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Messages - MsSimmer

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Games / Re: This or That
« on: Aug 11, 2015, 03:30AM »

Reality show or Movie

Games / Re: This or That
« on: Aug 07, 2015, 04:37AM »

Pancakes or Waffles

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: Favorite Rooms
« on: Jul 20, 2015, 09:45PM »
Thank you :)

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: Aliens!
« on: Jul 20, 2015, 09:44PM »
That would be nice If is not to hard or time consuming I would participate

Introductions / Re: Hi I made it xoxox
« on: Jul 19, 2015, 05:44PM »
Ok this was right when sims 3 was in the swing of things --and origin had bust out with making you use them more.

So I was trying to get my sims 2 working but keep getting that dreaded message, so I call origin IT dept.

After awhile of them try but not able to help, because they said they phased out sims 2 they could not help me.

I went off and asked them was that there gimmick to have people pay for sims2 and then force them to buy the new

games, and what about the sims 2 disc I paid for I also told them ( gave them the link ) I had a sims2 site so I

needed to get in the game and that what about all the money spent on the discs --was I to just count that up as a

loss ?

I also sent a email to corp/EA saying basic I thought this whole thing sucked for Sims 2 and that they were ripping

die hard fans that will not pay for other game if this was the way we were to be treated. ( remember at that time

sims2 and sims3 were completely different unlike 3 and 4 ) and there should be something done.

So they apologised and linked me every one of the sims 3 games to my origin account, and said they will look

further into the matter. Months later they give us all the sims 2 free on the origin account.

And that is how I have all the Sims 3 for free. The say the squeeky wheel gets oiled LOL

However, the irony is I don't like sims 3 lol and after a month I gave up on playing it

and I found a link on you tube showing you how to still get into your discs/game- the sims 2 game by bypassing that

dreaded message ----so on my old computer I can still play my discs games.

and I have the ultimate on my new big screen 23" all in on which is great ---it's like looking at the sims on TV lol

but sadly I don't get to play or create or enjoy the sims on the large screen due to school and RL (SMH)


ok at times I tend to get long winded sorry :)

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: Sprogs Go Squee!!
« on: Jul 19, 2015, 05:08PM »

LOL you know I have never played them as a couple (smh) I do not know why. I used them as models, at that time I was trying to work on my pose and picture taking skills. Yuichen when I have a chance to play ( smh ) not sure when but when I do --- I will start a family with them just for you :)

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: We Wear Short Shorts!
« on: Jul 18, 2015, 07:22PM »

I notice I place nice pictures  but I was talking about the above pics in the post

also I really like the glasses in dream pic

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: Favorite Rooms
« on: Jul 18, 2015, 07:20PM »
It was an open plan if you notice Rome and his Sister London at the table also his Mom and other sis
this is when I first started out

After a while I did not do much for picture taking or playing due to RL lol

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: Aliens!
« on: Jul 18, 2015, 07:17PM »
They were part of our first content it was over one Halloween

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: Cockmongers
« on: Jul 18, 2015, 07:15PM »
I remember it took forever to make him and his sister London which was also myself Simmie smh
 I am a little better not much but a little

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: Sprogs Go Squee!!
« on: Jul 18, 2015, 04:00AM »

Here are one of my fav couples
so genteel

Sudan and Sierra Leon


Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: We Wear Short Shorts!
« on: Jul 18, 2015, 03:45AM »

Nice pictures

Here are a few of my gals


Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: Favorite Rooms
« on: Jul 18, 2015, 03:39AM »

One of my first rooms

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: Aliens!
« on: Jul 18, 2015, 03:30AM »

Here are a few of mine pic

OK they are not Aliens but still strange and different


Frankie's Bride

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: Cockmongers
« on: Jul 18, 2015, 03:22AM »

  This is Rome my first Simmie I made --he is still one of my fav 


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