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Messages - oph3lia

Pages: [1]
Sims 2 Build/Buy Objects / Re: HEMNES Objects Set
« on: Sep 20, 2010, 05:10PM »
These are lovely, and the texturing is fab  :-* ;D

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: WIP Pictures Go Here
« on: Aug 03, 2010, 09:18AM »
Iosaur, ahh thank you, I shall play around with that  :D Yeah I like that peggy hair too XD The scalp of the braids took ages to do.

DirtyLiberal, thanks, it looks a lot like my hair did before I grew my fringe out. I found a nouked version once but I've not seen it pookleted. Hopefully I can fix up the alignment issue on the first XM one :)

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: WIP Pictures Go Here
« on: Aug 02, 2010, 08:59PM »
Thanks yuichen, kayleigh :)

Erm I don't know where to find the liquify tool in photoshop  :-[

Sims 2 Screenshots / Re: WIP Pictures Go Here
« on: Aug 02, 2010, 11:40AM »
I really love that skirt, iosaur  ;D The pants and outerwear are looking good too :)

Some hair re-textures I started awhile back and half forgot about

Peggy braids (the scalp, although re-textured is rather blurry due to the mapping; the 'holders' have been re-textured and the bottom of the braid has been re-alpha'd/textured)

The ends on this one are a bit light but it's due to trying to get the back section to blend colours properly with the shorter part (stupid peggy mapping)

I wanted to use the original fringe/bangs alpha but I haven't quite managed to get it to line up right :(

Weird light piece on the right side of the fringe/bangs that I can't seem to fix

Sims 2 Clothing / Re: Amaryll's Tuula skirts converted for TF
« on: Jul 29, 2010, 02:50PM »
I did these myself awhile ago but as it was my first age conversion it didn't really look right. Thanks for these, they look waaay better  :D

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