See, when I read the books, I didn't think of it as stalking and messing with property. It didn't cross my mind at all. I just read it as a book about vampires. People take things way too seriously. Yeah, I'm not much a fan of Twilight and I'm annoyed at parts of it, but I never noticed any of those issues until people pointed them out to me. I didn't read the books to criticize them and post online about how awful they were, I just read the books. Just read them. Like every other book. I didn't read them more than once, I didn't analyze them, I didn't even talk about them really. I just read them, said "Hey I enjoyed that book" and put them down.
Same here :/ I didn't read them for the sake of finding things to criticize -- I read them because I heard they were good, so like anyone would do, I picked them up, read them, and liked what i read. It was my closest friend at the time who pointed out all the things wrong with the story, so these days it's hard for me to read them realizing what I do now. The fact is that I do find Bella and Edward's relationship a dangerous example for girls, but I wouldn't have even considered it that first time I read the books. The Mormon undertones and Edward and Bella's obsessive and weird behavior -- never would have occurred to me, which, these days, makes me feel stupid.
It's not the best writing, not the best character or plot development, but people make so much of even just reading the damn things -- like, how is it even your business, dude?!
Anyway, that's basically a huge confession, I don't think I've ever told anyone that for fear of the reaction. I liked the first one, really dug the second (Jacob Jacob, derpies), Eclipse was cool beans and I got halfway through Breaking Dawn before giving up. I got sick of it. The problem with Smeyer is that she'll fill pages and chapters and
chapters with nothing of any substance, any shred of relevance whatsoever. It's as if she's getting paid by the word or something, it's totally ridic.