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o hai~

Started by Sathairn, Jul 17, 2010, 07:14AM


Hey! I'm Sathairn (it's Irish for Saturday, ~how orginal~ I'm that bad with coming up with names...) I'm also known as enjoyingmypain, over at DW, but I chose this name as it's less of a mouthfull X] I'm 16 years old, been trying to play the Sims 3 lately (even with all the nice CC out there, I'm still not pleased with it. WHY SO PICKY, ME?) I also play Civ 3 and 4, and Creatures ^^ Civ is my crack :P I can speak a little French as well :P I'm mostly a lurker really, but I've been trying to be less of a lurker lately. Anyhoo, I hope I can make friends here and all, and to have lots of fun! Well, I'll guess I'll finish this here. I do tend to blather on for a bit :P Well, I guess I'll talk to you all... later?


Welcome to the forum. :)


Hey, welcome to the forum :)

I hear ya about TS3. All the pretty CC wasn't enough to hold my interest before, but I want to try again with the new EP. For some reason I just feel like I need to make a crazy tattoo artist that steals shit and drowns people in her pool. Or something xD


Thank you both! Yeah, escpeailly since I've got some nice clutter but build mode is sorta way too hard to use, if you know what I mean? Ooh, I heard the newest one's quite good as well. That really sounds like a good idea! It sounds really funny >:D Do eet!


I never got anything other than clothes and hair, but it was way back in the beginning before anyone was meshing (aside from Peggy, as far as I remember). So I am quite behind, lol.


I know what you mean :P I remember when HP and Peggy did the first custom hairs :O It's amazing how far the Sims 3 has come, isn't it? If you want some good clutter, you should try Aikea and Geldyh's DW (I am really sorry if these aren't spelt right >.<) I remember seeing some nice stuff there :D (Don't worry, I'm really behind on the expansions - I only have the base game XD)



Ahem.  I am as addicted to that game as I am to the Sims 2.  Welcome to the forum, hon.


I know, right? I stayed up all night playing that game once XD I loved the mods you could get with those <3 Thank you!


O hai and welcome.  ;D