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Community Issues

Started by ranabluu, Jun 14, 2015, 08:33AM


I'm sorry you went through that :( Sadly I'm not surprised. It's too common and it only seems to be getting worse. I don't understand it. People seem to be getting more and more entitled while hating on anyone who doesn't fit their play style or whatever else. Not everyone of course, probably not even by a long shot, but it's ridiculous.

Apparently the Sims2 days weren't quite as good as I remember.

But you're right. I agree with a lot of what you've said. It's sad that it has to come to this for some people, that hobbies get ruined because some idiot has a big chip on their shoulder. It destroys relationships, confidence, and so many other things. All for a stupid game.


It's only pixels, after all but Sims 2 is a mega game, which means you can customise almost unlimitedly, compared to other video games.

My position in the community today is maybe a bit tough. But when taking a healthy distance with what I'd call "psychic vampires" I can still maintain my creativity.

Not that I don't wish at all to share, but I'm very lazy for organising compressed files, take ingame pics for each bit and piece. And I tell myself that sharing isn't really urgent either. I don't mesh, so... And for retexturing, people can learn by themselves too, it's fun ! I love to crop crop crop, resize, test from pics i found for clothes, some patterns for furniture, curtains. I'm a fan of technical tips for the game and how to this and that in SimPE, I habig list of tutorials.

I think that when one concentrates fully on the creative potential that the game offers (as for a painter wor his artwork), it diminishes the risk of getting involved in other stories or rumours maintained by immature people (whatever their age).

Meshers are here for meshing, not much for being buddie-buddie or send hugs or post comments on each other's work. They have a family life, a professional activity which they never speak about and that's all good. In that measure, their online behaviour inspires me : post what can help and keep in the rest (or maybe post more personal thoughts on a social site, Twitter, FB, etc.).

Also on a wider scale, our today world is also more complicated, more confusing, people are really worried about the future for mankind, the next generations, the safety of our planet... I feel it on Internet at a forum where I am to talk about more political subjects, I feel it around me, in my family-in-law, etc. We've become very vulnerable and some of us more or less aggressive and feeling somewhat hopeless, delusioned, like we'd have had all our dreams stolen. This is really more serious stuff than what happens inside a gamers community.


Well, I don't know. I think there's plenty of people who make stuff and have a sort of crew they hang with. But there's definitely people who keep to themselves and focus on their lives outside the game.

Things have definitely gone to hell in the world, and like you said, there's far more to worry about. I imagine some people turn to the game to escape it, for at least a little while. Some take it way too seriously though. Because oh my god, they didn't get what they wanted in an EP/SP right this second so the world is ending!! *groans*


This is it ! Today I'm trying more to reduce the size of my downloads, clean up because I have a lot of CC that I really never used. So cleaning takes me more time than the rest. But I need to do it because I fear that in the very close future I'd need a new computer and reinstalling all other progams would also take time then.

I'm also volunteering 10 hrs each week in a very specific social area where I witness how people have gone to very serious problems in life. It helps me to take the right measure of what is important for those people needing to survive, needing a job right before affording some hobbies. So sometimes I compare with these people I meet and those online making of their egotic very tiny problems a big mountain. Some people really need help, amost daily, because they might have also children to raise and need a place on their own (flat, house), and others stay permanent spoiled narcissistic children their whole life long. I prefer to help and comfort people in serious need, and there are many today in our countries.


Isn't that the truth? :/ There's probably far more than we can even imagine. I think the average person is so absorbed in their own lives that they don't realize a person they pass on the sidewalk could be struggling through some serious issues. They might look alright, but maybe they're about to lose their house. Maybe they can't find a job and can barely feed their kids. Granted how are they to know? I'm glad there are programs and good people in place to help them but I know there are still people who fall through the cracks :(

Good luck with the download culling!


Sometimes I feel a little bit guilty for dolling up my Sims with very beautiful clothes, build great expensive houses for them. Sometimes I think it's a little bit stupid when myself can't do so much either for some people or also more for myself, because I'm just a huge majority of people on this planet : middle class, really not rich, rushing to boutiques or having several luxury estates.

I help and contribute the way I can, also composing resumes for the people I meet in the organisation and who have difficulties to find even the smallest less paid job, because they were in a chaotic situation for many years. There's no motherlode cheat in real life...


What we can't really afford then, I guess we create it for the game, and this is the fun part... But it's only pixels and really nothing else.

In a next life I'd like to be an architect to build myself a beautiful house with fabulous wild landscaping... But for now I do with what I have.

Sorting the downloads is irritating me some days but it's important to do as well.


For me the game is distraction. While I won't claim to live a difficult life, there are things that could/should be different, but I roll with it. It keeps me from getting into trouble or going insane, really. It also helped me keep writing a story for several years, which was something I hadn't been able to do previously. Over time I improved and felt more comfortable with the idea of moving on to more serious and elaborate things. Cadoc (a member here) had a hand in that as well.

I totally agree with you. I need to seriously wittle down my Sims2 downloads (I've got 14gb) and get rid of things I don't use, which would likely be more clothes and hair than anything.


I played more often in the early days when I had no CC at all. Today I fear the lot crashes for Sims families to play, so I'd put them on less furnished lots and keep my other beautiful ones also to keep safe some objects, then I won't make the mistake to delete them for good. In Sims2Packs they're safe and withotu duplicates.

The cealing gives me headaches for packages with strings of number, letters instead of a clear name. It takes me time to sort them again, find what they are in DDO or the Sims2Pack Clean Installer, seek if I have the original package for each, etc. Then over a year ago, somebody told me about a small trick on how to remove shadows from under or behind objects, paintings and such. I started to "fix" such objects in SimPE. Then I'd have to add the fixed ones in my lots Sims2Packs.

For me Bodyshop is easier to clean. My hairs folder is in all the hugest one along with make up, because I like more also to create female Sims.

I also write stories but not with Sims involved. It's totally different subjects that inspire me. :) But some people, even online friends when I know what they look like, I create Sims 2 them... Maybe one day for a Sims story with all those Sims... it'd be funny with free will enabled.


Bodyshop is much easier to clean for me as well but it takes forever just to load :/ I got into the habit of installing the game on my laptop and testing my stuff there so I wouldn't have to wait so long for the game to load on my desktop.

I recently started playing Sims3 again and was very careful about rebuilding a tidy download folder this time around. I wish I had done that for Sims2 from the start. I have so many unidentified files floating around.


I have terrible issues with objects to sot because of the Master meshes of some sets which can be mixed with Build and Buy objects, as for some sets by Moone at MTS, and I use some of them very often. It's important for me to distinguish such sets for knowing which Master mesh I need for creating and packaging a lot, or all starts flashing blue.

Then I have single objects, easier to sort, but this too takes a while. I care more for lamps, curtains, flowers, plants, there are so many.

I also need now to make a specific folder for a few Maxis objects recolours, they aren't added in packaged lots, and I need still a few.


That's very true. It would be helpful if the slaved items said so in the description.


I will sort this, even if it takes more time than planned.

I'm exploring your forum still now. I noticed that there are many digressions on ranabluu's original subject...


Lol yes, unfortunately we go off topic in a big way.


I have made the misstake of trying the new community patch only to find it is worse than it ever has been. Can I still get the smaller dll that this useless thing has replaced ?