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Happy birthday, UYS  :D
I come bearing an Apartment Life-dress made bottom only. It has all morphs and comes in five earthy colors namely beige, black, brown, grey and white.

Front and back:


Fat and preg.

The mesh is obviously included.

All credit goes to Maxis. All I did was to make the original dress-mesh separate and tweak the textures a bit.
I love these eyes to pieces and (like I've said many times before) they're the only set I use in my game. But I didn't think 91 was a high enough number of recolors, so I made 65 more  :)
They come in three variations: Custom, Geneticized and Geneticized and Townified. You can only have one of the sets in your game at one time (why would you want more than one, anyway?) or else your game might go KABOOM O_O



DOWNLOAD - Geneticized
DOWNLOAD - Geneticized and Townified

Texture: Jesstheex
Original texture: Mouseyblue
You have all rights to be proud, your re-texture is absolutely stunning :-* . And I don't know what you're talking about when you say that the pictures are a bit crappy - they're beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.
I started this project about two months ago thinking it was going to end up being huge. I havn't added to this set for a few weeks and thought it was time to release it. There are 14 new meshes included in this set inspired by IKEA's HEMNES-set.

IMPORTANT: All meshes are linked to the dresser for textures. DO NOT delete this file if you want the textures for the other objects to show up.

Click Here For A Bigger Picture.

List of all meshes:
3 Coffeetables
1 Crib
1 Desk
1 Dining Table
1 Doublebed
1 Dresser (MASTER-MESH)
1 One-tiled Dresser
3 Endtables
1 Mirror
1 Singlebed

+ Re-colors:


Last but not least I'd like to give a HUGE thank you to Ja for helping me with a) learning how to make objects the correct way and b) being there with smart sollutions whenever I failed. Thank you so much :D
When Rose released her 111-1 and 111-2 donation hairs I was looking forward to having both the female- and the male-version in my game. But as I've understood it no one actually planned to buy and share the male version. Since I really wanted it I descided to convert the female version myself and slapped Iosaur's gorgeous textures on the converted mesh 8)



Obervate that this mesh only works for children to elders. The original mesh worked the same way. The useless toddler-age has been removed from all files.

Original Mesh - Rosesims
Original Re-texture: Iosaur
Textures and Colors: Pooklet
I’ve loved these eyes ever since Jesstheex released them (I loved Mouseyblues originals too but sadly they didn’t fit my game :( ) and even thought about deleting my billion other eye-sets and stick to this one. But to do that I needed more than the fifty colors provided XD
Here I present to you thirty recolors of Jesstheex’s edits of Mouseyblue’s "Window Seat Eyes".



Download Eyes - Custom
Download Eyes - Geneticized

Mouseyblue for original eyes.
Jesstheex for edits.
Pooklet for sclera.
Those of you who were on GoS-chat earlier today probably heard me rant about my computer dying on me. I was kind of upset to say the least. Turns out though that my computer didn't die :D
I was so relieved. And that feeling of joy resulted in this skintone-set and a set of recolored eyes which will be uploaded very soon.
I used one of Pooklet's skintones as a base and mixed in some stuff by other creators. The lightest skintone is the same as the Pooklet-skin I started off with. I havn't edited the color on that one.
I mixed in some of Enayla's textures on the bodies because I like them :3

Faces (the models aren't wearing any makeup):



Download Custom
Download Geneticized
(All skintones except from the alien-version are geneticized. The alien version is included in both packages but, like I said, not geneticized.)

Pictures and Things / Re: Pet Pictures
Jul 28, 2010, 07:53PM
My cat had kittens a few weeks ago. Six of them to be exact. Here's Kaktus:

I made these a couple of weeks ago when I had just recently installed TS3 on my computer. I've already given up on TS3 (mostly because my computer can't handle the high settings and it looks like crap on the low ones.. which you will be able to notice when looking at my preview-pictures) but I thought someone else might have use for these simple sweaters.

And a picture from the CasUnitool to prove that I did spend time creating this and it should look good with high settings:

Download AF and TF

And I think that was it.. If you play TS3 I hope you enjoy :)
I was over at GoS-chat the other day and Kayleigh and FantasyRouge started discussing the new dress by Witheredlilies/Amaryll (can be found here. They thought it would look better with a different pair of shoes. I had nothing to do for the moment so I offered myself to change the shoes.

Kayleigh offered to do the morphs so all credit for those goes to her (she made the preg-morph and edited the fat-morph).
Now, several days, failures, long nights and angry swearings later I bring you five edits of Witheredlilies'/Amaryll's "Alice" dress.

(Sorry for HUGE pictures.)

"Alice" dress with wedges by Witheredlilies/Amaryll.

Download - Wedges

"Alice" dress with flats by Witheredlilies/Amaryll.

Download - Flats

"Alice" dress with Maxis blockfeet.

Download - Barefeet

"Alice" dress with Lianasims sneakers.

Download - Sneakers

"Alice" dress with my own boots.

These boots were made specifically for this edit (though, boots and dresses might not fit everyone's taste). Close-up of the texture:

Download - Boots

All sets comes in the ten original colors by Witheredlilies/Amaryll. Swatch:

Preview of the fat- and preg-morphs:

(Thank you so much, Kayleigh.)

- Dress - Witheredlilies/Amaryll
- Wedges and Flats - Witheredlilies/Amaryll
- Sneakers - Lianasims (mesh) and Capt-in (textures) (I'm not entirely sure if this is correct, though.)