So hello to all; uhm some itty bitty facts about me I suppose to introduce myself would be good here.
- born 27 January, 1986
- Been Simming since 2000
- Mother of two, Darth Vader - black female American Short Hair with 32 toes [born December 2006] & Loki - black male American Short Hair [born March 2012]
- Also plays: Sims 1-4, Sims Medieval, Allods Online, Star Wars KotOR 1 & 2, Civ V, Fable 1 - 4, and forum roleplaying.
I love your kitties' names! Darth has even more toes than my Dione! He has 27 toes and 28 claws. Does she get into all kinds of trouble with them too? :P
She and her younger brother Yoda were both born with the extreme toes; sadly Yoda passed away just before Halloween. :(
I'm quiet used to having cats with hands and clubs for feet, Loki weird's me out because he's so normal, but Darth actually had to have some toes and all her front claws removed because she was unable to walk very well as a kitten. (Yoda as well)
She's quite fond of grabbing my hair and clothes and dragging me to her for pets or pulling my blankets down off of me so she can sleep up against my body.
Aww, I'm sorry to hear about Yoda :( Hmm, you know... it's been a long time since I've had a cat declawed (I was in middle school so ages ago, lol) and I don't remember much, but I've always wondered if they'd charge more for all the extra claws. My cat Dione gets caught in things often. When he was a kitten we used to have to free him from the carpet. Thankfully he doesn't really dig on things anymore and at his age I'm not sure we'd bother, but I think the idea of cost is what kept us from doing it.
I wish my cat was as sweet as yours! :P He uses his extra toes and claws to open cabinets and doors, open the freezer door while sitting on top (thankfully it was only one time), steal computer cords, wires, and he has an obsession with rubber bands so we have to keep them hidden. Now that he's older he's not nearly as bad, but he finds other was to annoy us. Like hogging all my room at night and wailing pitifully outside the door if he can't come in >.>
Darth Vader as a kitten was not sweet, once she was able to climb she lead a rebellion of her litter mates up from under my bed to my foot where she would victory pee on my foot thus claiming it while the others frolicked on my bed. No matter how often their mother Neko took them back down to the floor; sadly my sleeping instinct was to keep whatever was making be wet and she learned how to fly as a kitten.
The cost was fairly low on Darth Vader and Yoda roughly 65 to 75 per cat while they went in to be fixed. Had we known how cheap it was we might have declawed Neko and my other club footed terror DeeDee.
But D sadly had to be put down because of a brain tumor that we didn't know about until it was to late. She was an amazing cat as was her sister Spot. Both of them could open doors and peel shrimps. In fact they would sit and steal the shrimp if they felt my dad was not peeling fast enough for their liking.
Oh wow, she actually peed on you?! o.O Dione basically just attacked my husband's feet if they were hanging over the edge; he didn't really come into his full evil potential until he was older and we got a bigger apartment. But wow, quite the hellions they were!
Have to say that's a lot cheaper than I was expecting, though it would likely be a little inflated here due to taxes.
Poor DeeDee :( That's kind of how it was with the dog we had before Kato, but a tumor on his spleen.
DeeDee was my first real pet, but we live in a highly radiated area so cancers and tumors coming out of normal are so common place here. It's partly why I want to move away from this state entirely, save my remaining cats.
I had to bury three dogs in the last two years and Yoda this past Halloween because they all got hit with mystery illness or cancers.
But on a happier note, Vader and Loki are both healthy and affectionate.
Oh wow, I see. I really don't think I could handle that... I don't blame you at all for wanting to move away :(
We're okay now.
Occasional tears, or Loki being a prick and attacking Vader.
Lol, they do love to do that don't they? xD
I don't know what's gotten into him as of late, but he's been attacking Vader left and right for no reason. She's never been a playful kitty, more content with laying down and cuddling, and he's only a few years old and is full blast kitten mode still.
I think some cats are just inclined to be that way. Dione sure was for a while. He didn't really start calming down until maybe 5 years ago. He still has his moments of course. This morning he was beating up Lman and had tufts of hair stuck between his toes. To be fair, Lman does get in his face a lot. He's a bit of a cuddler and Dione is not a big fan unless it's on his own terms.
Not sure how I missed the response.
I'm still alive, I promise, just vegging out and being blah now that my DU/POCS is rearing it's very ugly head once more and making me miserable.
What a shitty birthday present D: (Happy belated Birthday!) I know what PCOS is, but what is DU? Sorry you're feeling so cruddy :( Hope it doesn't last too much longer.
Thanks; I kinda spent my birthday just vegging with the girlfriend watching bad movies.
DU is basically Dysfunctional Uterus, its like a super special bonus pack that comes with PCOS. All in all it just makes me miserable when I am not on Birth Control - which makes me more miserable because I forget to take the pills or to refill my prescription since I barely make enough to survive with.
Damn that's rough :( You can't seem to catch a break one way or the other. I hope the girlfriend and bad movies made it seem a little less shitty at least. And demon cats, because... cats are awesome. Sometimes. Lol.
They both helped.
And my dad paid for my prescription this month so I've got meds again, Now to just remember they are in my purse everyday.
It's funny you mentioned demon cats, I'm actually watching the Dear Kitten series.
Woot, goodbye jerk uterus issues for the next month (assuming you don't forget them)!
I haven't so far, which is good.
My friends think it's hysterical that I am even on the pills to begin with; cause apparently I can catch pregnancy while still being a lesbian.
My male friend Beast, he was with me in the ER a few weeks ago and got to see that I wasn't joking about the fact the Nurses and Doctors in the ER assume it's pregnancy every time I am in there; and never seem to take 'I am a lesbian' as my final answer.
I'm sure they've probably come across women who identify as lesbians but dabbled with men and just don't want to accept it resulted in a child, but if the patient is really adamant about it they need to stfu and listen >.> Granted they should anyway.
Also, thank Grohl pregnancy isn't contagious because I'd have to be a recluse.
If pregnancy was like the common cold, I'd be screwed because my girlfriend is actually due this March and one of my coworkers is due in August. So many babies everywhere.
Lol oh boy, I guess so! :P
But in reality I'm looking forward to the baby my girlfriend is having, its the first in our poly-marriage. With me being fully gay and she and her husband being bi; the kiddo is going to have a wide view of family life.
Also me and the dad are simmers, (my girl hates the sims because she watched a former friend of ours neglect her own children for the game) but it is funny watching her yell at her husband to check on the baby because he forgets to feed and change it in the game.
Wow, I can understand her reasoning. That's awful! :(
That's great! We need more open minded people in this world. Do you guys know what it is or want to be surprised? I feel like I always ask that, come to think of it, lol.
It's bad.
But as for knowing the gender, we're in the dark, my girl and I are thinking its a boy. So long as the baby is healthy I'm happy.
Very true :) I think there's a kind of extra excitement in not knowing. I mean, I can't say personally, but the idea seems interesting at least.
Only she won't be able to just spin and poof out a baby, or have a magically crib appear.
So this is going to be vastly fun.
If only, lol. When I was younger I used to hope I would require cesareans like my mom. Which is silly because it's not just an easy little thing. Guess it's the idea of the tearing or some doctor butchering me to ease the process. Plus my pain threshold is pretty terrible.
Now I don't really want anything to do with it. I've come to realize I'm one of those people who should never have any. I have no patience and too many issues I'd rather not pass on like my mother (unintentionally, of course) did with me. Instead I surround myself with animals.
Part of me wants to have a baby, but I know I am not mature enough to have a child of my own. Yes we're all having one, but I'm not yet living with them and part of me wants to stay out of the house because ever since her husband got her pregnant ahead of the planned having her work for six months after the wedding, he didn't understand none of us are able to afford a child yet with our jobs or lack of jobs.
So much drama.
Oh boy, things ought to be interesting for a while :( He really should've considered everything but I guess... sometimes one gets kind of lost in the moment? I hope things work out alright.
He made her so mad when he said he was no longer using protection knowing she's not on the pill because lack of funds.
So I'd rather live elsewhere and not get in the middle of the fights. I'm like the less shady version of Don Lothario.
Yeah, that's kind of a dick move :/ He could've used them until she had worked a bit and could better the situation. What was the rush, buddy? Geez.
Okay, I laughed at that xD
He's excuse was that since they were married he could no longer deny her his sperm.
We both want to hit him for that.
And excellent, my plan succeeded.
That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard -.- Talk about thinking with his wrong head. Oh, I don't want to wear condoms anymore because we're married and apparently my preference means more than the plan we had to be in better financial standing to afford a baby. Don't like it? Oh well!? Ugh. I'm sure there's more to it than that but it just... makes me really uncomfortable and it's not even my business. I just feel like if my husband implied his needs/wants were more important than mine when it's my body he'd have to go impregnate someone else because he wouldn't be getting any ass from me. Thankfully he doesn't want kids either.
Sorry. I appear to be moody this morning.
There really isn't any more to it than that.
They hadn't even been married a full month when she took the test and it came back positive; nd it makes me so angry because he knew what the plans were.
Hell when they moved from Florida to New Mexico where I live, instead of finding a place to live here in town where he works; he dragged her to a city 2 hours north of us. And now expects her to drive him into work at 3AM for 3 days a week.
It's just like.
Dude, she is pregnant. She needs to rest. You buying only cheap food and then having her get up early to drive you to work is ridiculous.
I understand that she loves him; but I love her and get so grr thinking about the crap he's putting onto her.
Maaaan this guy has some nerve! o.O
Seriously when she and I met 7 years ago, if I had had my own place I would have invited her to move out west with me. I wasn't free to move around till about 2 years ago, I should have made her come back with my father and I 3/4 years back when we were out there to see the family.
She wasn't with the husband yet.
She would have avoided all that BS for one thing >.> How long were they together before they got married?
Honestly I want to say two or three months.
Hmm, I see.
Probably should have waited to get to know each other a little better. Now he's kind of controlling everything :(
He really is, though it would be cute to text me yesterday while I was working that he's changed job locations which means it'll now be more difficult for my lady and I to see one another as my car has faulty breaks so I can't drive up to see them all the time.
Oh nice, so he's going to alienate her now too. Wonderful! >.<
Her due date is close, and they've only got the one car.
Neither of them have any family in New Mexico, only me and mine.
She must be so upset :(
I tried calling her, got no response. So I'm just waiting to hear from her now, getting more pissed off at his dragging her to another city where I can not be there if she needs help. At least the three days she had to drive him in I could be with her and make sure she's okay.
I hope she'll be alright out there :/
As do I. :'(
He needs to talk to her about these things. I mean, I assume he didn't or else she probably would have told you about it herself. But marriage isn't a one sided thing, and it doesn't only effect them. He knows how she feels about you, and you her. It's not fair to constantly snowball you guys. I worry what it will be like later :(
She's convinced herself that they are going to last forever, a friend of mine and I both are watching their marriage implode because of everything he does. I was literally given no warning and while I knew he was trying to get onto the crew in Roswell, I also know that there are currently a ton of layoffs happening in his line of work. I seriously think he's screwed them over by leaving the town I am in for the bigger town that has less to offer job wise.
Not if things keep going the way they are :/ Unless she just keeps letting him do it, that is. I don't know him so I can't say if he'd do something crazy if she tried to leave, but I really hope not. Especially if she's out there by herself. But yeah, the job situation sounds a bit iffy, and it's already going to be tough when the baby comes... yikes. Sounds like they're walking into disaster.
Apparently my reply never posted, which bothers me.
I actually found out very recently that the only reason he still has a job is because of my family, my aunt works in the offices for the company he works for and his termination papers came across her desk in December. Rather than fire him and have them move into where I live (it's already cramped with five pets and three humans), she held off on passing the papers along. His transfer to Roswell was also her doing; to keep them from loosing everything by constantly driving to and from Roswell five days a week.
Waaaait... something must've happened because I remember seeing that post and I responded o.O
There were database issues yesterday morning but I don't see why it would delete one part of the conversation and not take the others. wtf...
See I knew i said something about it.
Internet is being mean.
Stupid thing -.- There's always something lately
*hugs* It's okay sweetie.
I'm still here.
Here's hoping it's smooth sailing from here...
Now if I could just get my sims 4 to play without playing the gallery music in game that would be awesome.
Oh lovely. Can't say I've had that happen o.O
It was so weird, that it was playing while I was trying to plan a lot for my newly married couple.
So then the two music tracks were competing, or do I misunderstand?
They were.
My game is being buggy. I couldn't get the skills bar to vanish after she went to go do something else when she was done watching TV.
Why is my game being so mean.
I have an issue with fridges. After a while they'll open the door from clear across the house and the food magically appears. Eventually they just wont use the fridge at all and I have to replace it.
Oh yeah, and computers! They will not use the stupid thing unless I make them sit in the chair first.
Mine actually do not do anything, I made a bunch with clashing personalities just to see fights. Only they do not fight or do anything, this distresses me.
Well that's no fun :(
It really isn't any fun, I ever tried to make siblings fight by adding a spouse that is prone to flirting and being sexy with everyone. No fights. Just harmonious bed hopping hubby humping his nights away.
And they said they were supposed to be more emotionally aware... >.>
Apparently emotionally aware turds need to share a single room to notice infidelities happening literally across the room from each other.
I swear I even made the husband in one family sleep with his wife, his sister and his brother in law in that order. No jealous actions, no betrayal. None of them even noticed when two were busy waddling around the second day in the house.
Wow, epic fail, EA! D:
Quite an epic fail.
Hopefully they'll fix it in that patch next month.
Cause I hate trying to start fights or feuds.
Did you see someone found lines in Sims4Studio for unsupported ages that seems to suggest there will be toddlers? If they do bring them back I hope they'll be fully fleshed out and not just trapped in a playpen like the little dog from Apartment Life.
I actually had not heard that, so it seems pretty cool.
Was posted on Platinum Simmers (
Thank you much for the link, I shall have to look into that now.
I just hope if they do bring them back they'll be better than the babies.
I actually avoid making my sims reproduce if I can help it.
I am laughing at how many people were commenting about WooHoo weekend having babies with all the females in the game.
Oh yeah, I forgot all about that challenge.
Lol. Woohoo Weekend sounds like a sims band.
Okay it's not just me now that's vanishing.
WTF, my bitching post is gone now too and I never even saw any database issues since then...
oh godaddy you piece of crap! >.> I hate calling places fdlkhghkgd
Did we become a twilight zone episode or something?
With all the vanishing...
Start counting shadows and keeping tally of the things around us.
The host's support area said the other day that they were aware users were having problems, and when I went to get the number yesterday it said it was sorted out. So I'm going to wait and see if it was even the same problem we're having here. If shit keeps disappearing then I will call. I don't want to sit on the phone for a few hours getting all bristly if I don't need to.
Hopefully the host issues will cease, because this is getting weird.
Indeed. It doesn't help me get the site back up either.
No more issues web hosts.
Sites are missed and shadows are counted.
I mean, we're THIS close to finished. She has one of her bootcut jeans left to do (teen males maybe) for both regular version and slaved, and the slaved version of one of the other ages. Aside from re-editing the damn mesh pages and dropping the Sims4 cropped tops in, that's pretty much it. At least I think so.
But ugh, speaking of borkage. I found some lots in the new neighborhood where the Cutlers was to be "filmed" are corrupted and make the game crash. Including the bookstore where Becca works and the connected tattoo shop a new character owns. Makes me nervous that her house is fucked up and the apartment building where Arlo lives is as well. I wont deal very well with it, I know it :/
Today is just a bad day all around.
Guess i'll find out later. I don't want to wait 30 minutes just to see if it crashes, lol.
Right so now we wait and see what happens yes?
Yep. So far so good.
The closer the due-date comes the less interested in my Sims I am finding myself.
Might just be all the stress right now.
No doubt. How are things going?
Going well for all things accounted.
Watching movies today to avoid meeting my girlfriends mother soon.
Not a fan of her? :P
Have not actually met her, nor has Sara told her about me.
Oh boy :(
Oh boy indeed.
I am supposed to meet her today. ???
Eep! Well, I hope it goes smoothly and isn't too awkward. I always hated that part of relationships. I'm awkward by default and never knew what to say.
Well she hasn't called me or texted me about if they are even coming down now.
So I'm confused.
And you've never been awkward around me.
Hmm, plans must have changed? Still could've gotten a call/text to say so, though.
Lol, I'm less awkward on the internet, thankfully.
Okay she did eventually call me, her mother supposedly had errands to run today which is suspicious given the fact her mother lives in Florida. Not New Mexico.
The whole family is trying to talk her into going back to Florida.
It's uhg.
I have been awkward online.
I hope it's more of an oh honey your husband is sketchy so leave him and come home than a you're just so far away let me smother you back home kind of thing. Though I imagine she would like to be closer to her grandchild. And if she still doesn't know about you she wouldn't know there's still something there for her. That needs to be sorted out D:
How goes his job situation?
It's more the whole family is pressuring her to move home because they want her there and not somewhere where they can not spy on her every move. They like her husband.
And he hasn't been working because of snow.
Of course they like him, he tries to control her just as they like to do. Good grohl -.- Thank goodness she has you.
It's just uhg.
So much uhg.
Now we're waiting on the sprog to feel like coming into the world.
Very much so :(
*head to desk*
*lifts head* Nope still planning to do it.
*head to desk*
Her mother wants her to walk the Carlsbad National Caverns tomorrow, knowing the kid is a few days over due, those caves are 37 miles away from the nearest town... and another five miles away from the nearest hospital.
While I guess I can understand her idea to get things moving, and also knowing labor takes a while, she still can't be sure that something wont go wrong... seems awfully risky :( Why not just walk around somewhere closer?
Caverns was nixed, and pushed to tomorrow... and now I am going with one of my friends tagging along so I am not the only one there asking why.
This should be so much fun.
Her husband just wants to drive down here and have labor induced at the hospital here so that way the baby can be born and no one has to suffer watching a 9 month pregnant woman walk the caverns.
The one time she should listen to the man and she's listening to her mom's weird ideas instead. Silly woman.
I am taking my friend Lawrence tomorrow, so I am not the only one going wtf.
Good. I hope she/they come to their senses before you all get too far into it. Man she has to be so fucking uncomfortable :(
We walked the cave, I was back and forth in the cave getting people back to the group every so often. She is now experiencing lower back pain and thinks the baby might be coming tonight.
She went into labor this morning.
I head up later to see her and the sprog. I might post a picture of us if I get any.
Can't say I envy her right now :P I hope everything goes/went smoothly!
There we go.
Mein Sprog and I.
8 lbs. 10 oz. 21 in. long.
Aww, a sleepy itty bitty! Has quite a bit of hair too!
He's got so much hair, and its so red.
Yay, red hair!! What name did you guys go with?
Raymond Joshua.
He's my little sprog of fussy cuteness.
Aww, nice :)
Sadly I am keeping away from them right now because her mother is just insane.
Hopefully she doesn't stay too long then.
She's staying till the 17 I think.
That's still a while :( Poor little guy is missing out on his Dee!
It's sadness... I wanna see my smooshy sprog.
Maybe in the meantime she could take him in a room by herself and skype with you? I know it's not the same, but at least you'll get to see him.
Sadly they do not have internet, but it's only a few more days. I can wait a few days.
Oh I see :(
I am going insane.
Wanna see my bug.
Uhg. The 17th needs to pass already.
Is there any way the three of you can plan an outing to meet up on the weekend?
I am gonna try and shoot for a trip up on Sunday.
With luck we'll be able to go up and see the kiddo without her mother being there.
*fingers crossed*
Psycho nooo...
At home, uhg need Tuesday to come faster.
Aww, that sucks!! :(
At least she leaves in the morning.
So I can spend the day there.
Good :)
Hopefully we're going up tomorrow.
My friend isn't answering his phone.
This kid is his godson.
Hope you're able to go today!
Still no word from the godfather.
And I think the weather might stop us cause it looks like snow right now.
If it looks it here means it might be happening up in her town since she's higher up than us.
Aww man, everything's working against you! :(
It really is, found out a few hours ago that his dad is now in the hospital.
So he's busy with that.
I wanna see my son.
Hope his dad will be alright and you can go soon :/
We'll see.
It was his Psych that screwed up and didn't do any blood work for the last 9 months.
So he's meds are off the chart in his blood.
Still at the hospital.
Geez :S
Okay long day at work is over, thankfully.
Now my lady is sick and we won't know for a week if the boys have gotten sick as well.
I think I need to find Mercutio and slap him for poxing houses.
Damn! There's always something!! :( Hopefully the boys don't get sick too.
Hope so.
But with all the insanity, I somehow got more hours at work.
Suppose it'll keep you busy until you can see them?
It should, it'll also help me save up money so I can go up there and not have to run out of gas.
That's always a good thing, lol :P
Yes it is... I also will get to spoil him too.
Planning on talking mum into doing a themed Villains costume for Halloween so we can dress him as the Riddler.
Awwww that would be ridiculously cute! ^__^
Given that he's a natural ginger, it would definitely be cute.
Did he and his dad end up getting sick too?
No word from them.
Dad doesn't contact me all that often, so he won't tell me.
I think she's to ill to say anything.
Poor thing :(
Makes me sad.
Hope she gets better soon so she can enjoy the little one more.
As do I.
How is your friend's dad doing?
No word as he's turned off his cell phone.
I see :/ Hope he's doing alright. I guess he would've told you if he'd taken a turn for the worse, so here's hoping no news is good news?
Pretty much what I am doing right now.
Now to wait for a ride so I can go buy stuff for my eye cause it's swollen up and mostly closed.
Why does life hate me right now?
Oh damn, that doesn't sound good D:
Okay I have eye drops.
It feels itchy now but the swelling has gone down a lot.
That's good at least. Anything else gonna come up? Geez >.>
A person my girlfriend hates sent a package to her old house on accident and had me ask if she could get her dad to return to sender the package.
That's kind of weird. And a little awkward, lol.
But a silver lining has appeared.
They might be getting a new car an old as frak (1993) SUV
Well hey, that's something!:D As a second vehicle or a replacement? Would be awesome if she could come see you sometimes.
They lost the car they moved here with.
Oh I see :(
But it's good they are getting a car.
maybe they can get a second one later for her so she can do her own thing.
I hope so. I'm sure she'd really love that.
I know she would, it means no more walking or borrowing the neighbors truck.
And to answer any question about my ER trip.
My eye officially has pink eye; and feel like I got punched.
The eye has been stabbed by 2 q-tips for cultures, gotten numbed by awesome drops (which I want), red dye was added, there was a rave with black lights, and then gel was put upon it; I am to keep using the gel until my new eye drops are here.
Oh man, sounds like quite the day! :( I'll admit I laughed at the rave comment, hehe. I haven't had pink eye since I was under 10 or so and I kept getting the damn things all the time! I don't remember going through all of that though. Just that I freaked the hell out at the thought of putting anything in my eye (it's my phobia), so my parents and brother had to hold me down to apply it. What's sad is I'm sure my husband would still have to do it if I got it now, and I have the added "joy" of anxieties >.>
Hope it clears up quickly! :)
I never got it as a kid, but now as an adult its like every few weeks I have my eye fucking up.
I have no idea what was distracting me when I wrote that message up above.
But yeah, no it was cool. They busted out a black light over my eye to make sure I hadn't torn anything on it cause I described the mucus as feeling very slimy and viscous whenever I rubbed my eye. And with it having been going on since the 9th of this month. They worried i did damage.
I described it as I had basically pissed my eye off.
Oh wow, that is a while o.O Lucky nothing horrible happened... at least I assume things are alright for the most part?
Nothing but me going insane from it bugging the crud out of me for nearly a month.
I bet :/
I'm using gel stuff, I want my eyedrops.
When are they supposed to come in? Hopefully not too much longer...?
Got them this afternoon.
But given that they are the same ones as the last time I don't think this is going to work.
Oh wonderful :/ Someone wasn't paying attention over there...
The gel crud they gave me works though I can not see out of my eye very well.
That ought to make things interesting o.O
I use the drops during the day and the gel at night.
Walking and typing are fun.
I bet they are D:
I'd be like yep i'm typing complete sentences that make perfect sense. Meanwhile the screen shows fdkgdfh oidug djg oildg, lol.
I was doing that for the first hour or two.
Just turned my head and stared at the screen squinting.
Must give you a headache after a while :/
It really does.
Which means my back meds double duty of head meds.
How is everyone else doing? Hope they're finally feeling better. Poor little man and momma :( Was the husband sick too? I can't remember.
We are all on the mend, daddy never got sickly, and little man is being a little man and face planting the boobs.
Well, it IS pretty cushy, and om nom and all that, so... lol.
Also, *GASP*, grass! I miss seeing grass! :(
Yes very plushy, sadly the nom noms dried up while momma was sick so he's formula bound.
And yes, grass. We have that here cause it's already summer.
Aww poor sprogling :(
Jealous! We still have quite a bit of snow here. Granted ours is going down faster in front of the house because my husband used the snow blower to keep pushing it back, so we could actually see out the basement windows and not flood the garage. There's a little nasty brown grass but it's quite spongy.
Lol. My cat was just upstairs crying and both the dogs started howling along with him. Of course they always stop when I get the camera out! >.>
I've told her how to restart the milk but she doesn't wanna do that.
I live down in a desert, we've had grass all year - granted I wouldn't walk barefoot through it because of demon thorns like Goat heads. Then the sand spurs.
But there are up to 20 different varieties of grass out here in any given yard. so nothing truly stays dead or hibernates.
Aww silly fur-kids.
Oh gosh yes, I can imagine it can be pretty uncomfy! D:
Very much so.
The goatheads can stab through flip flops and tennis shoes.
Damn! That's crazy! D:
. . .
Her father and Step Mother are now coming to visit...
Can I just move in with you guys?
Are they as crazy as her mom? Lol.
Father has met me once before.
Has no idea we're dating.
Step mother is the evil succubus from the neither regions of Satan's non-gender conforming sexual organs.
Ugggh, great -.-
I am going into hiding unless they show up at my house.
Just to avoid the nice making.
Lol sounds like a good plan to me. Do you know how long they're staying?
The 9th.
Thankfully it's not as long as her mom's visit :) Hopefully it'll go quickly!
Thank fully.
Just can't spend my first Easter with the sprog.
Aww yeah, I didn't even think of that :(
Uhg; I will go and attempt seeing him between the 17 and the 22.
Hope it works out this time!! :D
Hopefully I didn't lose my job today.
As my schedule was changed without notice and I had plans today.
Oh shit, I hope not either D:
He changed my schedule and I received no notice of it being changed until the day of when I contacted a manager to see why the store was not open.
I told them I had plans to go see my kid, a lie but still didn't matter because I did have plans for after my original scheduled shift.
They seriously shouldn't pull any bs about it considering it's their fuck up, not yours. But I know companies don't give a shit -.-
I am tired of having my stuff changed without warning.
We can never get coverage in time.
Can't say I blame you, it's kind of bullshit :/
They didn't even ask if I was able to work a later shift.
So I lost 4 hours of work on my paycheck now.
I realize I am part-time but damnit I need my hours and money.
That's odd o.O Is there a day you could make up the hours?
Sadly makeup days are not allowed in this place.
If it was I'm still back logged from being sick.
Ah man, that blows :( How's that going, btw?
It's good.
My POC's is acting up and giving me bad cramps, but all is well until tomorrow when I go to work.
What about you sugar?
Booo, you've been dealing with enough as it is. It should gtfo for a while...
Eh, can't complain. Things are going alright.
Life happens all the time in my world.
Likes to beat me over the head.
Fur kids being good and all?
Mm, unfortunately it seems to be a trend among my friends :/ Two of them keep having health issues, and one is currently facing some pretty serious surgery. Well, both really, but one is a bit of a life changer... The rest struggle with anxieties and depression. I do as well but things have been a lot better lately.
For the most part they are. I didn't feel that great last week so the dogs didn't get to go for their walks, and when they can't they tend to act up a bit by wandering away from the house more or destroying things (mostly cardboard, thankfully). I took them today and they got to socialize a little while my mother-in-law's german shepherds, but for some reason they both decided to visit the neighbor's yard after supper tonight. He wasn't even out there so I'm not sure why, but at least they didn't go out on the main road. And the cats... are just lazy, lol.
Erk, many healing vibes for your friends facing these trials.. (I'm going to join your depression and anxiety tea party now). Surgery is never a thing I want to think about because its just so involved and long which means anything could happen.
Sorry the kids are being little butts, with the yard escaping and cardboard eating.
You and me both! I'm not very good with pain either, so...
That's to be expected with huskies but ours tend to be better behaved in that sense, probably because I'm always around and they're getting attention. A couple summers ago a guy was riding by my house on his bike and he stopped cause he was shocked the dogs stayed in the yard. Turns out he's the guy who owned the massive one by the other bike path and he can't ever take his off a chain or leash cause it's gone.
Sorry for not answering, I was dead yesterday after work.
Oooh Hushkies!
A girl came into my job yesterday carrying a Husky Timber Wolf hybrid, the puppy was so adorable.
But yea, my dogs do that stay with mommy thing.
No problem :)
Awww I bet it was! I've never seen one in person.
Uhg... I found out tonight I got the dates wrong.
The father is coming out this up coming week. Not leaving.
So I missed Sprogs first Easter cause le-girlfriend did not clarify that her father was not there.
But I saw him today - tiny cold, and gassy.
Aww, whoops! :/ Glad you got to see him though, even if he was farting/burping up a storm, lol.
I didn't get to stay long, because it was late and they were cleaning the apartment.
But see him I did.
Better than nothing considering how long it's been?
I got to see him on his 1 month birthday.
And next thing you know he'll be a year D: Goes by SO fast!
This user is currently out of order due to catching what appears to be a case of very evil food poisoning.
Will resume being witty and nerd like when illness has passed.
Oh no!! Food poisoning sucks! :(
Man you have the worst luck, too...
It might not be food poisoning as it's burned out for the most part.
Just yesterday I felt like I was slammed by a bulldozer.
Today I slept and ate soup and bananas.
Maybe something is going around. Kayleigh is currently sick too.
Yeah, one of my moms coworkers got hit by something like what I had and left work yesterday morning.
So there is a chance its a short lived bug.
Oh okies. Well, I hope so.
I would like to officially go on record that was the weirdest, grossest, short lived virus I have ever had in my entire life.
Lol, how "fun" :P
Whatever it is, I hope it's not going around here.
I hope you guys don't get it, it was a nasty ride.
But I am bouncing around now.
I'm not really around enough people to pick it up myself, my husband tends to bring things home. I haven't gotten the last few things though, so... *crosses fingers*
*crosses fingers too* I hope he doesn't bring this home to you.
I don't think anyone in the office is sick right now, but he had to go around various granite related businesses in town today for a convention of sorts. Hopefully all the sickies stayed home.
Meanwhile, we have icky brown grass!! :P
Meanwhile I have had to mow the lawn a few times. Trade you.
I don't think you want to do that. I still have to pick up the mine field of dog poop behind the house.
We used to have one of those, now it just kinda dries out and crumbles away or we spray it away while watering the yard.
In the summer it's not so bad cause they tend to go along the edge of the woods, but in the winter they pretty much go in the same places all the time. Whiskey prefers under a tree and Kato has mountains by the shed. It's supposed to be nice tomorrow so I guess I'll do it then. In my farmer boots >.>
I wish you much luck on this clean up day.
Wear gloves and carry a rake?
Oh definitely. I got started late and didn't finish. Or, I should say I did the front and got sick of it (plus blisters). It wasn't even the bad spots :( Guess I'll do that tomorrow if it's nice.
I swear there's enough out there to make people think we have like 3 sled teams or something...
Big dogs make big piles.
We've got little dogs here, so they make little piles.
Ugh, I noticed this morning they're even going in the flower beds -.-
Bad boys (girls), stay out of the flower beds.
Those are not for poops but for sniffs.
He probably didn't think much of it because the leaves blew over it. I couldn't do anything today because it was rainy and miserable.
Rain is nice though.
Will green up the lawn for one thing, it looks pretty bad in the front. It's raining again today.
See grass getting rain is good for greening.
Rain is pretty.
Yay it's sunny today!
Boo I have to go back to work tomorrow.
Aww, boo :(
The weather turned crappy later on. Supposed to stay shitty tomorrow too.
The weather dislikes you, being healthy dislikes me.
Sure seems like it :/ It's currently 33 and snowing. Like wtf. It's almost May.
It was snowing last Saturday while I was out of town.
Lol well at least you were away :P
It never really amounted to much here. There was a little in the mornings but it was always gone by midday. Tired of the cooler weather though...
I was actually sitting locked outside of the van when it started to snow.
My friend couldn't wait for me to get out of the shop, or hand me the effing keys when he went to the bathroom.
That sucks :/
It really did, and now he's being a dick and acting like I did something wrong.
Boys -.-
Going to see the sprog soon?
Sadly no idea on that front.
My car is getting sold so I can pay medical bills as my job doesn't provide enough money to be able to pay off the one I am working on in November.
I'm also working on weekends again, so I might not get to go any time soon since the guys don't work on weekends.
Man, that sucks all around! :(
Yep, unless the guys wanna drive up and back in the same night so I can get to work the next day.
We're trying to find them a car.
Hope you find something :)
In the meantime maybe your girl can take a day trip to see you?
The whole car thing a need first and foremost.
But I'm gonna try going up soon hopefully.
I get pictures all the time.
Man he's gonna be 2 months soon o.O Doesn't really seem like it was that long ago.
I didn't even think of that.
Goes fast :/ I remember when my oldest nephew was born (he was the only for several years). He spent a lot of time with my parents and I because my brother and the mom split up, and we had to fight for visitations on weekends. Anyway, I loved that kid to death and hogged him, but before I knew it he was a year old and I just couldn't believe it. Now he's almost 16 and towers over me D:
It does go by fast.
My brothers ex has custody of their son as well, and he moved across the country to be away from her at a loss.
When we do see my nephew he's different every time.
I can imagine. How sad :( I'm sure it wasn't easy for him to do.
My brother eventually had two more kids with his ex wife but I never really got to know them. Although I only live about an hour and a half away, we never really managed to get together as a family often. I think the last time was the Christmas after the youngest was born, and he's now... 9? My parents knew the kids because my mom watched them when they were little, but everyone else pretty much only saw pictures and knew their names. So when my dad died and we got together I basically met them for the first time all over again. My niece is a little stand off-ish, naturally, but the boy seems like a pretty comfortable kid. He's a little guy and I secretly hope he'll be the other hobbit sized person in the family >.> As odd as I feel when I'm around them I'm glad we're getting to know each other, even if it took losing my dad for it to happen. Silver linings I guess?
Wow, I really rambled.
It's alright sweetie.
Rambling is allowed.
My brother has a new girl in his life who he actually married 2 years ago, with her came two boys from a previous marriage. They've had a little girl since getting married. I only got to meet her at the wedding while she was chilling all ninja like in the womb.
Lol, in the womb sounds like the best place to be at a wedding. I'm glad things worked out for him though! :)
It really is working out.
I am so happy for him.
My Kato is 7 today! Too bad he's wearing his grumpy pants. I hope a walk and a cupcake will fix that.
Yay! Happy birthday to Kato.
I do not know the ages of most of our pets because they are adoptions.
The walk and cupcakes did indeed help with the grumpy pants.
They didn't have papers or they just didn't know either?
2 have no papers.
3 have no papers/I honestly can not remember the years of their birth. But the 3 are all Christmas babies.
Awww, Christmas babies! I only ask because when we adopted our old American Eskimo there were a ton of papers. Her birth date and all that, plus all the things she didn't deal well with. She seemed fine with all those things oddly.
None of the remaining pets have any papers. Both cats came from farms, actually Kato did too. Well, Whiskey had papers I guess but my husband never arranged to pick them up -.- But as far as birthdays go we were told when both the dogs were born, and the cats are estimations.
Loki & Snickerdoodle have no papers; just guesstimates on when they were born.
Annebell, Missy Mouse, and Darth Vader all are Christmas or a few days before/after Christmas.
Lol, I love all their names!
We used to have a Killer Magoo Magillacutty, Brandi Lynn, SaraJayne, and a Yoda.
Sadly those four passed away.
Yoda got really sick last year, and passed.
Brandi and Killer caught Parvo and it took them out.
Old age took SaraJayne.
Aww, poor babies :(
Killer and Brandi were a few years ago, as was SaraJayne... Yoda was one of my kittens I raised into old manhood, his mother tried to reject him when he was first born and I sat beside the bed with a heating lamp and kept him warm and cleaned him little until she took him back with her other babies.
Darth Vader was the first kitten in that litter. Then there was Leia and Chewie (Yoda was named Luke originally but my mother gave away Leia who was his twin) Chewie was given to a pet shop to sell when she was old enough.
Aww poor Yoda! I'm glad she eventually accepted him! But how sad to lose a few of them close together like that :( It's bad enough just losing one...
I only really remember two kittens growing up, and I was in jr high or early high school I think. I know we had kittens when I was really young but my mom said I was too rough with them (apparently I carried them around by the neck saying "kitty") so they gave them away. But the two I remember were called Dusty and Jigga. Dusty was a long haired gray and tan sort of calico meets tabby, and she was the sister of one my brother got a week earlier, who he called Ozzy. Jigga was black and white marked like a holstein cow, and he grew to be pretty damn big. I took them both to Canada with me but Dusty didn't deal very well with it so I took her back home. My parents kept her for a few years but ended up giving her to a family they knew. I can't remember why and I'm not sure when she died, or if she has. I would imagine so though. Jigga went with us to the farm but he died the summer before we moved into our house, so 2004. My poor Jiggamonster.
Much sad.
Hrm.. topic change?
Uhm happy belated mothers day to you and your furbabies.
lol, back at you. If I remember correctly I felt like crap, but oh well.
Sorry I've been a bit MIA here. My husband's friend has me making a website for his fabrication shop and it's been eating up most of my time. I am quite rusty at hard coding unfortunately :/
It's cool.
I watched movies and slept.
I was gone all weekend and today I'm just gonna be lazy AF and not care. The husband is off work (long weekend) so why not?
I worked, today is my lazy day of waiting for RuPaul's Drag Race to come on.
I am thinking about going into my TS2 downloads and clearing the entire folder out, deleting the game and reinstalling it so I have a fresh game to work with - and can restart my sims with a fresh slate and work on fixing all the pre-made to looking nicer.
Sometimes I wish I could do that, and I probably should, but at the same time a lot of the stuff I have isn't available anymore and I stopped hoarding my zips a long time ago. I keep finding more and more of the new Cutler neighborhood borked :( Sloane's new house is still okay but I'm afraid to check Arlo's apartment. Plus I really don't want to rebuild it all again.
Yesterday for me was basically all about playing on my PS4 and talking with my friend on it. Then in the evening I caught up on Game of Thrones and Penny Dreadful.
Well you can always pull the houses and save them off the stuff and reset everything.
then you can go into the lots after that and see what might have been wrong with the stuff.
Guess I'll have to :(
Any advice from me at this moment in time should never be heeded.
I am on Norco and Valium right now for my back.
All I want to do it sleep.
Oh boy D:
If I take them as directed all I do is sleep.
If I take them at the exact same time I can stay awake.
FML is right, you sure deal with a lot of stuff :(
Note to self, build time machine to go back and punch my 16 year old self in the back of the head like two weeks before I get my first serious adult injury and tell myself not to do it... and to start exercising.
what did you do to mess up your back? :(
My back is a work related injury..
Thought having 40lbs of boob doesn't help.
It was my hip I injured at 16.
Fell off a bunkbed.
Ouch! D: I take it you were horsing around (based on your previous post)?
God no, I'd die with 40lbs of boob. They're fairly big but nothing like that... yikes.
Actually I was trying to get off the top bunk of her bed which had no ladder, and my friend refused to skooch over so I could use her desk as a step.
And they are burdens. I've had them my whole life pretty much.
I was still in elementary school when I bought my first D cup.. I now basically wear an F.
Ohh I see. Damn, must've really hurt!
Damn o.O I didn't really move into a C until maybe 11th grade. I wore a 36/38DD until a couple years ago when I learned to follow the more uniform UK sizing, which puts me in a 32GG. They aren't as big as yours, at least going by your tumblr picture, but to be honest my weight fluctuation has kind of ruined them and I've gotten a little pendulous. Makes things complicated -.- I've never had any back trouble.
Yea, I ended up on the floor while my left leg was on the bottom bunk. Being dumb at 16 I told my friend to put my leg back into place while I had a bite guard in my mouth and pillow to muffle the scream. My biggest regret ever, not going to the hospital.
UK puts me at a 42 F/G
Because I am 42 EEE/F basically.
The back issues were bad because I was a twig when I first grew these demon lumps.
Oh damn that sounds awful D: On all counts!
No more marching band, no more JROTC which means I am no longer a Lieutenant - discharged due to injury.
So I became hella plus-sized after the injury no longer able to work out the way I had for drum-core or JROTC; I'm not nearly 300lbs, which my mom thinks is all fat, but fails to realize I am able to work out and build muscle - just not to the extent I used to be able too.
I can imagine it did change everything :(
Life sucks.
Indeed it does :(
I am going to have to open my availability at work now because yay another summons from the hospital.
Oh dear :(
I couldn't even get the computers to let me change my availability.
Between the fail-computers
And my mom waking me up from a needed nap to go to WalMart... today fails.
Also I think my new favorite icecream is trying to kill me or got me drunk.
It's Haagen-Dazs Banana Rum Jam.
Okay... that sounds fabulous! I'll have to look for it!
Pretty shitty day on my end too. First my husband got up for work and found that both Kato and Dione messed the floors. With all the noise I woke up to use the bathroom, only to discover that my damn pad had leaked and I was lying in a pretty big puddle of my own blood, somehow without noticing. So I had to get up and clean everything up, and destroyed my fabulous padded mattress cover in the wash because we have a basic machine without a gentle cycle, and I couldn't hand wash because there's nowhere to hang to try with this miserable weather. So i'm mad that I not only had to get up early but I also know I'm not going to sleep worth a shit without that cover. GAH.
That sucks so bad.
I feel your pain when it comes to the bleed through bits.
My own dogs would not stop barking in the living room so I got no sleep as well - hopefully you'll be able to replace the bed pad soon so you can go back to sleeping like a baby.
That's the thing, I usually don't. I haven't had a big mess like that in years. Hell, most of the time I'm fine until I stand up and have to run because it's like a faucet turned on. I don't really know what happened as I don't tend to move at all the whole night during shark week. Oh well I guess. Thankfully the store chain we got it from still sells it, but we have to order it because they don't have that one in stock in our local store. So maybe only a few nights of poor sleep.
What got the dogs so excited? :/ Hopefully it wont be a repeat of that tomorrow and you'll sleep better!
Every morning that I am off they turn into demons.
Barking off and on for five hours.
It's annoying, because I can never sleep-in.
Yay for only a few nights.
Geez, such turds! Maybe they're upset because they know you're home but can't get to you for puppy huggles.
When I am awake they ignore me unless I have food.
So it's doubtful they want my love.
Ohh, I see. Well, what a bunch of buttheads then! >.>
My Annoying little buttheads. :P
They have a knack for it, huh? Lol.
Also, I'm currently going through each page of UYS to make sure all the download links are working. Then comes the shuffling and we can go live! *throws confetti*
I am currently making a backup of all of BPS downloads that I can get cause the site is shutting down.
Problem is a lot of the DL's are gone or the mediafire links are busted.
I hoped they'd be able to keep going :/ Wonder how much that tumblr managed to snag when they announced closing the first time.
Are you sticking to stuff you know hasn't been moved to personal lj's or tumblrs, or everything?
I am literally making a backup of the entire site - but so many of these downloads are gone or busted links.
Damn :/ I'm sure the community will work together to find everything though. Unless a site is absolutely ancient people always seem to have a good chunk of it.
It's mostly the stuff that was updated and put onto mediafire.
That site is acting screwy and has paused my DLing.
I have all most all of Sims 4 stuff.
Almost done with Sims 3 and now mediafire is being a dick.
Maybe too many people trying to do the same as you, lol.
I don't usually have issues with Mediafire but maaan, Box hates me. Half the time it wont download.
Its the captcha or however it's spelled.
Keeps erroring out and not letting me continue.
Ohh I see. That's annoying >.>
So I've been playing Sims 4 to pass the time.
And learning that Pepto-Bismol turns your tongue black.
it does? o.O Never noticed. Granted it's been a long time since I've taken any.
I didn't know it till I noticed my tongue in one of my mirrors on my desk.
I googled and found out that it does this.
Weird. Could play a good prank on someone who doesn't know too, lol.
Yep, it was weird.
I was worried at first cause I missed work due to an illness.
I bet :/ I'm sure I would be too.
I sent the upcoming Cutler update to Cadoca to get some feedback and although I was kind of nervous (she's fabulous and I worry it's like stooping to a ridiculously lower level for her), it went over pretty well :D I worried it would be confusing because Sloane's so conflicted and all over the place, and that the introduction of a new character was too much too soon. Man I can't wait until the building and shooting is finished. I realized yesterday that next summer will be 10 years since I started it o.O
And back to Sims4 that you mentioned earlier, I was in game today to put some shit on the gallery ahead of the relaunch (just need kayleigh to do one thing and we're golden) and I have to say I'm not really a fan. Seems slightly glitchy. My profile refuses to show my content as showcased even though I've hit the button -.-
Whoa... 10 years of Cutlers.
Imagine how many generations away from Sloane and them you'd be if you actively played them instead of wrote and designed a world around them?
I have forgotten what your user name on the gallery is, mine is dantereznor.
I have the same issue with it, it says stuff is loaded but then it's not loaded.
Lol I wonder if I'd even have gotten. Another family I played got into generation 5 and I had loads of bugs along the way and ended up having to move them. But yeah... it's sad that out of the nearly 10 years I was only really posting for 5 :/
My username is uys_yuichen. I'll have to add you when I get back tonight.
I sent you a request.
I think I am gonna test out making a family and seeing how long they last blood line wise by breeding out traits, kinda lie with the Fritters Legacy.
Sounds cool to me :) Also, request accepted.
Sorry I didn't respond yesterday.
I was gone most of the day with work and family.
But now I really need to clear out my downloads so I can do it right without errors/lags.
No problem :)
Yay, the joys of cc hoarding D:
So I accidentally found a voice that I am not imagining as Sloane's.
Without meaning too. (
The girl called Lindsay Schoolcraft, she's Cradle of Filth's new keyboardist / vocalist (female)
Interesting to put a sound to a character though :)
I heard her and was like, "huh... I bet Sloane sounds like this."
I found a video years ago way back when things were supposed to go really different, and she was going to get back on her feet as a solo artist playing small clubs and shit. This was how I heard her then (
Man, it's weird to think about it though. Dave wasn't really involved at all and she was going to marry this older guy, like... almost 50 year old burly guy with a daughter who hated her. Jesse was supposed to show up and try to stop the wedding. Glad I didn't go that way, lol.
Well that is a lovely vocalist.
A bit more soulful than I expected.
I think she'd have to grow into it a bit to get there though. She's used to doing other kinds of music.
But the story has taken a different turn so different outcome of Sloane's fate.
Gah, I should be in game making backups. So lazy.
I should be uninstalling DLs and reinstalling a game so I can start again. But I am on here and facebook.
I found an edited version of the neighborhood I was using that feels more... right, I guess you'd say. But now I'm not sure if I want to use that one or another by the same creator. It's not like anyone's seen it so it doesn't really matter. I guess I'll have to look at them both in game to decide.
Gah! I removed the 'hood, installed the two I was considering, and sort of decided on the other one. I started placing lots and hood deco, but if course the game crashed when I selected a house in the lot bin -.- Wish I could remember which one so I could avoid it. I've also remembered how much I hate building a realistic looking city.
Hope you're doing alright!
Sorry I went silent, I got upped in hours at work so I've been there and spending free time going out with friends.
Saw Jurassic World twice now.
And ick on the errored binned house.
If I get my game reset up I can possibly make a couple of houses for you, or shops. I used to be a really good builder, just takes me awhile to get back into the swing of things.
Lol I bet you did see it twice, it's the shit :P I might meet up with avelina to see it again but we shall see.
I should say I like building and decorating houses, but my struggle is placing them in the neighborhood and looking like a proper town or city, not randomly dropped buildings, lol. It went well with the Carnen hood I was using but it was iffy with the other. Maybe it's just the layout, I don't know. Maybe I'll go back in there tomorrow seeing that I'm not petsitting.
I'm just glad her house, arlo's apartment building, the bar, and that big-ass community lot I fixed up saved alright. Aside from the bookstore I think that was all I needed for the current update. Well, I need to rewrite a small weak part so I'm not sure what I'll end up needing for that.
Uhg my head has been stuffy kinda.
The heat is killing me.
I'd send my cooler weather if I could. Been pretty nice over here.
Hope the stuffyness goes away soon!
It should, hopefully soon. though now we're having issues with my store manager who doesn't get the doing Alphas on the weekends is the best thing - not doing it during the week when we're stocking.
Oh but ~they know everything~
Yeah he wanted me to get a grey cart and walk my department the whole night with it from back to front and put things away.
I did it without the cart.
Got everything put up.
Or binned.
In fact there was only 1 thing in my bin when I left.
Cause it needed a case.
Sounds like it was a pretty successful night then.
It was.
Got woken up way to early though... Took my nephew and his sister to see Inside Out.
Nice to spend family time, but booo on earlier hours. Hope you guys had a nice time :)
That movie was so cute... and today I torture myself by watch The Judge which has a sad ending.
I know I watched that and the second one, but I can't really remember the end :/ I'll have to watch it again.
Today on things I didn't know/remember I turned on Sims 3 and discovered why I stopped playing it.
And I have no idea what I need to remove to get rid of this lagging evil.
Do you merge your files? Assuming you use .packages, that is.
I did have them merged at one point - but I kept backups of all the files I merged and when the game lagged worse with them like that I removed the merged files and put the old stuff back in.
I just have to much crap I think... a lot of it is actually from TSR when I was still a paid member.
Huh, that's odd. I wonder if maybe the merged files were too big.
I've taken out one websites stuff and now hopefully I'll be able to turn my game on again and play without it lagging every two seconds.
Good luck! Towards the end mine was getting kind of questionable too.
What is weird is that my Sims 2 has waaaaaaaaaaaaay more stuff loaded into it and doesn't lag as much... just runs slow and some times crashes because it's over processing everything.
If there was a way to get the games to stop reading every single line of code while it runs unless it needs to run that line of code it would be so much easier.
Same here. We're talking like 13+ gb in Sims2 and I had maybe 3-5gb in Sims3. I thought I read that Sims3 had a bit of a memory leak.
But yes, I agree!
Uhg.. I googled it, there is a major issue memory leak wise. Apparently sims 3 leak is better than sims 2.
I vote that it is worse.
Now if I only knew how to write game code and program, I'd be working on this project.
I'd definitely say Sims3 feels worse.
Hrm.. now to figure out which websites stuff I can live without and which I can't.
Lol, good luck with that.
Hehe I ignored the folders and just plays Sims 4 and watched movies.
Lol, nice :P There's currently no cc in my Sims4 game. I'm trying to build up Newcrest without any so I can upload them more easily on the gallery. After that I guess I'll fluff them up a bit.
I think I have some CC in my game, not a lot though.
It feels really weird not to, and kind of difficult not to make everything look the same :/
Also, shhhhh... UYS is relaunching on the 1st ;)
There are so many weird clone sims walking around in the game.
Because I only like a few select items by Maxis.
So all my ladies have the same three outfits I think.
Lol I hope they at least have different hairstyles and color so you can tell them apart.
Sadly, hair color and their faces/bodies are the only way you can tell the sims I made apart from the premades.
Gonna add a little cc to help differentiate?
Yes, if I can ever figure out where the CC I see on the gallery that I really want comes from.
I'm kinda anti - TSR again.
I only get stuff there I feel like I absolutely need, these days. Like build completer sets and really well made stuff.
Seriously though, why can't EA make more shit match? >.>
I seriously think they need to have a strictly fashion and home design department.
And those people are the only ones allowed to actually design the clothes and furniture.
That way we don't end up with five dressed that look the same with different color patterns on each dress.
Yep, definitely! I feel like they did better with this game than the others, though.
They really did.
But they seeming-less waves of stuff getting released now is likes wow.
Slow down people.
They want more money I guess. Yeah they're kinda cheap at least, but they probably figure the more they churn out the more people will be throwing money at them. Also kind of feel like they're doing this similar to the Sims3 store.
But they are making it a lot easier to get the stuff than with the Sims 3 store.
With these packs I don't have to go oh well I have this may points I can get this but not all of that... unless I spend X-amount of dollars to buy points.
These it's oh I don't have the cash now but in a few days yeah I'll still be able to buy it.
Yeah, very true.
Oh bother.
I tripped and fell into a pile of downloads..
And now I really need to pick which websites I don't want in my Sims 3 cause i need to add all that stuff you guys have into it.
I was only play 2 when you went offline.
Lol well thankfully we don't have a lot of Sims3 stuff? I've been downloading too much for 4 even though I'm not putting the cc back in yet.
Man, I tell you though, I'm so relieved to have it back online even if not all the projects I was working on are finished. But hey, more cc to come I guess! :P
Yes well, now I am left so torn about wants and needs.
Lol, I'm sure. Too many shiny pretty things in the community!
This is to hard.
Did you see the next Sims4 update is gonna have lockable doors and half walls? Yessss! Maybe someday we'll get to have spiral stairs too... though it would probably be a bitch to make work with the different wall heights.
I did not see that, but now I am super excited!
I've been going insane playing with a bakery and having customers coming into the back area.
I do not want them back there.
Ohh, well in the meantime you can use a mod! I picked it up for the very same reason.
Oooh mod.
Pretty mod.
Now to get a way to level my business up so I can have workers that actually do what I tell them too.
I loved the Sims 2 for that, they actually worked instead of slagged off.
There's mods to help manage the employees too. I have one that makes the process of ringing a customer up shorter, and I think one keeps them busy too. I'll have to look it up again.
I am going to have to test this out after work tomorrow.
I already installed them.
Sweet :D
Okay tested some of the locks, haven't tested all of them..
Though now I am wondering if I should do an Asylum challenge.
Because well, locks.
That would be cool :)
Now do I pick 8 random unsuspecting sims from the gallery, or do I make them.
Lol guess it depends if you want to spend the time to or not.
I think I shall make the single sim I will control actions of occasionally.
Most challenges requite the sims to learn the skills and max stuff like that, while limiting the beds and food.
So I think I will do that.
Okay I can not figure out where I should be post this.
But behold the Asylum & her residents.
Top floor is the bunk room which only has 4 beds. Hard times have fallen on this old gal.
She's not insane, just a little lost.
Hmm, suppose you could put it in the Sims4 stories section, even if you aren't doing an actual story. It's still a challenge so I think it counts.
The asylum looks perfect and they seem like a pretty interesting bunch! :D I should try the challenge sometime...
I didn't think about that second.
But these are likely the only pictures I will take unless someone dies.
Wonder how long that will be, lol.
So far they all seem resourceful.
Not as dumb as Sims 2 sims.
That's definitely a plus, though at the same time I guess less fun to watch...?
Really kinda dull.
No fires. No fights.
Everyone is getting along.
Damn :/ Does sound pretty uneventful.
If the only sane sim wasn't hopeless at surviving without being told what to do I'd leave the game running unpaused.
How goes things with the little one?
He has fangs...
He grew in fangs.
It's insane.
lol, little beastie :P
Indeed, he is a little beastie.
*beats Sims3* common it took three days to install you again load!
Wow, it's having troubles already? D:
I think my computer was pissed off, I played for two days before my computer became a dick and restarted.
Stupid thing >.>
Mine likes to do that with blue screens. It'll be fine for a while and suddenly, BLUESCREEN EVERYWHERE!!
Evil computers. :(
Pretty much!
Computers don't really know that they were intended for gaming purposes so they tend to get annoyed at times.
Quote from: yuichen on Jul 24, 2015, 12:12AM
Mine likes to do that with blue screens. It'll be fine for a while and suddenly, BLUESCREEN EVERYWHERE!!
GASP, I haven't had any bluescreen all week! :D
Quote from: ranabluu on Jul 31, 2015, 04:50PM
Computers don't really know that they were intended for gaming purposes so they tend to get annoyed at times.
I think mine just senses when I'm already irritated and throws shit at me so I'll threaten to throw it in the street. Like my cat, I think it loves to piss me off.
Well I know my cat loves to upset me.
This weekend my computer has been acting crazy it could be that I have too many tabs open, but I need to make sure the computer knows he can do it.
My husband has that problem sometimes.
Microsoft needs to get it together.
I am also trying to limit my tabs.
Maybe Windows 10 is better. I have no idea.