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Started by PhoenixFG, Jul 09, 2010, 01:17AM


Hey guys!:D

Let's see.  I'm 27 and I've been playing TS2 for a little over 2 years now. I can't create anything but I use it as a storytelling tool.  I have one kid, D.O.G(yeah, say dog fast and that's his name!) who's a mutt but he's adorable.  Aside from Sims I play various PC games(currently The Witcher), I ♥ my PS3(Heavy Rain for the win!!!) and I'm a twitter-holic.  No, seriously! So yeah...



Hey Phoenix. Nice to see you :)


Hey Phoenix!

Aww D.O.G. He's so pretty and does funny things, I always look forward to the pictures. You know what else? You just reminded me that I forgot to go check out that game. Failsauce.

Anywho, welcome to the forum :)


Thanks Kayleigh and Yui! :D

I have a crap ton more pictures Yui! He never fails to amuse! I'll probably post some of him and my niece up later. Which game? The Witcher or Heavy Rain? BECAUSE YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GET BOTH! Just sayin'! ;)


Haha yeah, both honestly, but I was referring to The Witcher :P I think a certain someone will kill me if I don't get Red Dead Redemption first, though.


Red Redemption?  That sounds familiar.  I think I saw the ad for it when I was searching through Amazon. I really need to stay off that site! *goes on said site to look it up*


Hey now, at least it's not more shoes ;)


Hey Phoenix! It's nice to meet you! I've heard all about you from Yui. :)


@Yui I've been trying to avoid that section! LOL!

@Kar Thank you!:)