Author Topic: Pictures of You  (Read 30000 times)

Offline Avelina

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Pictures of You
« on: Jul 11, 2010, 09:42PM »
I got permission to do this lol

So.....I know that a lot of you might not want to do this but I thought I would give it a go. Let's see what everyone looks like IRL.

This is me as of spring 2010

Offline kayleigh

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #1 on: Jul 11, 2010, 11:19PM »
Your hair's all gone! The last picture I saw if you was with Nikki at her wedding, your hair was much longer!

Here's my most recent one. I finally got my camera back a couple weeks ago but I haven't taken any new pictures of myself because I've been too annoyed with my hair to try to get it to look nice. xD I'll probably get some after I get my hair cut on Tuesday though. So in the meantime you get this shitty cellphone picture.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #2 on: Jul 12, 2010, 12:05AM »
Shitty cellphone pic doesn't seem so shitty. I think I've seen that one before?

Me as of last December :-[

Gah my mouth looks giant. And that nose -.-
« Last Edit: Jul 12, 2010, 10:44AM by yuichen »

Offline kayleigh

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #3 on: Jul 12, 2010, 02:22AM »
You're so pretty, Yui, and you don't even realize it! Your mouth is not big and neither is your nose. D:<

Offline Avelina

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #4 on: Jul 12, 2010, 08:44AM »
aww you are very pretty Kay. and yes, my hair is short but I am growing it out again because I am going to be in a wedding again and want it long so I can do it up. lol.
I agree with Yui, that wasn't a shitty pic at all.

and ma'am, you are very beautiful and I will keep saying it until I'm blue in the face and lying face first in the ground. so ha!

Offline yuichen

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #5 on: Jul 12, 2010, 10:43AM »
I know I'm not that bad guys, it's just one of those pics with awkward smiling, lol. But it's the best I've got :P

I like your hair short Kar (and I especially like the color) but your hair was so pretty long. I miss it <3 *wishes her own hair wasn't so straight*
« Last Edit: Jul 12, 2010, 12:44PM by yuichen »

Offline Avelina

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #6 on: Jul 12, 2010, 11:26AM »
I actually like it the length I have now. It's almost to my shoulders. I dunno what I'll do with it. My mind changes constantly. :P

Offline yuichen

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #7 on: Jul 12, 2010, 12:45PM »
That's okay, you've got a year to decide before the wedding :P

Offline kayleigh

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #8 on: Jul 12, 2010, 04:14PM »
I got lucky with that cell phone picture. I had enough light that it wasn't blurry, and my cell phone camera is about 2 megapixels so it isn't THAT bad. But it's crap compared to my lovely camera. <3

Kar, you can always get extensions or something in the wedding, if you decide not to grow it out. :)

Yui you don't look awkward at all, you look happy. Very happy to be with your hubby in a cute picture.

Offline Avelina

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #9 on: Jul 12, 2010, 07:54PM »
hm that is true. I didn't think of that lol. well I have a whole year to decide :P

Offline DirtyLiberal

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #10 on: Jul 13, 2010, 05:58AM »
You all are so cute :)
Kayleigh, i love your glasses and piercing.
Yuichen, you do look so happy. You and your hubby are so cute together.
Avelina, i don't know what you looked like with long hair, but i think this hair cut is great on you.
Yeah, here's a crappy not-so-new picture of me (showing off my Taz tatoo, LOL!). I am about 15-20 pounds lighter now. but i don't have any newer pictures.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #11 on: Jul 13, 2010, 12:28PM »
That picture is win. I'm not really an Elvis fan but it's win anyway :P & you're very pretty! You actually look a lot like my parents' neighbor.

Offline thealicecat

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #12 on: Jul 13, 2010, 01:25PM »
What an attractive bunch of people. You're all so very pretty. 

That would be me before I cut off all my hair, wearing my glasses and my "pigeon eating" face.

And me as I am now, with very little of that hair left. I think it's slightly shorter at the moment than this. I had it cut again.

Still unsure which I prefer.
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Offline yuichen

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #13 on: Jul 13, 2010, 02:46PM »
You're adorable, Alice! :)

Offline Avelina

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Re: Pictures of You
« Reply #14 on: Jul 13, 2010, 04:08PM »
aww you are both adorable. I especially love the elvis. I'm a country girl all to heart <3