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Messages - acekay

Pages: [1]
Sims 2 Hair / Re: Three Roses in Pooklet's Naturals Colours.
« on: Oct 11, 2010, 03:43PM »
I think I literally drooled when I saw these.   :-[ Thank you very much! This set must have been difficult to retexture, since Rose isn't exactly known for her excellent hair mapping skills!  :-*

Sims 2 Hair / Re: Newsea OnlyYou Pooklet'd in 18 naturals.
« on: Oct 04, 2010, 11:03AM »
Lovely retextures! I admit I have a soft spot for curly/wavy bobs... Thank you!

Sims 2 Hair / Re: Newsea DreamGlory Pooklet'd in 18 naturals.
« on: Sep 27, 2010, 11:31AM »
Ugh, so gorgeous I must have it, no matter what the polycount. Which is about 12,627 by the way.

Sims 2 Hair / Re: Army Dreamers and Black Cat F2M
« on: Sep 21, 2010, 05:03PM »
Gahhhh, cannot resist curly bob for males. Thank you so much!

Sims 2 Hair / Re: Animated - Nouk's 'Anime' hair rextextured
« on: Sep 19, 2010, 12:31PM »
Aw flip, how did that happen? It's fixed now.
And thank you. :3

Sims 2 Hair / Animated - Nouk's 'Anime' hair rextextured
« on: Sep 19, 2010, 11:22AM »

Figured I may put something here since I take so much goodies from this forum. All of Pooklet's natural colors are included, but I haven't done unnaturals yet. I'll only do a few of the unnaturals, so if you have any favorites, let me know. Elders have grey; each family has their own grey per Almighty Hat's hair binning method because I like order. Nouk's mesh is included and the poly count is 3264. Hah.


Nouk for the mesh, Pooklet for the textures, and mikelisryker for taking the pretty, pretty pictures.

Introductions / Greetings.
« on: Sep 19, 2010, 12:07AM »
Hopefully I won't lurk here as much as I do at GOS. ;D

Pages: [1]