oh wow! They look so similar to me.  Were they related? Sorry to hear about Blackie! :(
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: kayleigh on Jul 09, 2010, 02:00AM
Not at all. I got Blackie from a random "Free Kittens" sign on the side of the road 13 years ago (when I was 6), and I got Little from the animal shelter I volunteer at last year. I just like black cats a lot, and I instantly connected with both of them. I remember when I got Blackie, my mom and brother tried to convince me to get a different one but I refused. And Little was feeling bad after being spayed the day before and was hissing at all the other kittens, but when I held her she purred and was happy. So I knew I had to have her. :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jul 09, 2010, 02:04AM
She looks like a cat you wouldn't want to mess with. In the second picture I thought she was sitting on a really big platter or something at first xD (I thought it was Little in your icon too =/)

Here are my babies. They're all kind of crazy.

Kato, a 2 year old Siberian Husky. He loves to go for truck rides, tear apart cardboard boxes for me to clean up and stalk the frogs in my pond.

This is Chanelle, a ten year old American Eskimo. She's very yappy and serves as the doorbell but can be sweet when she wants to be.

The 9 year old 27 toed & 28 clawed pain in the butt known as Dione. He gets into everything (cupboards, the freezer one time, occasionally the sealed bucket his food is in -.-) and talks all the time.

And lastly, Lestat. We tend to call him L Man. He tip-toes around the house but purrs like a tractor.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Ja on Jul 09, 2010, 02:12AM
So much cute... Yuichen I love your dogs, especially Kato.
I'd post pictures too but I don't want to harrass my pets with flashes for now. Maybe tomorrow I'll take some.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: kayleigh on Jul 09, 2010, 03:47AM
We definitely need some Minion in there, Ja! He's too cute not to post.

Yui, wow, I can't believe Dione has so many toes/claws O.O I saw in one of your pictures how he had really weird looking feet but I didn't realize there were THAT many. xD

Yeah, it's Blackie in my avatar. That's why it's my avatar, because I miss him and that's the avatar I had when he died so I kept it. Here's the original picture it came from, it links to my flickr where there's other pictures of him as well as Sneeps, Snopes and Noodle. And my mom's cat Pretty. And some animals from the shelter I volunteer at.

(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3651/3524580748_d57fd887c7.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/24312709@N06/3524580748/)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Jul 09, 2010, 09:29AM
Your kitty is so adorable! <3 I love his color.

I will always love your menagerie Yui! Especially Kato <3

Ok, so here is my baby, Anya. She's a Russian Siberian. :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jul 09, 2010, 10:32AM
Aww I forgot all about your mice, Kayleigh. You take really great photos too! :)

Seeing as the photo of Dione didn't really show his scary feet, here's another one. It's still not that great but you can get an idea.

Avelina, Anya is so pretty. Hopefully I'll get to meet her someday soon.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Jul 09, 2010, 11:51AM
aww lovely Di *huggles him*
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: pixelcat45 on Jul 09, 2010, 01:01PM
Everyone has such cute pets :)
This is my cat, Pixel

She recently discovered that my bottom drawer was a cozy place to sleep
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jul 09, 2010, 01:22PM
Aww that's cute! :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Jul 09, 2010, 01:32PM
awww that's adorable! <3
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: kayleigh on Jul 09, 2010, 02:08PM
I love pets. <3 Pixel is so cute. I love black cats.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Ja on Jul 09, 2010, 02:54PM
Alright, here are my pets.
This is Rina. She's a golden retriever/something. I can never get good pictures of her because she fears everything shiny and this is like the only good picture I have of her, even though I don't use flash when taking her photo. I love her anyway, she's pure love turned into a dog.


This is Gaspar. He's technically my sister's dog, but he's more loyal to my mom. I also hate him. He's a vicious, tiny yorkshire terrier. At least I taught him to not go in my room unsupervised. Did I mention I hate him?


And this is Minion. He's only 3-4 months old, and I've had him for a month and a half.  He's a good Minion, but sometimes I'm not sure of his intentions. Just look at that face, you can tell that he's plotting something.


Finally, this is Akane, shar-pei/something. She died on march this year, and I miss her so much. You know the saying, the more I know men, the more I love my dog? She was that dog for me. She always had this grumpy and serious attitude with everyone else but with me  she would smile and wave her tail happily. She loved the camera too. I really miss her, sometimes I unconciously look through the window expecting to see her... but of course, she's not there.

Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: PhoenixFG on Jul 09, 2010, 03:02PM
All the pets are so cute! Wow Yui he really does have that many toes huh? I still think Kato is too cool!

LOL Ja! That closeup of Minion cracked me up!

This is my baby D.O.G He's a trip but I ♥ him so much! Most of these are snagged from my twitter page!

A few days after we got him.  He still chews on everything.

Love this pic.  Don't know what he's staring at but I thought he was adorable!

Him hoping that I drop some food!

Not just poolside.  IN the pool with the fam!:D
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Jul 09, 2010, 03:17PM
oh my goodness gracious. what adorable animals!

@ Ja - Minion is adorable but I think you are right. Just look at those eyes. ^_^

@ Phoenix - your baby is so cute, especially as a puppy. What breed is he?
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: PhoenixFG on Jul 09, 2010, 03:56PM
Kar, he's a mutt! Supposedly dalmatian, German Shepard, poodle and something else.  But I don't see.:P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Jul 09, 2010, 04:07PM
haha that's cute. He kinda looked part border collie that is why I asked. :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: DirtyLiberal on Jul 09, 2010, 06:03PM
So much cute in this thread! I love all the fluffies!
Yuichen, 27 toes and 28 claws?!!? What?! His feet do look a bit scary :D
Here's one of my kitties, Baby Baby. I got 4 more.


Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jul 09, 2010, 07:11PM
Ja- sorry about Akane =( She sounds like she was really special. Rina reminds me a lot of the golden I had before I got Kato (he's a mix with a burmese mtn dog tho). Miss that big guy!

Phoenix- ahfarhdgidh D.O.G! I wish my dog was happier to use my pool. He's unsettled by the fact he can't touch the bottom, so the only way he goes in is if we throw him xD He likes going to the river but it's much too hot lately to walk him down there. And now I am rambling o.O

DirtyLiberal- Looks so glamorous with that around the head! :P And yes, seriously, those feet are frightening!
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: kayleigh on Jul 09, 2010, 07:26PM
Wow, Ja, you have more pets than I knew. xD I thought it was just one dog and Minion. Either way, we need more Minion. He's too cute! Akane looked like a nice dog, I'm sorry she's not around anymore. ):

D.O.G. looks sillly xD

Aww I love kitties, and yours is no exception DirtyLiberal. :DD
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: PhoenixFG on Jul 09, 2010, 08:17PM
Dirty Liberal the boa around his neck slayed me! It's pure awesome!:)

@Yui He gets upset when we tell him to get out! He dives off the deck and into the pool...only when everyone else is in there!

@Kayleigh he IS silly! He can't help himself!:P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jul 09, 2010, 10:55PM
I tried to get mine to jump off the back of our truck but he was too much of a chicken. If we're both in the pool he runs around the outside and jumps up like he wants to go in, but if you move towards him he takes off.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Tanathir on Jul 10, 2010, 09:05AM
So many cute pets!  I want to snuggle them all - yes, even the prickly hedgehog and the mean Yorkshire.  And I think Akane has to have some Chow because they are the breed with blue tongues.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jul 10, 2010, 11:38AM
Somehow I completely missed the fact that she had a blue tongue o.O
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Jul 10, 2010, 12:49PM
I was thinking the same thing when I saw the tongue. A beautiful dog. I've always loved Chows and similar breeds.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: thealicecat on Jul 12, 2010, 06:31PM
Awww. So many cute cats and dogs and...hedgehogs. They're all adorable.

Well, since I hate my dogs and my snail does nothing all day, I'll show my cats.

Bluebell is the tortoiseshell. She's two and we rescued her from the RSPCA in March. And the fluffy black kitten is mine. We got her a week ago, and her name is Schrödinger (because I'm a nerd).


Kind of hard to get a good picture of Schrö, since she's always running about, or sleeping in the shadows.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jul 12, 2010, 07:12PM
Aww they're both really cute! :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Jul 12, 2010, 07:55PM
aww adorable!
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: DirtyLiberal on Jul 13, 2010, 05:15AM
Haha, is Bluebell hissing at you in the first picture? Cats are so funny when they hiss. She is really pretty and i love her name.
Awww, a kitten! So tiny and cute. I wish i could have a kitten again, but that's not gonna happen anytime soon :(
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: kayleigh on Jul 13, 2010, 06:28AM
I think Bluebell's licking her chops in the first picture. I think I see her tongue off to the side, and there's a food bowl with a little Schrodinger in it so I'd guess that's what she's doing. :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: thealicecat on Jul 13, 2010, 01:27PM
I think she was licking her chops, but she was hissing a lot that day as well. She's still not happy with the kitten in the house, though she doesn't seem to mind eating all of Schro's food as well as her own.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Sizza on Jul 15, 2010, 12:33AM
you guys all have such adorable pets!

This is Fluffy/Sluffy.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jul 15, 2010, 12:34AM
Oh my gosh! *huggles teh kitty*
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Jul 15, 2010, 12:35AM
awwwwwwwwwwww that looks like the same breed as my first kitteh. <3
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: thealicecat on Jul 15, 2010, 11:32AM
So very very fluffy! I want to hug the cat!
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Sizza on Jul 17, 2010, 12:38AM
Because the last picture of mah Fluff is kin d of bad, I wanted to spam share 2 other pictures of her.

She does this all the time.

She doesn't look so fluffy or big  when she´s wet
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jul 17, 2010, 11:09AM
No but she sure looks evil xD
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Sizza on Jul 17, 2010, 11:57PM
Yes, she's chargin' her lazors to frai me :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: DirtyLiberal on Jul 18, 2010, 07:25AM
Awww, Fluffy is sooo cute and... fluffy :D And huge! That picture where she is stretching on the bed, she looks enormous there.
Wet kitty, LOL! I'm surprised she looks so calm when wet. I can't imagine the hell my bitches would be raising if i got them wet.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Sizza on Jul 18, 2010, 09:59PM
Her former owner always bathed her (and god knows she needs it) so she probably is just used to it. My other cat hates baths.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Trapping on Jul 28, 2010, 07:53PM
My cat had kittens a few weeks ago. Six of them to be exact. Here's Kaktus:

Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jul 28, 2010, 08:17PM
D'aww ohmygosh so cute! :D
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: kayleigh on Jul 28, 2010, 08:36PM
Kaktus! <3
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Sizza on Jul 30, 2010, 12:22AM
:O Kaktus is adorable, and smiling!
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: DirtyLiberal on Jul 30, 2010, 06:38PM
Sooooo cute! He is growing up. It's a he, right?
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Aug 12, 2010, 12:39AM
I have a couple new pics of my derp derp, Kato.


Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Metatwaddle on Aug 12, 2010, 01:26AM
LOL at "derp derp".

She's a gorgeous dog, Yuichen. <3 I always wanted a dog, and someday I will have one.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Aug 12, 2010, 08:38AM
He ;) But I'm serious, he is such a huge derp. He does weird stuff all the time.

Any particular breed you want?
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Cadoc on Aug 12, 2010, 02:59PM
I LOVE those pics! Teehee! What a gorgeous, crazy boy!
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: DirtyLiberal on Aug 13, 2010, 07:08AM
He is so pretty! And long legged :O I want more pictures of your 100-toed cat :D
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Aug 13, 2010, 12:07PM
He really is long legged, it's crazy. He jumps like a deer with those things.

Here's more Dione :P



Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Cadoc on Aug 13, 2010, 01:55PM
Aw, what a pretty kitty! I love that last pic, he looks so studious. (I think I have that mousepad too... :P )

And that kitten pic is adorable. I used to have an orange kitten and she looked just like that, just not a Hecaton-class feline. :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Aug 13, 2010, 02:35PM
aw omg he's adorable! he likes to rule your desk, doesn't he XD
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Aug 13, 2010, 03:29PM
He sure does >.> The mousepad I use now is the beach one in the 2nd pic.

and oh look, Sims1 on the screen >.> He must've been around 3 or 4 then.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Aug 13, 2010, 04:48PM
wow that was a while ago then
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Aug 13, 2010, 06:44PM
He still prefers the right side of the screen beneath the light, lol. Only now he stretches out and pushes my keyboard over.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Cadoc on Aug 13, 2010, 11:45PM
Lol, well obviously it's in the way! You should move it!
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Aug 14, 2010, 02:45AM
I guess so xD
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Metatwaddle on Aug 14, 2010, 06:48AM
Quote from: yuichen on Aug 12, 2010, 08:38AM
He ;) But I'm serious, he is such a huge derp. He does weird stuff all the time.

Any particular breed you want?
Not really sure. I like the personalities of big dogs, but I'll probably be in a smallish apartment, so a small or medium-sized dog may be a better idea. I don't want a dog that's too high strung or difficult to train and socialize properly, but other than that I dunno. I'll probably just adopt a mixed breed puppy from the Humane Society.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Aug 14, 2010, 04:24PM
That's a perfectly good idea ;)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Athena on Nov 10, 2010, 09:07PM
This thread almost made me cry! I'm not really a cat person but, they're all so adorable and the dogs... I've never seen a dog that didn't steal my heart.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: kayleigh on Nov 10, 2010, 10:19PM
Here's more of Little just because.

Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Nov 10, 2010, 10:40PM
Little! <3
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Athena on Nov 16, 2010, 01:00AM
Aww, I wasn't a cat person until I met the coolest cat ever in Iraq. He was a stray but we named her Eddy. :D Your cat makes me miss her.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Nov 29, 2010, 10:57AM
Just took some recent pics of my feline, Anya.




Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Nov 29, 2010, 11:12AM
D'aww hehe, she makes me giggle. Look at those shifty eyes! She's plotting :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Nov 29, 2010, 11:27AM
you have no idea what goes on in that mind of hers :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Nov 29, 2010, 12:09PM
I love that she knocks pictures off the wall :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Nov 29, 2010, 12:11PM
haha yes. She hasn't done that in a while but I still see the glint in her eyes that she wants to do it
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Nov 29, 2010, 01:07PM
Hehe I bet :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Sizza on Jan 21, 2011, 09:02PM
Fluffy is charging her lasers!
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jan 21, 2011, 10:07PM
Lol! I love pics like those :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Sizza on Feb 18, 2011, 12:44PM
So do I XD They are so silly.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Sizza on Mar 15, 2011, 08:23PM
Another picture of Skotti
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Mar 15, 2011, 09:57PM
D'aww, I would like to pet him.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Sizza on Apr 03, 2011, 12:36AM
Thanks. He would love it, especially under the chin.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Oct 01, 2012, 10:51PM

My Anya, sitting on my lap when I was sick.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Oct 01, 2012, 11:22PM
Aww she wanted to make you feel better <3
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Oct 02, 2012, 12:50PM
I come with new (to you) photos of my Kato potato. Sadly we lost Chanelle this spring so there won't be any new ones of her :(



He's always up for a ride in mom's new car :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Oct 03, 2012, 11:35AM
Look at that face. Such a lovely boy  :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Oct 03, 2012, 01:51PM
We added to our family last night, taking in a sweet but very silly husky called Whiskey.

Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Oct 03, 2012, 11:12PM
d'awwwww :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Oct 04, 2012, 01:30PM
Whiskey has adjusted really well. Sometimes he likes to think he's a lap dog, though. He woke me up this morning by pouncing on me. Scared the crap out of me xD
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Oct 04, 2012, 02:14PM
LOL! I bet :P I'm so glad he's adjusting well! :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Oct 04, 2012, 02:18PM
Kato is the one having some trouble :( He doesn't seem big on sharing things, even when they aren't his. Like Whiskey's blanket and toys. But that might be partly due to the fact Chanelle wasn't interested in toys by the time he came around, so he never had competition. But thankfully he forgets about these issues when they start playing. King of the Couch is quite entertaining to watch.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Oct 04, 2012, 02:21PM
hm. yea. I guess that would be different for Kato. Hope it doesn't become too much of an issue. By looking at the picture I can see how that could be :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Oct 04, 2012, 02:31PM
I think they'll be okay though.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Oct 04, 2012, 05:21PM
I hope they will!
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Feb 05, 2014, 11:40AM
A new picture of Anya from a day ago.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Feb 05, 2014, 11:46AM
I still think she looks like she's plotting something.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Feb 05, 2014, 11:52AM
She plots things every day! Sometimes I seriously think she's possessed by Lucifer :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Feb 05, 2014, 12:02PM
She's even got the pay attention to meeeee thing down as well :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: Avelina on Feb 05, 2014, 12:05PM
LMAO yes! Lately whenever I'm on sofa she's in my lap 4-5 times each night.
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Feb 05, 2014, 12:09PM
Aww cute :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: mydearjo on May 21, 2014, 05:19AM
My smart dog , I love him .
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on May 21, 2014, 08:41PM
Aww he's beautiful! :) What is his name?
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: mydearjo on Jun 03, 2014, 08:38AM
Quote from: yuichen on May 21, 2014, 08:41PM
Aww he's beautiful! :) What is his name?

Simpson !
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jun 04, 2014, 08:25PM
Aww. He looks like such a sweetie :)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Jan 22, 2015, 11:45AM
I just realized I never posted more pics of Whiskey!

(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53663079/IMG_20141007_164622.jpg) (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53663079/IMG_20141007_165528.jpg) (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53663079/IMG_20140909_180919.jpg)
(https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53663079/IMG_20130505_192417.jpg) (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53663079/IMG_20140125_131400.jpg) (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53663079/IMG_20140315_102546.jpg)
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: ranabluu on Mar 26, 2015, 10:53AM
This is Nicholas my crazy kitty
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Mar 26, 2015, 11:19AM
Aww, he's so handsome! He looks like trouble though, hehe. Guess that's where the crazy comes in :P
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: ranabluu on Mar 26, 2015, 12:28PM
Oh he is trouble. 
Title: Re: Pet Pictures
Post by: yuichen on Mar 26, 2015, 01:50PM
All the best ones are, huh? :P