Author Topic: Sims4 at E3 2014  (Read 23760 times)

Offline yuichen

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #15 on: Jun 21, 2015, 12:16PM »
They're so expensive though so it'll be a while before I get most of them. Hopefully the exchange rate will get better and it'll be cheaper to order from the US again, cause Quebec tax is nuts.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #16 on: Jun 21, 2015, 03:09PM »
I hate hearing that the taxes are so high.  You could get a po box in the states that's close to the border.  I guess.  So what games are you wanted to get?  My bf said that farcry 4 isn't that great.  He's so fickle.  The bad thing is ps4 only have about 50 games, too bad it's not converted for the older systems.

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #17 on: Jun 21, 2015, 06:50PM »
We have one and we do ship a lot of stuff there (our house is literally a 3 minute drive from the VT border), but it depends on how much less the item is to start with; we're usually $10-15ish more here before tax. In the case of games, especially at full price, we have to pay whatever the US place charges, the exchange rate which is pretty awful at the moment, plus the duty at the border. They charge for anything over $50, which almost all new games are. For a game it's not that much, but it still adds up. In the end we end up paying more that way than buying local with Quebec's 15% tax. If it's cheap like a book or something on sale it's not a big deal. In our area it's very difficult to find english books because our mall closed the last english bookstore 5+ years ago. Even when it was open Amazon was still cheaper. So unless there's something I really want, I wait for prices to come down.

Lol, oh god, the games I want? That's a long list xD The biggest are Batman Arkham Knight (comes out Tuesday but I'm waiting), Witcher 3, Uncharted 4, Kingdom Hearts 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Until Dawn, Hitman, and Unravel.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #18 on: Jun 27, 2015, 05:48PM »
I don't want to sound like a weirdo but if you like we could set something up so it's not to expensive for you. We could buy American and have it mailed to the po box.  Not sure how that sounds or if that would be any better.  When I was in Canada (only a short visit) things didn't see so expensive but I am a tourist and I got tourist stuff like shot glasses and small items (I'm cheap).  Just let me know if you really want something and don't want to wait forever to get it.  I unlike my bf does not believe in paying full retail and tend to wait things out as well.

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #19 on: Jun 27, 2015, 07:34PM »
That's very nice of you, but it's alright :) It'll still work out the same cause paypal would convert the money. But sometimes it's not that bad. A few days ago I was looking at this curling contraption. Canadian Tire is selling it for the same as amazon's full price (which kind of surprises me), but when I compared the exchange into the sale price plus the duty (my husband said it would be about $10 which isn't too bad) it came to $92ish (cdn) if memory serves, while Canada's amazon with taxes was $103. It really depends on what it is. But in the end I decided it was still too much to spend on something I might not use very much, and I'm just going to get a regular inch barrel iron with a clip that gets hot enough to curl my boring hair.

Just out of curiosity, where did you go in Canada? Some provinces have lower taxes. Ontario is 14%, PEI is 17.5%, Alberta only has one tax so it's 5%, and the others are 13-14%, according to my husband.  But if you're paying with US money you're going to be better off because your dollar is worth more.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #20 on: Jun 27, 2015, 07:41PM »
I was in Nova Scotia it was in 2003 or 2004.  I did pay with USD so I probably didn't notice.  The offer will always be on the table as long as I am on the net regardless if I am still playing the sims or not. That curling iron is pretty cool looking.

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #21 on: Jun 27, 2015, 07:45PM »
Thank you, I appreciate that :)

Ohh, okay. I haven't been to Nova Scotia yet. Seems like a really nice place though!

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #22 on: Jun 27, 2015, 07:48PM »
It was with the military.  We went to the casino, the Natural Science Museum, liquor dome, and a great place to eat.  It was a cool time.  I got really really drunk.  That's of course when I was younger.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #23 on: Jun 27, 2015, 07:51PM »
Lol, still sounds fun :P How much do you remember though, lol?

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #24 on: Jun 27, 2015, 07:55PM »
I think we were there a total of 5 days so I had my fair share of fun.  There was a hot bartender there, the drinks were really cheap. 

I actually enjoyed the museum and all of the sight seeing stuff.

I really like that kind of stuff over partying.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #25 on: Jun 27, 2015, 08:05PM »
You and me both. When I was out of high school I did the partying thing for a little bit but I got bored with it fairly quickly. Not something I like to do often. I'd just... rather go out and do something interesting than be shitfaced and not remember how I got somewhere, or what happened. I pretty much just have a few drinks at home now and then, and never really enough to get drunk. Just to relax, more or less. Nothing against people who like to party often of course, it's just not for me.

I love going through old parts of cities. Montreal's old end has really beautiful architecture, and Quebec City is just gorgeous! You can even tour some parts in a horse carriage. We'll be there in two weeks for a music festival and I'm hoping we'll hang around after to wander and see things we might've missed last time. I know there's an aquarium, for one thing.

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #26 on: Jun 27, 2015, 08:08PM »
This sounds so awesome.  I hope you enjoy yourself.  I love going to aquariums.  I like all thing nature as long as it can't get me :D. I know my limits when it comes to drinking.  I didn't at one time though....:(

Offline yuichen

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #27 on: Jun 27, 2015, 08:30PM »
A couple years ago we went to the biodome in Montreal after some bigger plans fell through. I don't really remember all that many pleasant things as I ended up feeling really horrible that day and it was ridiculously humid. It wasn't any better in the tropical rainforest area as expected, but it was really pretty and it was neat to walk through and see all the animals. I do remember it was crazy in there; super crowed because there were several groups of kids and they were yelling and being obnoxious. I don't remember a lot about the other sections short of being creeped out by some of the fish in the St. Lawrence. I wish we could've gone to the botanical gardens, but to be honest I think I would've just ruined it with my mood anyway. Maybe another time. You'd probably like it :)

Offline ranabluu

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #28 on: Jun 27, 2015, 08:46PM »
Whenever I take trips out of the state.  I always try to go when kids are still in school and when tourist season is low :).  I know how you feel when it's too hot, lots of noise, lots of craziness and it makes for unpleasant time for vacationing.

 What games do you want....

I want the retreat EP for TS4 and some handheld games for my DS hopes to find a cheap Mario although I can't play it.

Offline yuichen

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Re: Sims4 at E3 2014
« Reply #29 on: Jun 27, 2015, 10:05PM »
We usually end up right in the middle of it unfortunately. In Quebec they have construction holiday the last 2 weeks of July. My husband works at a company that etches granite for monuments, headstones, plaques, park benches, etc, and usually they take at least one of those weeks off, so we go then. This year they have too much work and aren't closing up, so everyone is taking their vacations pretty scattered. His is the middle of August. It'll still be busy but not quite as bad.

The outdoor retreat pack does look pretty good! I'm not sure why I haven't picked it up yet, especially considering it got a little bit cheaper during that sale. Oh well I guess.