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Started by ravencries, Jan 21, 2015, 08:24PM


Damn that's rough :( You can't seem to catch a break one way or the other. I hope the girlfriend and bad movies made it seem a little less shitty at least. And demon cats, because... cats are awesome. Sometimes. Lol.


They both helped.
And my dad paid for my prescription this month so I've got meds again, Now to just remember they are in my purse everyday.

It's funny you mentioned demon cats, I'm actually watching the Dear Kitten series.


Woot, goodbye jerk uterus issues for the next month (assuming you don't forget them)!


I haven't so far, which is good.
My friends think it's hysterical that I am even on the pills to begin with; cause apparently I can catch pregnancy while still being a lesbian.
My male friend Beast, he was with me in the ER a few weeks ago and got to see that I wasn't joking about the fact the Nurses and Doctors in the ER assume it's pregnancy every time I am in there; and never seem to take 'I am a lesbian' as my final answer.


I'm sure they've probably come across women who identify as lesbians but dabbled with men and just don't want to accept it resulted in a child, but if the patient is really adamant about it they need to stfu and listen >.> Granted they should anyway.

Also, thank Grohl pregnancy isn't contagious because I'd have to be a recluse.


If pregnancy was like the common cold, I'd be screwed because my girlfriend is actually due this March and one of my coworkers is due in August. So many babies everywhere.


Lol oh boy, I guess so! :P


But in reality I'm looking forward to the baby my girlfriend is having, its the first in our poly-marriage. With me being fully gay and she and her husband being bi; the kiddo is going to have a wide view of family life.

Also me and the dad are simmers, (my girl hates the sims because she watched a former friend of ours neglect her own children for the game) but it is funny watching her yell at her husband to check on the baby because he forgets to feed and change it in the game.


Wow, I can understand her reasoning. That's awful! :(

That's great! We need more open minded people in this world. Do you guys know what it is or want to be surprised? I feel like I always ask that, come to think of it, lol.


It's bad.

But as for knowing the gender, we're in the dark, my girl and I are thinking its a boy. So long as the baby is healthy I'm happy.


Very true :) I think there's a kind of extra excitement in not knowing. I mean, I can't say personally, but the idea seems interesting at least.


Only she won't be able to just spin and poof out a baby, or have a magically crib appear.
So this is going to be vastly fun.


If only, lol. When I was younger I used to hope I would require cesareans like my mom. Which is silly because it's not just an easy little thing. Guess it's the idea of the tearing or some doctor butchering me to ease the process. Plus my pain threshold is pretty terrible.

Now I don't really want anything to do with it. I've come to realize I'm one of those people who should never have any. I have no patience and too many issues I'd rather not pass on like my mother (unintentionally, of course) did with me. Instead I surround myself with animals.


Part of me wants to have a baby, but I know I am not mature enough to have a child of my own. Yes we're all having one, but I'm not yet living with them and part of me wants to stay out of the house because ever since her husband got her pregnant ahead of the planned having her work for six months after the wedding, he didn't understand none of us are able to afford a child yet with our jobs or lack of jobs.

So much drama.


Oh boy, things ought to be interesting for a while :( He really should've considered everything but I guess... sometimes one gets kind of lost in the moment? I hope things work out alright.