>.> No I don't... <.<
Now, I do like Borderlands, but there's a catch: if you play the entire thing by yourself, you might get bored with it. I played it with RJ 2x so far and it's been a blast every moment of the way. I did grind by myself for a bit and I kinda got sick of it. But with another player, it's 1000x more fun.
I love the cel-shaded style to it, it's got an interesting storyline to it, I liked the beasties and most of the missions, fighting could get rough and messy but it made it fun with how adreniline pumping it got. I loved the humor in it, and I LOVE the CL-4P TR-4P guys!!!!!! And the Midget King Wee Wee....lol....
Not a standard Third-Person Shooter. If you're worried, rent it. If you think you'll like it, or you enjoy that style and like some rough humor, buy it.