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Messages - Nicka

So what is the most awesome horrible song you've ever heard? Here's this gem.

Post your finds here, or rant if you wish. The floor is yours  ;D
I'm glad people like my idea :D Ja told me that if there were a contest then she wants to make the prizes. However she's busy with something else at the moment so I'd like to wait a week or two. If I get an ok from the mods I can get this contest in motion, I think it'll be so much fun. ;D
Random Discussion / Re: Guilty Pleasures
Dec 03, 2010, 11:49PM
One of my most embarrassing guilty pleasures. Ever

Someone bludgeon me with a skillet now. -_-
I think I've got an idea. It's crazy and I'm not sure if it's original or not but here I go.

You know those Top Model contests with horribly frankensimmed pictures and ~high fashion~? I was thinking we have a similar contest, except all the contestants must be ZOMBIES. :D Each user needs to take a smelly, rancid and rather dumb zombie into a fierce fashionista that can walk down the runway. It's somewhat original and it can be funny as well. I believe it is a contest that will be fun, exciting and not too complex. If anyone disagrees feel free to state it, but it's just an idea I had. Any opinions?
Very very lovely like everything else you make. Thanks io  ;D
Life Outside Sims / BOYCOTT TINYPIC
Sep 23, 2010, 10:00PM

Tinypic has restricted its use to the US and Canada only. They think this will make more people pay money for Photobucket accounts. Photobucket owns Tinypic. Whether you are in North America or not, cancel your photobucket accounts, stop using tinypic. Show them we will not settle for this.

Well, iosaur is n00d so this will be difficult. D: lol
ok I have some more pics of iosaur :D

She had a little too much XD

And now she won't wake up D: lol
Quote from: iosaur on Jul 09, 2010, 02:55PM
Hi Tana and me! Am I drunk again?

Nah you sobered up enough to play a fucking rad bass. :D
This is the thread where you post sims of yourselves (and others :D) I'll start.

This is sim! Tanathir playing outside her dorm room.

And sim! iosaur having her fun as well. :D

Introductions / Re: ~BRAEV NUUU SOUNNDDD~
Jul 09, 2010, 01:45PM
Introductions / Re: O Hay!
Jul 09, 2010, 03:22AM
hai Tanathir ilu :D ;D
Quote from: PhoenixFG on Jul 09, 2010, 02:24AM
LOL @ cakefarts! I don't think I want to know!

Hey Nicka!

It is exactly what it sounds like. :D